FOOTBALL Monday musings...

FDA approval with 42% effective rate in July. Not even to the seasonal surge in the Northern Hemisphere yet (read cold/flu season).

The shame and pressure that is coming from all angles now are absolutely embarrassing.
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There's someone at our office who won't get vaccinated because she "wants to have kids". Funny enough, she's also the lowest earner in her division.

do you know how ****ed up this is to say? what you earn has no indication on fertility. Glad you had a healthy baby but there are others that arent so lucky and have difficulty having children. If they desire not to put something in their body because they are wanting to stay clean then thats on the and not for you to judge.

some of you on BOTH sides need to step back and think about what you say and how you sound.
You sound rational so I'm falling in line now that you explained it so well.

Great point, whining about witch hunts is always rational. Harsin is in a tough spot on this one being the new guy in town but he has not made it any easier on himself. Gus created a big hole for AU and perception is reality in recruiting these days. CBH has enough perception challenges out of the gate since nobody know who the F he is in the South. I took that as the larger case BM was making in his piece, not a political statement as you inferred.
what you earn has no indication on fertility.
do you know how ****ed up this is to say? what you earn has no indication on fertility. Glad you had a healthy baby but there are others that arent so lucky and have difficulty having children. If they desire not to put something in their body because they are wanting to stay clean then thats on the and not for you to judge.

some of you on BOTH sides need to step back and think about what you say and how you sound.
THIS, all of this. My wife and I have unfortunately had 3 miscarriages the past two years, but we've also been blessed to be able to have a son previously who will now turn 4. Infertility is not a joking matter, and lots and lots of families are affected by it. Also there is ZERO evidence that being vaxxed affects versatility, there is plenty of evidence to suggest an unvaxxed mother can carry that to their child, and cause serious issues and/or death, especially if said baby is born preterm.
That character LUCIO has his real name as his avatar. Just search it on facebook. He's not the most intelligent species on this board, that's for sure.
Who cares? What are you gonna do? Add me as a friend then unadd me? I don't understand the threat. Should I name myself DLEagle07? What's your real name?
THIS, all of this. My wife and I have unfortunately had 3 miscarriages the past two years, but we've also been blessed to be able to have a son previously who will now turn 4. Infertility is not a joking matter, and lots and lots of families are affected by it. Also there is ZERO evidence that being vaxxed affects versatility, there is plenty of evidence to suggest an unvaxxed mother can carry that to their child, and cause serious issues and/or death, especially if said baby is born preterm.
Absolutely NO ONE is joking about infertility. Miscarriages are extremely upsetting.

EDIT: I'm so glad you guys were able to have a healthy son!
you said because she earns less that she is less intelligent and is making an uninformed decision. Im saying you dont know her situation or what is going on.

just cause you had a health boy and it worked out doesnt mean thats how it is with everyone.

What was hard to understand about that?

im saying probably best to steer clear of the pregnancy talk.
Can we fast forward two or three years when this will be treated the same as the flu. Get vaccinated or don’t and let’s move on.
you said because she earns less that she is less intelligent and is making an uninformed decision. Im saying you dont know her situation or what is going on.

just cause you had a health boy and it worked out doesnt mean thats how it is with everyone.

What was hard to understand about that?
She outwardly preaches against the vaccine at work and told me, to my face, that it causes infertility. That's the situation.
So let me get this straight....Tank and Bo will not take it and Harins, THE HEAD COACH, is scare to make a statement b/c he's too new to the program and wants to coddle his players.

This might be worse in the long run than being anti-vax
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Can we fast forward two or three years when this will be treated the same as the flu. Get vaccinated or don’t and let’s move on.
Hopefully it follows the path of all the other coronaviruses we have circulating currently!
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Yes, but also, it's convenient to push a narrative that matches your own bias so that you can virtue signal with the rest of the crowd.
That too. I'm glad he's our coach even more after these last few days. God has blessed Auburn football again.
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Pretty easily, it's all part of him not making it a point of emphasis in his program compared to Auburn's rivals. How many other head coaches are sitting at home during fall camp right now? Also, this is about the entire season, not just the first two games. If AU doesn't have an outbreak during the season, that would be great. But he's put Auburn in the position of having a higher chance of an outbreak compared to its rivals.
This is absolutely false. Just because he didn’t do it at SEC media days doesn’t mean he’s not pushing it behind closed doors. Not his fault he’s got a bunch of conspiracy theorist players.

Jesus Christ this fanbase is ridiculous. What is he supposed to do? Require it and lose 20 players out of protest and create a massive rift in the team? Yeah dude that will go well.
Come on KT you shouldn't post if you really don't know. Quit spreading disinformation.
It would help a lot if, like other HCs, he publicly said he was vaccinated and that players should be. I don't understand why we can't (if we haven't) have the team doctor(s) give the team medical advice that they should get vaccinated. If Harsin is encouraging it and players are ignoring him or rebuffing him, then we might have an even bigger problem for the program.
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This is my SIL too. SIL is literally posting pictures from a "anti-COVID vaccine mandate" rally in SC. There are some people that just can't be reasoned with...she's anti vax to the core, not just COVID...COVID vaccine skepticism is somewhat reasonable, not vaccines that have been proven to work over 50+ measles, mumps, hep B, etc.
This is my SIL too. She has bought in completely with "the vaccine causes infertility"
I don't understand what else it could be. If it's to stop the virus, why won't they actually enforce a mask mandate instead of letting us wear pantyhose or any fabric that isn't proven to work? Why go half ass on masks, but full tilt on vaccines? Make It make sense.
No, ppl ITT have. Doesn't want to make a statement to piss off his two start players on offense
I guess Im just wondering if you have got firsthand confirmations on this before making your conclusions.
Which one? Not today’s column; Bryan didn’t say that in the column.
Bryan seems to really making a point that Harsin isn't putting it front and center and it isn't an emphasis.

So I guess your view is he's telling people to get the vaccine, but not really putting a ton of emphasis on it? So I guess that would make both of you correct.
I don't understand what else it could be. If it's to stop the virus, why won't they actually enforce a mask mandate instead of letting us wear pantyhose or any fabric that isn't proven to work? Why go half ass on masks, but full tilt on vaccines? Make It make sense.
Masks don't work, the vaccine has proven to work for a majority of people that are fully vaxxed. That's why.
There's someone at our office who won't get vaccinated because she "wants to have kids". Funny enough, she's also the lowest earner in her division.

Absolutely NO ONE is joking about infertility. Miscarriages are extremely upsetting.

EDIT: I'm so glad you guys were able to have a healthy son!

you made the assumption here in the first quote. someones job and how they do it doesnt correlate to what their fertility is. Thats what i take issue with.

Compassion in covid has been lost on both sides. its a you disagree so now youre my enemy.

most people dont give signs of vertility struggles to their coworkers, for all you now she might be having real issues or scared she will and is trying not to put stuff in her body weather its safe or not.

Dairy, gluten and other things we consume daily are safe and approved to put in our body but lots of doctors ask you cut back on them and eat as clean as you possibly can while trying to have kids. just saying maybe back off of this subject a little bit.
Considering 40% of our OL starters are missing 10 days due to his view on vaccinations, yes it is a big deal. Harsin's views go past just him being out. It's the entire team sitting at 50%. Derrick Mason is also out. Not having your HC for 10-14 days and DC MIA is a big deal. The fact you can't comprehend this is really astonishing
Considering 20% of the team would quit if he required the vaccine, wtf is supposed to do? Not let adults have autonomy over their bodies? I know people on your isle love to control people but this is absurd and unfair.