FOOTBALL Monday musings...

Interesting. Thanks JGT.

maybe this will lead to people dropping the Harsin anti-vax rhetoric
The only thing that will cause people to drop the Harsin anti-vax rhetoric is the knowledge that he himself is vaccinated and has encouraged players to do so.

Not saying that's right or fair, but I think it's true.
So are Saban and Kirby being political by advocating vaccination and successfully convincing their team to get vaxxed? You clearly view that as political but that does not change the negative optics of the way this has gone down with Harsin. Dodging the question at media days is political on his part in my view. He is a major public figure during a pandemic which was had a huge impact and will continue to have a huge impact on the very sport he coaches. Not answering the question is a weak dodge in my opinion. If he is encouraging players to get vaxxed but has not done it himself then that is another failure of leadership (not saying he has or has not).

Criticism of Harsin is completely warranted in this case. Honestly, it is the most JABA thing ever. The big boys of college football are moving on from this shit while we sit around and talk about conspiracy theories, "my body my choice", and look like ass clowns. Bear Bryant is somewhere laughing his ass off right now and saying "typical".

Or perhaps it is a COVID witch hunt because he didn't say things how you wanted?
What if our starting QB is adamant about not taking it? Should Harsin make a separate statement about some players and not others?

Per our respected leader on here (and I do respect him)...

Until this thread, I honestly didn’t realize this was a talking point at all. Harsin has been an encouraging figure throughout.
yea i dont see Harsin forcing our star player in Bigsby going over well for a coach in year 1 trying to win over his players.... people comparing auburns situation to bama/georgia/or even lane kiffin at ole miss are just a tad bit off....
The @BryanMatthews 's here know what real leaders are and look like croc.
He has encouraged players to get the vaccine.
So what is the point in BMatt's hit piece then? What does BMatt want Harsin to do? Force everyone to get the vax? It's a medical decision. Harsin has encouraged the vax, provided med Dr(s) to speak, vax education, etc. It's a personal medical decision.

We're seeing many many fully vaxed ppl getting covid right now. So there could be a Covid outbreak if the team is vax or not. Covid vax doesn't prevent getting covid, transmitting and testing positive. So, I don't understand the 'musing' logic.

*I'm fully vaxed btw.
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I would send my son to Auburn. University is the opposite of real america. Nobody in the real world cares about dying from covid. If they do they can get the vaccine. Nothing else. Nothing for me to do, no encroaching on my freedom. Just a simple vaccine. If it works, there's nothing else to discuss. You go get it if you want it. His stance on the vaccine is the one thing I like about coach so far.
Are you this out of touch with reality in all aspects of your life?

It does work, and yet we are all still talking about it
Are you this out of touch with reality in all aspects of your life?

It does work, and yet we are all still talking about it
I think the people on a college campus are the ones out of touch. You know they have tampons in the men's restrooms in certain places like Wisconsin or Kentucky. Those are the people that want to control your life. You can't say the trigger words or go in the safe space if you're white. It's liberal bs. This isnt California or new York. People don't care about covid in the REAL WORLD.
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I would rather risk my chances with the virus than the vaccine. I understand the consequences. I'm not an epidemiologist, but even if I were, what would I really know? There isn't a single scientist in the world that can confirm or deny anything regarding covid. It hasn't been isolated. You can't look through a microscope and show me because you don't know and your doctor doesn't know.
I have no issue with you preferring to risk your chances with the virus vs getting the shot. It's the dumbass shit about sterilization and population control and killing unborn children and declaring certain death in 3-5 years that makes you look like a gotdam ignoramus.... Especially when your recurring argument against the current recommendations from doctors and scientists is that nothing can be confirmed or denied and regardless of their intimate involvement in fighting the virus NOBODY really knows a damn thing. If that's the case, then the loony toons helping you form your opinion don't know a damn thing either.
So what is the point in BMatt's hit piece then? What does BMatt want Harsin to do? Force teveryone to get the vax? It's a medical decision and a free country ya know. Harsin has encouraged the vax, provided med Dr(s) to speak, vax education, etc. It's a personal medical decision.

We're seeing many many fully vaxed ppl getting covid. So there could be a Covid outbreak if the team is vax or not. Covid vax doesn't prevent getting covid, transmitting and testing positive.

*I'm fully vaxed btw.
Been asking this for over an hour with no answer.
I think the people on a college campus are the ones out of touch. You know they have tampons in the men's restrooms in certain places like Wisconsin or Kentucky. Those are the people that want to control your life. You can't say the trigger words or go in the safe space if you're white. It's liberal bs. This isnt California or new York. People don't care about covid in the REAL WORLD.
You just answered my question. Thanks. Drive on, Ranger
I have no issue with you preferring to risk your chances with the virus vs getting the shot. It's the dumbass shit about sterilization and population control and killing unborn children and declaring certain death in 3-5 years that makes you look like a gotdam ignoramus.... Especially when your recurring argument against the current recommendations from doctors and scientists is that nothing can be confirmed or denied and regardless of their intimate involvement in fighting the virus NOBODY really knows a damn thing. If that's the case, then the loony toons helping you form your opinion don't know a damn thing either.
Yes they do. The media knows nothing about it, the doctor brave enough to speak out can warn you and you should listen.
Hold up... I just said this PARTICULAR MUSING sucked... lettuce not get diz perzonal... paging @Docdumpsta ... we all know hiz azz would last simply fo da DONGZ viewing... @Mikecb22
oh i aint makin it personal JR!!! bmatt is good at his job (which is gettin clicks and stirrin up shit)!! im just sayin his job aint to be a leader in the lockerroom!! (thank tha lawd) if the bunker were a lockerroom, BMATT sure as hayul wouldnt be the coach. maybe like a jhead or a clemente could keep everyone unified probably
lol yes. You're so unique in your delusions. There aren't millions just like you or anything.
It doesn't matter if it's millions or dozens, the point stands. The vaccine doesn't work and it can kill you. Women have miscarriages. Tell me why they're forcing it so hard. Anyone wanting me to do something that bad is up to no good. What could the reason be? To save lives? Then why won't they make a real mask mandate? And not just fabric, something that's proven to work. It's not about wearing a mask that will prevent spread, it's just about wearing a mask because they said so. It's control.
Kinda wild to me that the argument is give these kids the vaccine so they can play football, when they’re quite possibly the least likely segment of the populous to die from this virus. You don’t care about their health - as this age group is more likely to have issues from the vaccine than the virus - you want to win games. Pretty sick.
C'mon - that is a intellectually dishonest interpretation of what BMatt said. He laid out clearly what the disadvantages were/are.
I disagree...there are 4 or 5 massive issues that will impact this team in 2021 before the head coach having Covid and not being a vocal proponent of vaccinations is even discussed.
It doesn't matter if it's millions or dozens, the point stands. The vaccine doesn't work and it can kill you. Women have miscarriages. Tell me why they're forcing it so hard. Anyone wanting me to do something that bad is up to no good. What could the reason be? To save lives? Then why won't they make a real mask mandate? And not just fabric, something that's proven to work. It's not about wearing a mask that will prevent spread, it's just about wearing a mask because they said so. It's control.
What in the hell are you talking about?
Word. I get what you’re saying. I took both Pfizer shots the first day I was eligible and I’ll be taking the booster ASAP. In the spirit of full disclosure.
Why is a big deal? Serious question...what exactly can't Harsin do via Zoom and other methods in 2021 that he couldn't on the field during practice? We act like it's 1920 and telephones don't exist, or the entire country hasn't used Zoom and other conference call methods to communicate.
Oh - well why in hell did he move here, then? He could have stayed out west with his entire social and family structure and just zoomed in every day.

Has Gus’s time here conditioned people to actually believe that the head coach is just a CEO? Gus was not a quality on-the-field HC. By all accounts so far, BH is. He needs to be there.
Auburn creates its own competitive disadvantage, Bruce Pearl doing his thing and livin’ a teenage dream...

If something incredible like us losing to Akron were to happen due to so many players out with Covid, you would suddenly see a lot of these 'easy going" or anti Vac people up in arms because of Harsin's neglegence. Just saying how weird people are.
Pretty easily, it's all part of him not making it a point of emphasis in his program compared to Auburn's rivals. How many other head coaches are sitting at home during fall camp right now? Also, this is about the entire season, not just the first two games. If AU doesn't have an outbreak during the season, that would be great. But he's put Auburn in the position of having a higher chance of an outbreak compared to its rivals.

Do you have personal knowledge of what Coach Harsin and his staff, including the medical staff, has emphasized to the team about vaccinations? I believe this Monday Musing and the piece are based on a number of assumptions. They may or may not be true, but the criticism is disappointing if you lack personal knowledge of the communications to the team from Harsin, staff, and AU's medical team. It may be that Harsin and the medical staff have made it a point of emphasis and a number of the AU players have made a personal decision to not get the vaccination because they have already had COVID or for other reasons.
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If something incredible like us losing to Akron were to happen due to so many players out with Covid, you would suddenly see a lot of these 'easy going" or anti Vac people up in arms because of Harsin's neglegence. Just saying how weird people are.
I would be upset we lost games, I wouldn't be concerned over anyone's health. I would be even madder at the democrats than I am day to day over murdering babies and spreading abominable ideology.
Pretty easily, it's all part of him not making it a point of emphasis in his program compared to Auburn's rivals. How many other head coaches are sitting at home during fall camp right now? Also, this is about the entire season, not just the first two games. If AU doesn't have an outbreak during the season, that would be great. But he's put Auburn in the position of having a higher chance of an outbreak compared to its rivals.
The only major study that has been performed (7,700 people)....shows if you've been infected, there is a less chance of getting covid the 2nd time, than if you had the vaccine. Not my opinion, this is the science. The CDC and labcoat Faucci don't want to acknowledge it......but that's not a suprise.
AL had Saban "sit out " practices and a GAME................not a big deal. Coaches can view everything they need to do,'s not like they are unable tosee what's going on. This isn't 1969. The crying, wallering around on the ground moaning, sayng that this is "going to hurt AU", is rediculous. It makes about as much sense as the healthy people who sheltered in place, didn't go to work, and help kill the US economy when it first hit. The US's is still feeling the stupidity of all of that, as many will still not go back to work, because they are lazy.
AUBURN will not forfeit a football game this year.........just like last year. This, "AU might forfeit a game due to their vaccination rate" is just more pandering to the people who still think we should shelter n place and shut everything down (plz note, now "labcoat" tells us we should take a 3rd vaccine you want to bet he'll say we need a fourth?).
If someone cares about how AU's football team will do this year, they should focus on whether the OT's can block efficiently, and if there are major/important injuries.
The only players that will be tested every week, are those that have not been vaccinated. Those that have had covid, don't stand much of a chance of being infected again, in the coming months.
If people were REALLY worried about "spreading the virus", then EVERY player would be tested, every single week. Under the ignorant decree from Sankey....players from a team over 85%, will be spreading the virus left and right, due to players being infected, and nobody being tested.....while they mingle with, and spread the virus during competition.
We were told that the current administration would "do a better job, and end covid"....yet, with a vaccine, and more and better ways to treat covid, and knowing more about it....there have been 226,407 people die from covid, in right over 7 months.
Thank God Almighty that AU doesn't have a coach and Athletic Dept., forcing student athletes to take a vaccine that NOT ONE PERSON ON THIS PLANET, knows the LT effects. Not one. Healthy people that are 18-24, should not take the vaccine. They are not in any danger. People like Bro Hamm and Manning should take it, but be monitored with extreme care, due to their prior health problems.
I'm guessing the "outcry" will be very loud (you know it won't. because it will be pushed under the rug), when some student athletes die from the vaccine, causing heart problems?
Or perhaps it is a COVID witch hunt because he didn't say things how you wanted?
What if our starting QB is adamant about not taking it? Should Harsin make a separate statement about some players and not others?

Per our respected leader on here (and I do respect him)...

Until this thread, I honestly didn’t realize this was a talking point at all. Harsin has been an encouraging figure throughout.
This is such bullshit. A witch hunt? COVID has been the dominant topic in the world for 20 months now, impacting last season, attendance, and even results of games. Harsin should not be commenting on individual players decisions and he has not. But he should be commenting on his own situation. You honestly cant say that there were not better ways for him to handle this. His main competitor is doing public service announcements encouraging people across the state to get vaxxed. You agree with his politics on this which is fine, but that does not change the fact that he has put this program at a competitive disadvantage with his approach. That's great in f'ing Idaho but he is playing with the big boys now. Just like that state of AL, he bet on COVID is over and he lost. And we like to think of Auburn as a world class research institution... research into what exactly? If Bo Nix is anti-vax, that would make all the sense in the world. He can go 4-6 and lose his job at QB but he will always have his freedom to choose. I assume he is not a Biology major.
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I would be upset we lost games, I wouldn't be concerned over anyone's health. I would be even madder at the democrats than I am day to day over murdering babies and spreading abominable ideology.
The libs will say, "oh, that's different! It's not a problem to vote for, support and fund.....people who slaughter babies in the womb." Then they'll be big tuff guys, and ban you and me.
Right afterwards, they'll try and tell you how loving and caring they are. That's just how they live.
It is a competitive disadvantage because my politics disagree with the head coach...that is what we are essentially saying here. I am vaccinated because for me it was the right thing to do and I knew certain events I wanted to attend this year were going to require it. I don't regret that decision and I think it is a good thing. But I am sick and tired of reading about this, I am sick and tired of people pushing this because anyone feels differently.

The competitive disadvantage with this team is in Orlando right now...the OL is a competitive disadvantage, the WRs are a competitive disadvantage, the QB position is a competitive disadvantage but we are going to continue to harp on the guy who has a different political affiliation. The only people talking about this are writers...not one coach is sitting in some kids home and saying "Well, did you see the Auburn vax statistics?" Those recruits don't care...they care about what happens on the field and what the school can do for their future.
I don't see anywhere in the article where BMatt wrote about politics, so I'm not sure where you got that.
What? You should see JayG's post before you spew misinformation.

You're right ... I don't know the specifics of Harsin's approach. I do know that, when asked at SEC Media Days, he was hand-wavy about it ... not knowing numbers, etc. That was why I described his attitude, *at SEC Media Days*, as lackadaisical.
This is such bullshit. A witch hunt? COVID has been the dominant topic in the world for 20 months now, impacting last season, attendance, and even results of games. Harsin should not be commenting on individual players decisions and he has not. But he should be commenting on his own situation. You honestly cant say that there were not better ways for him to handle this. His main competitor is doing public service announcements encouraging people across the state to get vaxxed. You agree with his politics on this which is fine, but that does not change the fact that he has put this program at a competitive disadvantage with his approach. That's great in f'ing Idaho but he is playing with the big boys now. Just like that state of AL, he bet on COVID is over and he lost. And we like to think of Auburn as a world class research institution... research into what exactly? If Bo Nix is anti-vax, that would make all the sense in the world. He can go 4-6 and lose his job at QB but he will always have his freedom to choose. I assume he is not a Biology major.
Spare us your, "competitive disadvantage" crap........AU won't forfeit any games......just like last year. And you're whining will be proven to be just that.....whining.
This is such bullshit. A witch hunt? COVID has been the dominant topic in the world for 20 months now, impacting last season, attendance, and even results of games. Harsin should not be commenting on individual players decisions and he has not. But he should be commenting on his own situation. You honestly cant say that there were not better ways for him to handle this. His main competitor is doing public service announcements encouraging people across the state to get vaxxed. You agree with his politics on this which is fine, but that does not change the fact that he has put this program at a competitive disadvantage with his approach. That's great in f'ing Idaho but he is playing with the big boys now. Just like that state of AL, he bet on COVID is over and he lost. And we like to think of Auburn as a world class research institution... research into what exactly? If Bo Nix is anti-vax, that would make all the sense in the world. He can go 4-6 and lose his job at QB but he will always have his freedom to choose. I assume he is not a Biology major.
Sounds like someone needs to step away from the keyboard and touch grass.
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I'm not one to push it on anyone, that's their choice. but the 80% of pregnancies failing after vaccine is just 100% a falsehood. My wife just had our baby and we researched plenty of sources beyond youtube videos. We also have 3 other friends who are vaccinated and just had successful deliveries as well.

You can add my wife and I to a successful delivery of our very happy, chunky baby boy! She was vaccinated at 6 months.
Auburn creates its own competitive disadvantage, Bruce Pearl doing his thing and livin’ a teenage dream...

"But he’s dropped the ball when it comes to COVID and vaccines."

The thing that bothers me about this article is you seemingly are unwilling to see that two things can be true at the same time.

1. Yes, this does potentially put Auburn at a competitive disadvantage.
2. Harsin has encouraged players to get the vaccine (acc'd to @Jay G. Tate post in this thread), but hasn't "forced" this upon players and wants them to make their own personal decisions.

I applaud Harsin for his stance. This is the individuals choice. My choice was to get vaccinated, for full disclosure - but saying that Harsin "dropped the ball" on this is absolutely false.

We all get to make our own choice on this, so why shouldn't the players?
You can add my wife and I to a successful delivery of our very happy, chunky baby boy! She was vaccinated at 6 months.
I wouldn't jinx it if I were you. Another goal with population control would be sterilization. Try to have another kid yourself, pray that one can have kids himself in about 20 or 30 years.

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