No, they are not and it's asinine to say that they are.
No, it's that roughly 8x-15x as many people have died from this than they have from flu in any given year and it's still not done.
2017-18 shows 61,000 estimated deaths from the flu. It was by far the worst flu season we've had in recent history.
These page includes information about the estimated burden of influenza from past seasons, including tables of the estimated influenza disease burden (and 95% credible interval [Cr I]) by age group.
The chart there goes back to the 2010-11 flu season. All of the other flu seasons had between 12,000 to 51,000 deaths per season, most of them were in the 20-40k range.
Like I said, we have had 10x as many deaths from COVID as we had in our worst flu season. Some flu seasons we've had as low as 12k death - making COVID 52x more deadly than that flu season. The infectiousness (r-naught value) was already mutliple times higher than influenza but with delta its approaching the same infectious level as the measles.
What we know is that every place we measure, every way we look at the data, the delta variant is causing more young people to get infected than previous variants and we know that overwhelmingly, those who are getting seriously ill, being hospitalized, put in ICU or dying are unvaccinated people. Stop with the bullshit that we don't know how effective they are. The vaccines are by far the best weapon against COVID. Period.
The analogy is perfectly fine. It was one among many. We have many rights. Rights have limits and boundaries. For instance, my first amendment right to free speech doesn't mean I can knowingly spread lies and falsehoods about others with no consequences. Laws against libel, slander, defamation of character and so on place limits on my free speech. I have the right to vote, but its subject to laws and regulations that can curtail that right - such as voter identification requirements, voting only at specified locations (even if they are inconvenient for me), possibly having my voting rights stripped if I commit certain felonies. I have a right to keep and bear arms, but not any kind of arms I wish. I can own a handgun or a semi-automatic rifle for instance but there are prohibitions or severe restrictions on my ability to keep and bear other types of arms such as a Tomahawk missile, a Patriot missile battery, various types of explosives, nuclear weapons, etc.
The point was simply that none of our rights are absolute. They have limits. Society, through our government, can place (and always has placed) some restrictions on them. This is no different.