People that are vaccinated still catching COVID afterward

It’s been a weird illness. I’ll have a day or two feeling fine, to the next absolutely miserable.

The first few days were pretty bad. My symptoms started last Thursday, but I didn’t get tested until Friday. I thought it was just a bad reaction to my first shot. Overall: The worst headaches I’ve ever had. I also have/had fever, chills, cough, and was even throwing up last week. Wouldn’t wish this on my worst enemy.

At least the last pour I had before this sickness was some EHT Four Grain.
Hope you feel better soon, brother!
No one ever said the vaccine had 100% efficacy....... Even so, it’s rare that one would catch C19 after being fully vaccinated

Im in the middle of having had my first shot and am ready for my second one.......

once I’m fully vaccinated I like my chances of living a normal life without getting sick from C 19.....

Don‘t be an extremist .........
I'm sure there are a lot of things that inspire confidence for the vaccines, but until I see some long term data that tells me people are not developing cancer or some sort of other consequences from the vaccine, I'm staying away.

This has happened before, you know...

And the above examples took much longer to develop and were run through trials of both short and long term effect studies before release.

Honestly, right now, rather have the virus than take that risk. I'm not an anti-vaccer by any stretch, but I'm not going to pump myself with this to fight a politically motivated virus that, when adjusted for pre-existing conditions, age, and a stark decrease in pneumonia and influenza cases over the past year, is similar to the common flu. Give me some long term effect studies that present good data that the vaccine is truly safe for long term health, and I'll be much more inclined to get it.
Yeah sounds like flu like symptoms. Nothing that would require hospital or trouble breathing etc
Congrats. You have two friends who are statistical oddities. Maybe you should play the lotto?
I have not read any studies or heard anything to indicate this is happening. We have had zero patients at MGH that have contracted COVID post vaccination, at least to my knowledge. There is more to this story that they aren't telling you.
More to the story? They have no reason to lie about this. They aren’t posting about on social media looking for attention or anything.

They felt like crap. Went to the doctor and got tested.

Scroll through through thread. A guy here replied in this thread. Same thing happened to him. Sounds like there will be others based on some of the links people have provided here. Won’t prevent catching Covid, but will hopefully prevent feeling awful and ending up in hospital
Before today I think my most controversial Bunker topic was Bo Nix will play good if we can get some transfer OTs.

I stand corrected.

Disclaimer: I have zero hot takes on the vaccine. I got my first shot recently and will be getting 2nd one soon.

I find out not 1, but 2 people I know have Covid a month after getting vaccinated. This genuinely surprised me (as well as them).


“This can’t be true”

“Of course this is true. It’s common actually.”

“We’ve heard of no one catching it again”

“some study in Washington with a hundred people catching it after vaccination.”

“People will catch but hopefully this prevents them from getting worse”

*Oh. And one guy in this thread had this happen to him personally.

Flame away
More to the story? They have no reason to lie about this. They aren’t posting about on social media looking for attention or anything.

They felt like crap. Went to the doctor and got tested.

Scroll through through thread. A guy here replied in this thread. Same thing happened to him. Sounds like there will be others based on some of the links people have provided here. Won’t prevent catching Covid, but will hopefully prevent feeling awful and ending up in hospital

Yes, it will PREVENT 90% of the vaccinated from catching Covid. That is a fact.
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Before today I think my most controversial Bunker topic was Bo Nix will play good if we can get some transfer OTs.

I stand corrected.

Disclaimer: I have zero hot takes on the vaccine. I got my first shot recently and will be getting 2nd one soon.

I find out not 1, but 2 people I know have Covid a month after getting vaccinated. This genuinely surprised me (as well as them).


“This can’t be true”

“Of course this is true. It’s common actually.”

“We’ve heard of no one catching it again”

“People will catch but hopefully this prevents them from getting worse”

When I went to AU, they made us take Statistics. Of course, one shouldn’t need to take that course to understand it will protect 90% from getting Covid and 100% from being hospitalized or dead from Covid. Those are staggering numbers for a vaccine. It’s a God send.
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Before today I think my most controversial Bunker topic was Bo Nix will play good if we can get some transfer OTs.

I stand corrected.

Disclaimer: I have zero hot takes on the vaccine. I got my first shot recently and will be getting 2nd one soon.

I find out not 1, but 2 people I know have Covid a month after getting vaccinated. This genuinely surprised me (as well as them).


“This can’t be true”

“Of course this is true. It’s common actually.”

“We’ve heard of no one catching it again”

“some study in Washington with a hundred people catching it after vaccination.”

“People will catch but hopefully this prevents them from getting worse”

*Oh. And one guy in this thread had this happen to him personally.

Flame away
I thought it was strange you were getting attacked about this but then I remembered everybody thinks they’re an expert on covid especially the truthers from both sides. Yet again the bunker shows its ass. Smh

FTR I believe you and like I said this is a random and weird virus that nobody fully understands. Those that act like they do are full of shit
I thought it was strange you were getting attacked about this but then I remembered everybody thinks they’re an expert on covid especially the truthers from both sides. Yet again the bunker shows its ass. Smh

FTR I believe you and like I said this is a random and weird virus that nobody fully understands. Those that act like they do are full of shit

I spouted facts from studies that have been done. Next.
There’s a story about 100 people getting it post “vaccine” in Washington state. It’s because it’s not a vaccine - it’s experimental gene therapy. It merely acts to lessen the symptoms - something which cheap existing drugs like ivermectin already did.
Thats what a vaccine is... a vaccine technically doesnt have to be a weakened version of the virus. What this shot is doing certianlly fits the definition of a vaccine, just in a different way than we are used to
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This thread..
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Many people, like you (imo), aren't listening to him. Many are. You, imo, are going to do what you want regardless of what he says. Do you, man.

why would anyone listen to byedone ? If you did listen, how in the hell can you understand what he says ?

I personally don't pay attention to dementia==that would be a recipe for disaster !
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There are studies which suggest that yes it could. It causes a hyperimmoresponse to future covid type viruses and lung damage.

Geez man, do you even get what you're posting here?

You're cherry-picking an obscure study on another subject from 8 years ago (not SARS-CoV-2) and are attributing things to the current vaccine that apply to make it sound scary. It's not. It's a different platform for delivery and antivax nuts are misinterpreting the results. You've either falling for it hook, line, and sinker or propagating because you believe this garbage.

Then you somehow manage to conflate that with the Aztrazeneca vaccine, which has nothing to do with the first article you posted, but moreover, cannot be compared to the three vaccines approved under the EUA here in the US. What's so goofy about this approach you're using is that you're hyping something that is a fart in a tornado in terms of serious concerns. The clotting issue is beyond in around 40 cases in 10,000,000 doses administered - a 0.0004% incident rate. If I was going to complain about the AZ vaccine, I'd have pointed out the cluster***k of their clinical trial and data presentation. Pfizer, Moderna and J&J did their work properly. Their trials were well-designed and the data gathering impeccable. So the FDA issued the EUAs for them. And the FDA is holding off on the AZ vaccine for the same reason. They're doing their job like they are supposed to and waiting until AZ gets proper clinical trials completed that can confidently demonstrate safety and efficacy.

You really need to stop with this nonsense.
Everyone realizes that the flu vaccine is anywhere from 40-60% effective annually right? Vaccines aren't 100% effective. That's why more people getting them is better because it builds herd immunity. But the covid vaccines are actually some of the most effective in history. And precisely 0 people have died after being vaccinated. That's the big one. I don't think there are any cases of hospitalization from covid after being vaccinated either.
The stats about hospitalization and death are interesting to me. The flu “vaccine” does not have the same effect. It’s almost as if the MRNA technology is as much a therapeutic as it is a vaccine.
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You are incorrect - again - even the WHO’s data supports a significant decrease in symptoms and fatalities from its use. You should post less - but go ahead take your experimental vaccine - maybe you won’t die from it one day when unforeseen reactions occur from future viruses.

Here's the dumbest thing I've read all week.
Geez man, do you even get what you're posting here?

You're cherry-picking an obscure study on another subject from 8 years ago (not SARS-CoV-2) and are attributing things to the current vaccine that apply to make it sound scary. It's not. It's a different platform for delivery and antivax nuts are misinterpreting the results. You've either falling for it hook, line, and sinker or propagating because you believe this garbage.

Then you somehow manage to conflate that with the Aztrazeneca vaccine, which has nothing to do with the first article you posted, but moreover, cannot be compared to the three vaccines approved under the EUA here in the US. What's so goofy about this approach you're using is that you're hyping something that is a fart in a tornado in terms of serious concerns. The clotting issue is beyond in around 40 cases in 10,000,000 doses administered - a 0.0004% incident rate. If I was going to complain about the AZ vaccine, I'd have pointed out the cluster***k of their clinical trial and data presentation. Pfizer, Moderna and J&J did their work properly. Their trials were well-designed and the data gathering impeccable. So the FDA issued the EUAs for them. And the FDA is holding off on the AZ vaccine for the same reason. They're doing their job like they are supposed to and waiting until AZ gets proper clinical trials completed that can confidently demonstrate safety and efficacy.

You really need to stop with this nonsense.
I will not - take your experimental vaccine - I will not. I’m not anti-vaccine as you defame me. I’ve had all the traditional vaccines - including the flu vaccine this year - these are very different and the long term consequences are not known. Nothing you can say can contradict that. Calling me names, etc. pointless. Perhaps they will be safe - perhaps not. I hope they pan out but to say with definite authority they are safe is not truthful. I’ll take my chances with the covid virus and it’s 99.995% survival rate for my risk category.
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Honestly, I can't believe we're this far along and still have people pushing this horseshit from Dr. YouTube and Nurse Facebook. It's maddening.
Indeed. Without fail, every COVID thread brings out the nuts who get their medical advice from quacks on social media. 565k+ Americans have died from COVID. It's unreal we still have people desperately trying to claim this crisis was overblown. We are incredibly fortunate that multiple highly effective vaccines were developed in record time and we are now on track to ending this crisis. Those who are sick of the mitigation efforts should be the first ones in line to get the vaccine.
At this point I’m not even trying to convince him anymore. I’m just responding so he doesn’t lead other people down his path of fanciful bullshit.
Good job debunking this nonsense. Thousands of people read this board. The hoaxer/anti-vax nuts are putting countless people's well being at-risk by spreading their misinformation. 100 million+ Americans have been vaccinated at this point and the vaccine has proven to be safe and highly effective. All of this nonsense about how its a dangerous experimental vaccine that should have been studied for a long time before being distributed is unfathomably dumb. 565k+ have already died and we would have certainly been well in excess of a million if we decided to study the vaccine for a year to make sure there are no long term side effects before widely distributing it. The medical community understands how this vaccine works and they have zero concern over the possibility that serious side effects will manifest months after vaccination.
I will not - take your experimental vaccine - I will not. I’m not anti-vaccine as you defame me. I’ve had all the traditional vaccines - including the flu vaccine this year - these are very different and the long term consequences are not known. Nothing you can say can contradict that. Calling me names, etc. pointless. Perhaps they will be safe - perhaps not. I hope they pan out but to say with definite authority they are safe is not truthful. I’ll take my chances with the covid virus and it’s 99.995% survival rate for my risk category.

You don't have to be generally anti-vax to tote their water and spread their misinformation. The net effect is the same regardless. Had you simply taken the position that you wanted to wait longer for more possible side effects to have time to emerge, that would be one thing. But instead you've been linking to quacks, misinterpreting data, and making standard anti-vax unscientific scare mongering arguments.

I can't say I don't care if you get the vaccine or not. I hope at some point you do come around instead of taking your chances. But you're one guy. For every one of you spreading unfactual garbage about it, there are probably dozens of people lurking on this thread but not commenting, trying to figure out what to do. So like I said before, my rebuttals to this goofy stuff you keep posting is really about those folks - so that terrible anti-vax propaganda against these COVID vaccines don't cause them to just "take their chances" with a disease we know hospitalizes and kills.
if you are even remotely healthy, getting COVID will not cause you to die or be on a vent.

Completely agree on the variants. For those taking the current vaccination, it doesn't protect against any variant of COVID, in fact, it weakens the immune system (the one that is naturally built to fight these diseases).
This is totally false. The Johnson and Johnson shot has show to be effective against variants much more so that the two shot vaccines.
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You don't have to be generally anti-vax to tote their water and spread their misinformation. The net effect is the same regardless. Had you simply taken the position that you wanted to wait longer for more possible side effects to have time to emerge, that would be one thing. But instead you've been linking to quacks, misinterpreting data, and making standard anti-vax unscientific scare mongering arguments.

I can't say I don't care if you get the vaccine or not. I hope at some point you do come around instead of taking your chances. But you're one guy. For every one of you spreading unfactual garbage about it, there are probably dozens of people lurking on this thread but not commenting, trying to figure out what to do. So like I said before, my rebuttals to this goofy stuff you keep posting is really about those folks - so that terrible anti-vax propaganda against these COVID vaccines don't cause them to just "take their chances" with a disease we know hospitalizes and kills.
It’s not unfactual garbage. Its not propaganda. It’s a reasoned opinion based on informed medical opinions and research. There are medical doctors who carry the same. There is a reason there are no covid type virus vaccines in existence prior to now. The science behind the creation of these is new for vaccine purposes - that is undisputed. The long term consequences are unknown. That is undisputed. Having a one size fits all approach for the entire world or country is nonsense in my opinion. You can certainly disagree. It’s currently still a free country.

There are risks associated with this vaccine - just like there are with not getting it. There are people who do not need or should not take the vaccine. People should be allowed to read what is out there and come to their own decision about whether to take it or not.
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It’s not unfactual garbage. Its not propaganda.

It is 100% hot garbage. Even when you have facts, you're twisting, misapplying or misinterpreting them.

It’s a reasoned opinion based on informed medical opinions and research. There are medical doctors who carry the same. There is a reason there are no covid type virus vaccines in existence prior to now. The science behind the creation of these is new for vaccine purposes - that is undisputed.

No it isn't. The science behind mRNA is almost 40 years in the making, the last 20 years in earnest. Had the original SARS (and MERS) not receded so quickly, they likely would have come along sooner. It's a blatant lie to push false messaging that this is brand new stuff that came along only because of COVID-19.

The long term consequences are unknown. That is undisputed. Having a one size fits all approach for the entire world or country is nonsense in my opinion. You can certainly disagree. It’s currently still a free country.

The long term consequences of COVID are unknown. And we have plenty of evidence showing that other than the obvious fact of exponentially higher rates of death and hospitalization compared to anything we've seen with the vaccine, that even people who recover are suffering ongoing health issues from it. You can literally play this "we don't know what the effects are" game with anything. But what you can't do is point to anything that suggests it's a thing to be seriously worrying about right now.

There are risks associated with this vaccine - just like there are with not getting it. There are people who do not need or should not take the vaccine. People should be allowed to read what is out there and come to their own decision about whether to take it or not.

Yes, they should be able to read. But they shouldn't have facts and data twisted, manipulated, misapplied, misinterpreted and misassociated such that they are mislead about what the truth is. That's what you and this anti-vax propaganda you keep foisting on everyone is doing. Far from advocating for censorship here, I'm rebutting the bullshit for all to see.
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The whole article is good stuff, but the bullet points at the end are a virtual "Here's how overman185 is wrong" treatise. In the "What are they (the anti COVID vaccine folks) saying" section at the end:

What are they saying?
  • That steps were skipped in developing and authorizing the vaccines: It’s true that the vaccines reached the market in record time, but that’s not because any testing steps were skipped. Companies sped up the process by performing some testing steps in parallel, and, in the case of Moderna’s vaccine, the U.S. government took financial risks by paying to gear up manufacturing before results were in.

  • The vaccines have never been approved by the FDA: That’s true in the sense that the agency has given only emergency-use authorization so far. This is a pre-existing mechanism created to speed access to medical countermeasures in the event of a public health emergency such as the Covid pandemic. The FDA established in advance that to win authorization, Covid vaccines had to prove to be at least 50% effective in preventing illness in large-scale trials and had to demonstrate safety with two months’ of follow-up data on trial participants. Also, the vaccines were vetted by a panel of independent advisers. Both Moderna and Pfizer have said they plan to apply for regular approval for the vaccines this year.

  • Critics have taken to labeling mRNA vaccines a form of gene therapy, insinuating that the shots might somehow alter your DNA: They don’t. While the messenger RNA they employ is a type of genetic material, the vaccines differ from what is typically thought of as gene therapy in that they do not change the DNA inside cells. “They do not affect or interact with our DNA in any way,” the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention explains. In fact, mRNA molecules in the vaccines, which are short-lived, don’t enter the nucleus of cells, where DNA is stored, the CDC notes.

  • That the lipid nanoparticles in the vaccines may contain antifreeze: That’s not true. Antifreeze contains ethylene glycol, which is toxic. The lipid nanoparticles instead include polyethylene glycol, an inert compound found in everyday products like toothpaste and shampoo and in many drugs including laxatives.

  • That the vaccines can cause antibody-dependent enhancement, or a worse case of disease in those who become sick despite inoculation: This was a theoretical concern when testing of Covid vaccines began. There were hints of this problem in animal studies of some vaccines for severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS), which is caused by a coronavirus related to SARS-CoV-2. However, no indication of this emerged in human trials of mRNA vaccines for Covid, according to Stanley Perlman, a coronavirus researcher at the University of Iowa, who served on the FDA advisory panel that reviewed the vaccines.

  • That we don’t know the long-term effects of the vaccines: That’s always the case with new vaccines. But vaccine side effects usually show up within the first couple of months after vaccination, which is why the FDA insisted on two months of safety data before authorizing them. Adverse event reports since then have not detected patterns of death that would indicate a problem with the vaccines, the CDC says.

  • That there are more adverse event reports for Covid vaccines than there have been for influenza vaccines: That’s not an appropriate or meaningful comparison, says Aaron Kesselheim, a professor of medicine at Harvard Medical School. The number of these reports tends to surge when a treatment or vaccine is in the news, and nothing has been more in the headlines than Covid vaccines. In the U.S., these reports can be filed by anyone and don’t constitute confirmation that a vaccine caused an adverse event. Given the large numbers being inoculated, some unlucky people will get sick and even die shortly after getting shots, regardless of the vaccine.
Further reading on the "long-term effects" concern:

Feature Article: Long-term Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccine? What We Know.

Since COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are new, some people have asked about their effects on those who take them. Short-term side effects (i.e., those that happen in the days after a vaccine has been given) are readily apparent because of clinical trial reports and personal experiences, but people also wonder about possible long-term effects of these vaccines. To answer this question, scientists study the available evidence, and while the rules of science do not allow scientists to say that long-term effects can never happen, the evidence is strong that mRNA vaccines will not cause long-term harm.

The evidence
Vaccine history

The history of vaccines shows that delayed effects following vaccination can occur. But when they do, these effects tend to happen within two months of vaccination:

  • Oral polio vaccine — About 1 in 2.4 million recipients of the oral polio vaccine, which is no longer used in the U.S., were paralyzed following vaccination when the vaccine virus reverted to “wild type” poliovirus. This happened when genetic changes to weaken the virus in the lab were lost during viral replication in the vaccine recipient. Paralysis occurred about seven to 30 days (one to four weeks) after vaccination. Because vaccine recipients “shed” the virus in their stools, on occasion, contacts of these people would be paralyzed when they were infected, and the genetic reversion occurred in them. This secondary event could happen up to 60 days (eight to nine weeks) after the first person was vaccinated (because it took time for the virus to spread to the next person).

  • Yellow fever vaccine— The yellow fever vaccine is not routinely recommended in the U.S., but it is required for travel to certain countries. Two delayed negative effects have been detected after receipt of this vaccine:
    • Nervous system involvement — This effect causes swelling of the brain or spinal cord. It occurred most often when infants younger than 6 months of age received this vaccine, which is why this group is not recommended to get the vaccine. It can also happen, albeit less frequently, in those older than 6 months of age who receive the vaccine. When this happens, the average time between receipt of the vaccine and symptom onset is two weeks, with the range up to three weeks.

    • Viscerotropic disease — This condition is characterized by multisystem organ failure. Yellow fever infection can also cause multisystem organ failure. This adverse event happened so infrequently that it was not described until the early 2000s. In this situation, vaccine virus replicates and spreads throughout the body; onset occurs less than one week after vaccination, most often, occurring about three days after receipt of the vaccine.
  • Influenza vaccine— Two severe adverse events associated with influenza vaccine are also instructive:
    • A 1976 swine influenza vaccine was identified as a rare cause of Guillain-Barré Syndrome (GBS), an ascending paralysis that can involve the muscles of breathing; however, subsequent studies have not found flu vaccines to be a cause of GBS. In contrast, influenza infection is also a cause of GBS. GBS occurs 17 times more frequently after natural infection than vaccination. Almost all cases following vaccination occurred in the eight weeks after receipt of the vaccine.

    • In 2009, during the H1N1 pandemic, one influenza vaccine used in Finland was found to cause narcolepsy in about 1 in 55,000 vaccine recipients. Narcolepsy is a sleep disorder characterized by excessive fatigue and periods of sleep throughout the day. Despite various influenza vaccines used during the pandemic, only one caused this issue, which was believed to have resulted from the way that particular vaccine was made. The average onset of symptoms occurred within seven weeks of vaccination.
  • MMR vaccine — About 1 of 30,000 recipients of measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine can experience a temporary decrease in platelets; a condition called thrombocytopenia. Platelets are the cells responsible for clotting of blood. Both measles and mumps infections can cause thrombocytopenia. This condition is most often found between one and three weeks after vaccination, but in a few cases, it occurred up to eight weeks after vaccination.
These experiences demonstrate two important findings. First, when these events occurred, the onset was within eight weeks of receipt of the vaccine. Second, in all of these cases, except narcolepsy following H1N1 vaccine, the side effect of the vaccine was something that could be caused by the infection, meaning that getting infected with the virus also carried a risk of experiencing these outcomes. In the narcolepsy experience, the cause was determined to be related to the adjuvant used in that preparation of vaccine.

Regardless, this history humbles vaccine scientists. They know that they hold people’s lives in their hands. As stated by Dr. Maurice Hilleman, perhaps the most prolific vaccine scientist in history, “I never breathe a sigh of relief until the first few million doses are out there,” (Personal communication, Paul Offit, 2004). For this reason, scientists and public health officials carefully analyze and continually monitor the data related to every vaccine before, during and after it becomes available.

mRNA vaccine
Even with this history in mind, some reasonably wonder about the mRNA vaccines because they have not previously been approved for use in people. But here, too, we can be confident in what we know:

  • Although COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are new, this type of vaccine has been studied in people before. mRNA vaccines against HIV, rabies, Zika and flu have been tested in phase 1 and phase 2 trials in people. The technology has also been used in clinical trials as a way to treat some cancers. Even though these products have not been licensed for use in people, these efforts provided important information about mRNA technology and its safety.

  • mRNA is made and used in protein production in all cells of our bodies. As such, cells have mechanisms in place to ensure that no protein is made in quantities greater than needed. One way this happens is that mRNA has a “poly(A) tail.” In the cytoplasm, this tail ensures mRNA decay. As the mRNA is used to make proteins in the cell, the length of the poly(A) tail decreases, until it is too short for the mRNA to continue being used as a protein blueprint. Once this happens, the mRNA breaks down and is removed as cellular debris. This process limits how long mRNA remains in the cytoplasm — and, therefore, how much protein is produced.

    As such, poly(A) tails ensure that the cell breaks down the vaccine mRNA in a timely manner. Likewise, this understanding allows scientists to design vaccine-delivered mRNA in a way that ensures it does not stay in the cell longer than needed to generate immunity.

  • Because of the knowledge gained with other vaccines, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) required companies making COVID-19 vaccines to follow trial participants for a minimum of eight weeks before they could submit their data for approval. Likewise, the participants in the mRNA vaccine trials continue to be followed even though the vaccines have been approved for use.
The misinformation
While concerns about long-term effects of vaccines are legitimate, it is important to be aware that the organized anti-vaccine industry has targeted this issue as a way to sow doubt and confusion about COVID-19 vaccines. According to the Center for Countering Digital Hate, professional anti-vaccine activists organized a meeting in the fall of 2020 to create messaging that would decrease acceptance of COVID-19 vaccines once available. These organized efforts aim to move people to extreme positions about vaccines — that is to say, from having legitimate questions about vaccines to becoming “anti-vaccine,” refusing all vaccines and believing conspiracy theories and false narratives. In some cases, individuals in these groups do not believe the science, and in other cases, they are seeking to profit from this hesitancy by encouraging the use of other products to “protect” against COVID-19.

With this in mind, we recommend carefully vetting sources of information, and the statements they are making, to ensure that you are getting answers from reliable sources. Find out more about evaluating information and recognizing false narratives using these tools:

Watch this short video of Dr. Offit discussing, "What Are the Long-term Side Effects of COVID-19 Vaccine?

In Washington state several have died after being fully vaccinated from catching it. There was an article about it Wednesday on yahoo news.

Not exactly. First, in Washington State, out of 1.2 million fully vaccinated people, 102 individuals in that group contracted COVID anyway. That's a rate of 0.0085%. Considering that the vaccine data says its efficacy rate is in the mid 90% range and infection rates are in the 90% range as well, that's miniscule.

Second, several have not died. Most experienced mild symptoms, whic.h is something the vaccine was known to do quite well - prevent severe illness and symptoms. Only eight people ended up hospitalized. Two died - and both were in the 80s and had other underlying health conditions.

94% efficacy means that 6% could get infected. I'll take my chances as I have already had both Moderna shots and I am over 2 weeks out from my 2nd one. No f'ing face mask for me anymore.
It is 100% hot garbage. Even when you have facts, you're twisting, misapplying or misinterpreting them.

No it isn't. The science behind mRNA is almost 40 years in the making, the last 20 years in earnest. Had the original SARS (and MERS) not receded so quickly, they likely would have come along sooner. It's a blatant lie to push false messaging that this is brand new stuff that came along only because of COVID-19.

The long term consequences of COVID are unknown. And we have plenty of evidence showing that other than the obvious fact of exponentially higher rates of death and hospitalization compared to anything we've seen with the vaccine, that even people who recover are suffering ongoing health issues from it. You can literally play this "we don't know what the effects are" game with anything. But what you can't do is point to anything that suggests it's a thing to be seriously worrying about right now.

Yes, they should be able to read. But they shouldn't have facts and data twisted, manipulated, misapplied, misinterpreted and misassociated such that they are mislead about what the truth is. That's what you and this anti-vax propaganda you keep foisting on everyone is doing. Far from advocating for censorship here, I'm rebutting the bullshit for all to see.
You are wrong. These are the first vaccines of this nature to go this far.

You will not stop me. You have inspired me. I will only post more of the truth. You cannot bully me. You do not scare me. I trust the medical sources I read and will tell all far and wide. Thank you for the inspiration. The more you protest - the more I am convinced the truth is on my side.
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I will not - take your experimental vaccine - I will not. I’m not anti-vaccine as you defame me. I’ve had all the traditional vaccines - including the flu vaccine this year - these are very different and the long term consequences are not known. Nothing you can say can contradict that. Calling me names, etc. pointless. Perhaps they will be safe - perhaps not. I hope they pan out but to say with definite authority they are safe is not truthful. I’ll take my chances with the covid virus and it’s 99.995% survival rate for my risk category.

He pointed out your links were bs. You’re better off at just saying we don’t know the long term effects. Stop trying to act like there is info out there that indicates there will be any long term effects. It’s desperation.
You are wrong. These are the first vaccines of this nature to go this far.

You will not stop me. You have inspired me. I will only post more of the truth. You cannot bully me. You do not scare me. I trust the medical sources I read and will tell all far and wide. Thank you for the inspiration. The more you protest - the more I am convinced the truth is on my side.

Lol. You’re a nut. There is no serious medical info out there that leads anybody credible to believe there will be long term effects. You are much more likely to die or be hospitalized from Covid and have long term effects from Covid than this vaccine.