FOOTBALL Monday musings...

If you disagree with anything @BryanMatthews said, then I don't want to read another poster complaining about losing games. Ya'll better all be focusing on his character, how nice he is, how he doesn't force players to do things, etc. cause that's what you're saying by disagreeing that there is a competitive advantage to getting your team vaccinated.

By all accounts, there seems to be at least two starting OL out with Covid or the contact tracing. These players are missing two weeks on instruction that we all know they need. But even more important will be there conditioning. Are they going to be in game shape after COVID when we go to PSU, LSU or play UGA?
Just when I thought I couldn’t read anything more stupid on the Bunker, you go and type this shit out.
You mean Dr. Sean Brooks PhD (Ohio). The guy who’s dad is apparently a raging racist -

Dr. Sean Brooks, the guy who claimed to have done medical research for 21 years but had an online PhD degree from Walden fvcking University, received in 2018.

Dr. Sean Brooks, the guy who claimed over a score of publications that just “happened” to be self published.

it’s honestly sad that people fall for this kind of shit.
Great post. As @mrhickory pointed out in one of his recent threads, there is an overwhelming consensus among doctors that the vaccines are safe and effective. This guy is part of the vocal minority of anti-vax quacks who are working hard everyday to get more people killed by spreading dangerous misinformation on the "cons" aka dangers of vaccination.
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When will you vaccination people figure out this is a personal choice. This isn’t for Harsin to make the decision for his players. I would tell him to kiss my whole ass if I was a player and he told me to go get one. I would tell him the same thing if he told my son to get one. Harsin isn’t their dad. This isn’t cut and dry and it shouldn’t be. This vaccine was made in less than a year. The next closest vaccine was made in FOUR years. We have no idea what the long term issues will be with this vaccine. Maybe it’s nothing, maybe it is. I know enough doctors are balking at it to make me pay attention.
Yes it is a personal choice.

You can chose to be vaccinated or lose yore job.

You can choose to be an anti-vaccine loon and be ostracized by rational people.

You can choose to put yore stubborn misunderstanding of the issue above the well being of the community.

You can choose to be vaccinated or find another place to play football.

And so on.

Personal choices, one and all.
Yes it is a personal choice.

You can chose to be vaccinated or lose yore job.

You can choose to be an anti-vaccine loon and be ostracized by rational people.

You can choose to put yore stubborn misunderstanding of the issue above the well being of the community.

You can choose to be vaccinated or find another place to play football.

And so on.

Personal choices, one and all.
Fool you didn't say choose the vaccine or get sick and die... Did you forget? Or is there no threat of getting sick and dying when you're a beast in college?
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Great post. As @mrhickory pointed out in one of his recent threads, there is an overwhelming consensus among doctors that the vaccines are safe and effective. This guy is part of the vocal minority of anti-vax quacks who are working hard everyday to get more people killed by spreading dangerous misinformation on the "cons" aka dangers of vaccination.
If there was a plan to get more people killed, it would be targeting the people that get a shot.
Why? Because he most likely caught COVID while engaging with students on campus(while wearing a mask like he was told to do so by the CDC)? .

Also what if most of our players already have natural immunity and because of that chose not to get vaccinated? This one thing is just beyond absurd at this point. Stop making people victims for catching a virus.
I'm confused how you can combine Harsin testing positive(with little to no symptoms, which could have happened even if vaccinated) vs the team vaccination rate...and why this is an issue with Akron and Georgia State being the first two games of the season. We could win with the towel bowl coaching both games...what if we don't have an outbreak on the team, what then?
Most times I like your posts rice but then you come along with posts that are dumber than shit.

How about a guy, making 5+ million per year, setting an example for the right thing to do.

Most of the people arguing against have no idea of the right thing to do. I lived in Vietnam - in the 1960's - and saw first hand the benefit of masks. I was a young guy and realized that people were trying to keep their sickness away from other people. I had to have shots, vaccinations and whatever else to live there. I also lived in Japan for two years and again saw the benefit of masks. It was like an act of politeness to keep your sickness away from others. Now it is ignorance or political to not do the best things possible - masks and vaccinations. Your selfish choices really do affect others no matter how much you argue.
Most times I like your posts rice but then you come along with posts that are dumber than shit.

How about a guy, making 5+ million per year, setting an example for the right thing to do.

Most of the people arguing against have no idea of the right thing to do. I lived in Vietnam - in the 1960's - and saw first hand the benefit of masks. I was a young guy and realized that people were trying to keep their sickness away from other people. I had to have shots, vaccinations and whatever else to live there. I also lived in Japan for two years and again saw the benefit of masks. It was like an act of politeness to keep your sickness away from others. Now it is ignorance or political to not do the best things possible - masks and vaccinations. Your selfish choices really do affect others no matter how much you argue.
If someone has the flu, hell yes stay away. If you're positive for covid and don't know but, I don't care. If you aren't even uncomfortable, what's the big deal? If I was scares I would get the vaccine. There's no reason to social distance.

Just when you think you've seen the dumbest stuff imaginable on this board, Rice argues that zoom coaching is just as good as having our HC down on the field during practice.

Yea, that was the dumbest post of the day except by a few anti vax nuts.
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It seems the top coaches are doing just that.
Some of your "top generals" executed one of the worst military manuevers, in history of the world recently within the last week and a half.
Point is, when a player dies from heart problems, due to being told he has to take a vaccine, when he/they would never have had any problem.............that school and coach will get hammered. But hey, that's fine with you.
AU won't forfeit any football games this year.
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Some of your "top generals" executed one of the worst military manuevers, in history of the world recently within the last week and a half.
Point is, when a player dies from heart problems, due to being told he has to take a vaccine, when he/they would never have had any problem.............that school and coach will get hammered. But hey, that's fine with you.
AU won't forfeit any football games this year.
Zero deaths have been linked to the vaccines. Meanwhile 650k+ Americans have died from COVID. It's infinitely more likely that a player has a serious case of COVID than them being the first person to die from the vaccine. Stop spreading nutty anti-vax propaganda.
Pretty easily, it's all part of him not making it a point of emphasis in his program compared to Auburn's rivals. How many other head coaches are sitting at home during fall camp right now? Also, this is about the entire season, not just the first two games. If AU doesn't have an outbreak during the season, that would be great. But he's put Auburn in the position of having a higher chance of an outbreak compared to its rivals.
Sitting home? I thought they all had to go to the CV19 sanitarium with no access to the outside world for weeks?
If everyone would just put their opinions and feelings aside for a second, they would realize what you are arguing is 100% valid. It doesn't matter what the vaccine efficacy is, it doesn't matter about natural immunity, it doesn't matter about masks and all the other BS we've been arguing here for the last year. It doesn't matter what the long term side effects are for these 19 yo kids. Let's just pressure the hell out of their assess to get the vax so maybe we can look good to the state and national media. They'll be gone in a couple of years and it won't matter to us if they develop problems related to an hastily developed vax, NBD!

What matters is the guidelines set forth by the NCAA. Following those guidelines and making sure they don't cost you players during the season and in-turn, lose you a game. If there's a breakout in the O-line room and AU can't field 5 guys in that group, they may as well forfeit.

We are at a competitive disadvantage and with the already present talent gap between us and our two rivals, that's a disadvantage we can't afford.
Zero deaths have been linked to the vaccines. Meanwhile 650k+ Americans have died from COVID. It's infinitely more likely that a player has a serious case of COVID than them being the first person to die from the vaccine. Stop spreading nutty anti-vax propaganda.
There have been people come down with heart problems.
Please name me all the college football players who did not have a bad health problem, that have dies from covid....or had severe problems with covid.
Suck on that propaganda pal.
FYI, for your ignorant self.....I'm not antivaccine........I'm against a coach making a student athlete take a vaccine, when the coach, athletic dept., nor any doctor knows the LT effects of that vaccine.

  • Since April 2021 thru June 23, 2021, there have been more than a thousand reports to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) of cases of inflammation of the heart—called myocarditis and pericarditis—happening after mRNA COVID-19 vaccination (i.e., Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna) in the United States.
There is a hell of a lot of mythology circulating. It is endemic in some communities, and young people listen to their peers more than anyone.

Not choosing to get the vaccine in the face of the overwhelming scientific validation, is de facto evidence that the unvaccinated are not making well informed decisions.
This. You said it better than I could. This has appearances of a cultural issue.
This. You said it better than I could. This has appearances of a cultural issue.
Except there's no overwhelming scientific validation. Why do we need a second shot? Why a booster after that? Why can vaccinated people still get infected?
Zero deaths have been linked to the vaccines. Meanwhile 650k+ Americans have died from COVID. It's infinitely more likely that a player has a serious case of COVID than them being the first person to die from the vaccine. Stop spreading nutty anti-vax propaganda.
What? Some have died from the vax. It’s not many but some have with the side effects. 6014 deaths according to the CDC from a google search.
Let’s give you a gold medal but some people have chosen not to and that’s their right
I realize it’s a long thread and you didn’t read every post, but your sarcasm here is totally misplaced.

Never asked for a medal. Never sought commendation for taking a vaccine I always was going to take. I also pointed out in this thread that I support people’s right to control what they put in their body.

Feel free to continue mocking what you see as my position on this matter, though. Just know that what you’re saying is fiction.
Never mind that number. That number was vax deaths from Covid. My bad @DM8 . I was wrong.
Good on you for double checking what you had read and acknowledging it was not correct. The other number you will see tossed around is ~15k who have died after taking the vaccine per the VAERS database. None of those deaths have been linked to the vaccine though so that figure is very misleading. Anytime you vaccinate or provide any type of medication 100+ million people, a lot of those people are going to die in the following 6 months or year from any number of unrelated causes.
Wrong on every point you made. You must think all of our players are idiots or mind numbed robots. I'm guessing you've never spent much time with any of them.

"Very effective" is debatable.

How many times greater is 40% efficacy (the lowest reported against delta variant) than the 0% efficacy of not being vaccinated ?

Get back to me when you figure out the answer to 40 divided by 0.
How many times greater is 40% efficacy (the lowest reported against delta variant) than the 0% efficacy of not being vaccinated ?

Get back to me when you figure out the answer to 40 divided by 0.
How long until someone tells you that you know nothing about COVID and what it does to one’s body?
Not good enough for me either. I would rather have the virus and no sense of smell or taste for a while. I will not get the vaccine unless large men hold me down and stick me. (lol) It's obviously not a vaccine. It's population control. You will be sterilized, women are losing 80% of their pregnancies, people will start dying in 3 to 5 years. Why get a shot if you can still get sick? It's a scheme like it or not. Hopefully it's just about money, but I believe it's population control. Watch Dr. Sean Brooks video
Oh my
Until this thread, I honestly didn’t realize this was a talking point at all. Harsin has been an encouraging figure throughout.
So it’s a coincidence he had the most lukewarm approach to the vax with the media and AU has the worst vax rate in the SEC?
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Auburn creates its own competitive disadvantage, Bruce Pearl doing his thing and livin’ a teenage dream..

Auburn creates its own competitive disadvantage, Bruce Pearl doing his thing and livin’ a teenage dream...


To write an article like this you must know a couple of facts that you never shared..

Was Harsin vaccinated?
What is the Auburn football team player's vaccination %

My guess is that you know neither of these factually which makes your article inaccurate & reckless. I dont need to come to a paid site for this, I can just go to
Reckless how? Now expressing an opinion (write or wrong, informed or uninformed) is "reckless"? This is college football nothing more. 99.9999999999% of the people outside of a 20 sq miles radius of Lee County could give a rats rear behind as to what happens with the Auburn football team due to covid............reckless LOL........the drama. How do you know is reckless unless you have patronized it.........? Did it rock your world or our world,'s reckless behavior??
I support the article. People obsessing over whether or not to get vaccinated and the perceived political ramifications are primarily idiots. Get the fvcking vaccine, if not to avoid the virus, at least to avoid the heat. Hopefully Harsin can manage this like a tough, confident professional moving forward.
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HSvtgr so was his premise that there is a dual conspiracy going on...........covid itself (population control), very capable of culling the herd a bit, but then someone might create a vaccine to defeat it or take the edge off a bit, but instead lets use a vaccine, heck all of them to be even more effective than covid at taking down the head count? Get all of the largest Pharma companies in room and say "boys, (and girls), we need something that will really do as many people in as possible, covid is just not working, lets get a vaccine that can do real damage....." If population control was the objective why not just let covid run rampant why bother with a vaccine as a "booster" to population control, and not force any measures on anyone as to behavior?