FOOTBALL Monday musings...

Like allowing everyone to educate themselves on the vaccine both the pro's and con's and allowing them to a personal decision?

But it’s not just a personal decision. Other teams are stressing what it could mean for the season. That’s what other coaches have done.
So Harsin should force the players to get vaxed?
And this is how we get this dumb discourse where it's like "Oh you think Harsin should be more serious about the virus, should he mandate it?" Well, I don't know but I suspect there is some real estate between what he has done and what he could do short of mandating.
He should be doing more encouraging along with getting it himself and stating that publicly. He’s paid to win games.
how do you know he hasn't gotten it himself? How do you know he doesn't encourage more? Point being, we don't know, but yet it's all his fault?

If it's deemed to be an issue then the university should be at fault.

Doesn't matter if the team or any team was 100% vaccinated, some players and coaches will contract the virus during the season,,, it's gonna happen, and when it happens those individuals will be tested regardless of the league guidelines of percentages and they will have to miss games.
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But it’s not just a personal decision. Other teams are stressing what it could mean for the season. That’s what other coaches have done.
and you/we don't know if he hasn't done the same stressing
I get what you’re saying but I don’t think you should just dismiss it. It’s an important thing to keep in mind and it’s scary slippery slope to say society can limits others freedoms just because with no laws. I’m not looking to argue bc I mostly agree with you but, I’m just saying, I don’t think it’s a topic that should just be dismissed and those with concerns about are not stupid to have those concerns.
I'm not "dismissing" it. I'm giving a factual response to an overly broad objection. Every one of our enumerate rights have some limits. None of them are absolute and where the limits on them come in, they almost always (if not always) come in because of how they affect other people, particularly with regard to health and safety. Just acting like William Wallace screaming "FREEDOM!!!!!!!!" over this is not a valid objection.
He said he has encouraged players. Hiw do you encourage players with any credibility if you can’t say publicly that you’re vaccinated? I don’t think you can.
I'm sure he is open with them about his situation
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So..if true, you're saying that even a mostly vaccinated team can still have a COVID outbreak? No way...
Yes. Nobody disagrees with that. You won't have the same chance of having asymptomatic playas getting tested and false positive tests occurring if you test less frequently and test fewer players though. I don't disagree that it's ultimately the players choice, simply stating that it puts yore team at a higher risk for positive tests the the higher the frequency and overall number of tests yore team is subject to.

I don't think that's accurate, check my previous post from Jason Caldwell. All the 85% threshold does is just limits the amount of players that will need to be tested once a week.

If a team has less than 85 percent of its roster unvaccinated, those unvaccinated players are subject to testing at least once a week throughout the year and more often than that during their seasons. If you are vaccinated then you don’t have to test unless you have symptoms. That’s true if your team is at the 85 percent rate or below.

Again, it makes yore team have to submit to more tests and more frequent tests. It also brings in a higher possibility that vaxxed players will have to be tested due to contact tracing if an unvaxxed playa tests positive during the week. It's simply a numbers game. I'm not arguing anything from a political perspective or saying that playas shouldn't have the choice to do as they please, just stating the fact that it'll make less vaxxed teams have to test more playas and test more frequently and that's a negative for the program strictly from a risk perspective.
I respect your opinion about @BryanMatthews’ work sucking, but it’s not at all political. It’s Covid
Corner, maybe.

@Jay G. Tate not like I threatened to leave and the majority of my Auburn sports "message board" time is spent here... an opinion piece that chastises our coach for not saying things as strongly as a mod likes (and implies forcing players to vax) is political. And what is Covid Corner? Is that a message board you are directing me to?

And if I like @BryanMatthews work 99% of the time, but specifically state my opinion that the Monday musings sucks, it is a bit much to generalize his work sucking...
Getting back to Katy Perry, musically I had sort of written her off as a typical autotuned, bubblegum pop singer like a lot of other folks until I saw/heard her singing live and sort of unplugged during some radio station interview. It wasn't the one below, but similar. Surprisingly, the gal can wail. I'm still not much of a fan of her music, but she can really sing. I wonder how she would sound doing covers of some old Alanis Morrissette songs?

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I'm not "dismissing" it. I'm giving a factual response to an overly broad objection. Every one of our enumerate rights have some limits. None of them are absolute and where the limits on them come in, they almost always (if not always) come in because of how they affect other people, particularly with regard to health and safety. Just acting like William Wallace screaming "FREEDOM!!!!!!!!" over this is not a valid objection.
I never said screaming like William Wallace was a valid objection. And you literally said you did dismiss it which is why I responded.
FDA just gave it the thumbs up, not good enough for Bunker User @homewood though!
Not good enough for me either. I would rather have the virus and no sense of smell or taste for a while. I will not get the vaccine unless large men hold me down and stick me. (lol) It's obviously not a vaccine. It's population control. You will be sterilized, women are losing 80% of their pregnancies, people will start dying in 3 to 5 years. Why get a shot if you can still get sick? It's a scheme like it or not. Hopefully it's just about money, but I believe it's population control. Watch Dr. Sean Brooks video
how do you know he hasn't gotten it himself? How do you know he doesn't encourage more? Point being, we don't know, but yet it's all his fault?

If it's deemed to be an issue then the university should be at fault.

Doesn't matter if the team or any team was 100% vaccinated, some players and coaches will contract the virus during the season,,, it's gonna happen, and when it happens those individuals will be tested regardless of the league guidelines of percentages and they will have to miss games.

Lol. Yes, 100% matters a ton. That means nobody is tested unless somebody reports symptoms. Saban and other coaches say publicly that are vaccinated.
Not good enough for me either. I would rather have the virus and no sense of smell or taste for a while. I will not get the vaccine unless large men hold me down and stick me. (lol) It's obviously not a vaccine. It's population control. You will be sterilized, women are losing 80% of their pregnancies, people will start dying in 3 to 5 years. Why get a shot if you can still get sick? It's a scheme like it or not. Hopefully it's just about money, but I believe it's population control. Watch Dr. Sean Brooks video

Oh my.
Not good enough for me either. I would rather have the virus and no sense of smell or taste for a while. I will not get the vaccine unless large men hold me down and stick me. (lol) It's obviously not a vaccine. It's population control. You will be sterilized, women are losing 80% of their pregnancies, people will start dying in 3 to 5 years. Why get a shot if you can still get sick? It's a scheme like it or not. Hopefully it's just about money, but I believe it's population control. Watch Dr. Sean Brooks video
You should just delete this bc it makes you look like an idiot
Not good enough for me either. I would rather have the virus and no sense of smell or taste for a while. I will not get the vaccine unless large men hold me down and stick me. (lol) It's obviously not a vaccine. It's population control. You will be sterilized, women are losing 80% of their pregnancies, people will start dying in 3 to 5 years. Why get a shot if you can still get sick? It's a scheme like it or not. Hopefully it's just about money, but I believe it's population control. Watch Dr. Sean Brooks video

Tell me you are stupid without saying "I'm stupid"
What other universities left it up to the AD? It seems not many so it seems that those that run universities and AD’s agree that it’s not their role to go over a HC’s head.
I don't know, I don't follow any other ADs around the country, but that doesn't change MY OPINION on the matter. There are plenty of unwelcome decisions that ADs have to make that impact their corches. There are also plenty of policy decisions that are welcome and appreciated, as it allows corches to focus on their actual job instead of external issues that can directly or indirectly impact their ability to compete at the highest level.

To be clear, IN MY OPINION, this is an issue that would make sense to be implemented from the top and then delegated to the individual corches and left for them to execute barring needed assistance from the bossman. I'd prefer my 1st year football corch focusing on getting his guys ready to play football and winning the trust of 100 kids he's never met before. To each his own
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@Jay G. Tate not like I threatened to leave and the majority of my Auburn sports "message board" time is spent here... an opinion piece that chastises our coach for not saying things as strongly as a mod likes (and implies forcing players to vax) is political. And what is Covid Corner? Is that a message board you are directing me to?

And if I like @BryanMatthews work 99% of the time, but specifically state my opinion that the Monday musings sucks, it is a bit much to generalize his work sucking...
I respect your opinion, but I don’t see any political content. No party. No congressman or senator or governmental figure. No political paradigm. Just virus and vax.
I don’t think anyone is saying that and IMO you are missing the real point. Our new HC is obviously not encouraging our players to take a precaution that is best for their health according to overwhelming medical science, unlike our rival HCs. It’s also the best thing for the program he is leading as it would greatly reduce the risk of positive tests and disruption of the season.

He has encouraged players to get the vaccine.
Come on KT you shouldn't post if you really don't know. Quit spreading disinformation.
It’s not a gaggle. It’s a group and I’d say their protestations have put other players on alert moreso than convincing them that the government is evil or whatever. Anything that creates pause is a factor, you know?
Gotta be some players with pull in the locker room to make a significant impact on the team
Not good enough for me either. I would rather have the virus and no sense of smell or taste for a while. I will not get the vaccine unless large men hold me down and stick me. (lol) It's obviously not a vaccine. It's population control. You will be sterilized, women are losing 80% of their pregnancies, people will start dying in 3 to 5 years. Why get a shot if you can still get sick? It's a scheme like it or not. Hopefully it's just about money, but I believe it's population control. Watch Dr. Sean Brooks video
See now this is the other wacko side of the spectrum...Do you believe the earth is flat too?
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Not good enough for me either. I would rather have the virus and no sense of smell or taste for a while. I will not get the vaccine unless large men hold me down and stick me. (lol) It's obviously not a vaccine. It's population control. You will be sterilized, women are losing 80% of their pregnancies, people will start dying in 3 to 5 years. Why get a shot if you can still get sick? It's a scheme like it or not. Hopefully it's just about money, but I believe it's population control. Watch Dr. Sean Brooks video
So lets get this straight

we’re supposed to be mad at our head coarch because he elevated the principles of personal choice and responsibility for his players above the desires of the fans to POSSIBLY miss a football game?

“my body my choice” only applies to women walking into a “family planning” clinic?

er…I meant “birthing person.”

but not our predominantly minority football players…they need to do what everybody else is telling them to.

liberty is definitely over-rated…because “SCIENCE!”
The programs we compete with in our very own division, made sure their players had information- correct information- delivered by knowledgeable and reliable experts, so that their teams had what they needed to make an informed decision. Notice one of the SECW teams not mentioned….

“O'Neal has conducted vaccine education sessions for Alabama, Arkansas, LSU and Texas A&M inside the SEC, as well as schools outside of the conference, like Louisiana.
The Crimson Tide’s vaccination rate soared after O’Neal conducted a session for Alabama, according to what one Alabama staff member told Napier.”

meanwhile, AU flounders around like a monkey fvcking a football, acting like some bush league haggle of uniformed mouthbreathers.

See now this is the other wacko side of the spectrum...Do you believe the earth is flat too?
No. They're not muting people that say the earth is flat, why are sheep freaking out when you tell them covid is a hoax?
I think expecting a Football coach to be the guy responsible for getting the team vaxed is a lofty expectation.

I understand other coaches shamed and pressured their teams to get it and Harsin could have done the same.

But these are not robots, they are people. This is not an athletic issue but one of a personal nature. I think Harsin's actions are far more respectful of the players themselves than his counterparts. That counts for something.

I will always support the principled individual over someone who beleives the ends justify the means.

Would not be surprised if this attitude helped us in recruiting.

At minimum, it shows that Harsin is different than most and certainly shows he is different than anythiny Auburn has ever had.
1. Other coaches at programs with similar stakes to ours have managed to get there teams vaxed at or above the SEC threshold.

2. Shaming and pressuring people to do something as civically responsible as being vaccinated is a fine tactic to me.

3. Dunno how his attitude helps in recruiting if we're forfeiting games and/or kids/staff die from Covid (a football coach just died over the weekend from Covid at age 32).

4. This is squarely an athletic department issue. Beyond caring about student athletes and staff as humans, not promoting or even requiring vaccination for your players and staff is literally putting your company at risk of losing revenue from games. Your industry requires at least 100 people to work in close proximity where social distancing isn't achievable every single day, thus creating a persistent risk of an outbreak. The vaccine should be required here, as it is at any business where people can't really socially distance. And on a personal level, if I've sat in living rooms telling parents I'm gonna treat these kids like my own, I'm gonna encourage them/pressure them to get vaxxed just like I would my own.
But it’s not just a personal decision. Other teams are stressing what it could mean for the season. That’s what other coaches have done.
@Jay G. Tate has stated in this thread that Harsin has encouraged players/coaches/staff to get the vaccine. He literally can't hold these kids down and give them the shot. He doesn't seem like the person/coach that is going to apply pressure such as "get the vaccine or you're off the team" or " you don't care about this team or season if you don't get the vaccine". He and other coaches, vaccinated or not, will continue to encourage the vaccine while allowing the kids to educate and make decisions for their own-selves.
I respect your opinion, but I don’t see any political content. No party. No congressman or senator or governmental figure. No political paradigm. Just virus and vax.
My body, my choice... ring a bell? Still has to apply, death and all... forcing things done to ones body is very much political in my opinion (and the courts).
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Not good enough for me either. I would rather have the virus and no sense of smell or taste for a while. I will not get the vaccine unless large men hold me down and stick me. (lol) It's obviously not a vaccine. It's population control. You will be sterilized, women are losing 80% of their pregnancies, people will start dying in 3 to 5 years. Why get a shot if you can still get sick? It's a scheme like it or not. Hopefully it's just about money, but I believe it's population control. Watch Dr. Sean Brooks video
Finally someone bringing some stone cold facts to the conversation
1. Other coaches at programs with similar stakes to ours have managed to get there teams vaxed at or above the SEC threshold.

2. Shaming and pressuring people to do something as civically responsible as being vaccinated is a fine tactic to me.

3. Dunno how his attitude helps in recruiting if we're forfeiting games and/or kids/staff die from Covid (a football coach just died over the weekend from Covid at age 32).

4. This is squarely an athletic department issue. Beyond caring about student athletes and staff as humans, not promoting or even requiring vaccination for your players and staff is literally putting your company at risk of losing revenue from games. Your industry requires at least 100 people to work in close proximity where social distancing isn't achievable every single day, thus creating a persistent risk of an outbreak. The vaccine should be required here, as it is at any business where people can't really socially distance. And on a personal level, if I've sat in living rooms telling parents I'm gonna treat these kids like my own, I'm gonna encourage them/pressure them to get vaxxed just like I would my own.

On #3, we won’t have a forfeit and it’s highly unlikely somebody dies. We will most likely lose a game or 2 due to players missing though imo.
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