FOOTBALL Monday musings...

She outwardly preaches against the vaccine at work and told me, to my face, that it causes infertility. That's the situation.

still wouldnt touch the subject. this could be a fear she has cause she has struggled with infertility previously. SIL is literally posting pictures from a "anti-COVID vaccine mandate" rally in SC. There are some people that just can't be reasoned with...she's anti vax to the core, not just COVID...COVID vaccine skepticism is somewhat reasonable, not vaccines that have been proven to work over 50+ measles, mumps, hep B, etc.

I try to block out the true anti vaxxers like this. its one thing to be against the covid vaccine its another to be against any vaccine.
I’m just going to be honest, I don’t pay $100 a year to come here and read Covid articles. I am 100% vaccinated and so is my entire family (including extended family), but I fully support every Americans right to chose. I think everyone should be vaccinated, but it is not my place to judge others stances on this. Harsin is our football coach, not the kids dictator, and I support his stance on letting these young men take it upon themselves to chose what they want to do with their bodies. It is up to the parents to help guide them and Auburn’s administration to educate them so they can make a decision they believe to be best for themselves…not our football coach. Also, Auburn isn’t going to win any type of championship this year with or without vaccinations.
A ****ing men. When did rivals start producing sensationalist nonsense? This article is as much of a low blow as you can get. Imagine getting shit for being as ethical as you can possibly be? Weird times we are living in.
you made the assumption here in the first quote. someones job and how they do it doesnt correlate to what their fertility is. Thats what i take issue with.

Compassion in covid has been lost on both sides. its a you disagree so now youre my enemy.

most people dont give signs of vertility struggles to their coworkers, for all you now she might be having real issues or scared she will and is trying not to put stuff in her body weather its safe or not.

Dairy, gluten and other things we consume daily are safe and approved to put in our body but lots of doctors ask you cut back on them and eat as clean as you possibly can while trying to have kids. just saying maybe back off of this subject a little bit.
From his quote I took it to imply he meant she was 'less smart' and that's why she was avoiding the vaccine to give birth. Not equating her job status to fertility.
As stated in the other thread, if Harsin believes forcing vaccines/public proclamations for vaccines would be more deleterious for the team than risking being under the 85% threshold then he has an obligation to all of us as AU fans to not stump for them. Strictly on a win/loss basis of course
Which one? Not today’s column; Bryan didn’t say that in the column.
It does seem that you and BMatt are saying opposite things here. BMatt states in his article that Auburn is at a competitive disadvantage and seems to lay that at Harsin's feet, as if Harsin isn't doing enough to avoid that disadvantage. You are saying Harsin is encouraging players to get vaccinated, so as not to be at a competitive disadvantage. Is there something I'm missing here?
From his quote I took it to imply he meant she was 'less smart' and that's why she was avoiding the vaccine to give birth. Not equating her job status to fertility.

i still wouldnt comment on something like that but i guess thats just me.
It does seem that you and BMatt are saying opposite things here. BMatt states in his article that Auburn is at a competitive disadvantage and seems to lay that at Harsin's feet, as if Harsin isn't doing enough to avoid that disadvantage. You are saying Harsin is encouraging players to get vaccinated, so as not to be at a competitive disadvantage. Is there something I'm missing here?
Yeah. You’re missing that I haven’t and won’t offer a stance on this issue. So kindly stop trying to force one down my throat. You’re as bad as the people saying adults should be FORCED to do this or that.
It does seem that you and BMatt are saying opposite things here. BMatt states in his article that Auburn is at a competitive disadvantage and seems to lay that at Harsin's feet, as if Harsin isn't doing enough to avoid that disadvantage. You are saying Harsin is encouraging players to get vaccinated, so as not to be at a competitive disadvantage. Is there something I'm missing here?
@BryanMatthews wrote that as Harsin being anti-vax coach not pushing the vax on his team. Then Jay say's the oposite in the same thread. Then Jay is saying Bryan didn't say this. It's really weird.
Yeah. You’re missing that I haven’t and won’t offer a stance on this issue. So kindly stop trying to force one down my throat
Seems there is confusion from a few people on this. I don't think anyone is being aggressive with you or forcing you to do one thing or another. Just trying to understand. Both could be true...

Maybe @BryanMatthews can chime in for us. So, IYO, Harsin just isn't doing enough vocally w/in the program and publicly...even through he has maybe kinda encouraged some or all players to get it? As in he's encouraging it, but he's done no where near as much as Lane or Saban or others to bring in experts to talk to the kids & explain the benefits, negative impacts to the team, etc.
@BryanMatthews wrote that as Harsin being anti-vax coach not pushing the vax on his team. Then Jay say's the oposite in the same thread. Then Jay is saying Bryan didn't say this. It's really weird.
There's def a distinction in the details of all this. Harsin could say "hey get the vaccine" to his players, but it still isn't enough vs what other coaches has done. He hasn't put emphasis on it like others, even though it's possible he told players to get it
Yeah. You’re missing that I haven’t and won’t offer a stance on this issue. So kindly stop trying to force one down my throat. You’re as bad as the people saying adults should be FORCED to do this or that.
That isn't what is happening here. Bryan said one thing and you came in and totally contracted what he said. Stance or no stance on this. This is one unreal thread. Wow.
There's def a distinction in the details of all this. Harsin could say "hey get the vaccine" to his players, but it still isn't enough vs what other coaches has done. He hasn't put emphasis on it like others, even though it's possible he told players to get it
@BryanMatthews made Harsin out to be a anti-vaxer in the article. This is just Ming numbing stuff.
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Yeah. You’re missing that I haven’t and won’t offer a stance on this issue. So kindly stop trying to force one down my throat. You’re as bad as the people saying adults should be FORCED to do this or that.
Seems aggressive. Wasn't trying to force anything down your throat. Just looking for some clarity. Won't ask again.
Seems there is confusion from a few people on this. I don't think anyone is being aggressive with you or forcing you to do one thing or another. Just trying to understand. Both could be true...

Maybe @BryanMatthews can chime in for us. So, IYO, Harsin just isn't doing enough vocally w/in the program and publicly...even through he has maybe kinda encouraged some or all players to get it? As in he's encouraging it, but he's done no where near as much as Lane or Saban or others to bring in experts to talk to the kids & explain the benefits, negative impacts to the team, etc.
I don’t see what I have to do with any of this. I don’t see why I get tagged in it at all. @DufnerFanBoy
Fair point. Although I think local school districts can impose some restrictions in terms of what unvaccinated students with these exemptions can do. Also, this religious exemption only applies to K through 12 schools. Public universities in Alabama can require the vaccines with no religious exemptions offered.
No offense intended, but I'm pretty sure that none of what you mention here is accurate. Local school districts have no recourse if a student decides to opt out of vaccination. State law overrides local school board decisions. If there is evidence to the contrary, I'd like to see it. As for public universities, I am less familiar with the requirements there because I don't know anyone personally who has (yet) dealt with that situation, but I'm pretty sure that Alabama colleges and universities are similarly required to grant religious exemptions from vaccination. I know that some actually do. For example, here is a link to UAB's religious exemption form for people to opt out...

I'd also be surprised if Title IV of the federal civil right laws don't come into play if colleges or universities try to block students who refuse to vaccinate. Students simply do not have to vaccinate in order to attend college if they object on religious grounds. And of course, the above only applies in the case of historically "usual" vaccines like for measles, mumps, hepatitis, etc. In the case of the COVID vaccine, there are more specific options for opting out, at least in Alabama. For example, here is some recent guidance from the state attorney general...

Per this guidance, institutions of education, both public and private, cannot require students to provide their immunization status as a requirement for attendance.

Look, I am a proponent of vaccination and think almost everybody should be getting the shots. I understand the frustration people feel about it. It rankles a lot of people that people refuse to vaccinate and cannot be forced to do so. A lot of people seem to really want it to be true that schools can force students to vaccinate as a condition of admission, but it just isn't the case. People can opt out of these vaccines and attend school and their fellow citizens cannot do anything about that. It's just part of living in a pluralistic society. Which is generally as it should be, IMO, even though I think people should get the vaccines.
I don’t see what I have to do with any of this. I don’t see why I get tagged in it at all. @DufnerFanBoy
IDK how things work here, but you are the owner/editor of the site posting things in @BryanMatthews article thread that are a bit contradictory to what was written in said article.

BM: Harsin hasn't put an emphasis on players getting the vaccine. "he’s dropped the ball when it comes to COVID and vaccines."

You: "Harsin has encouraged ppl to get the vaccine"

I think people are just trying to understand. Maybe in @BryanMatthews opinion, even though he has encouraged ppl, maybe he's just not making it a huge focal point like Lane or Saban did. Doctors/Speakers/Encouraging Coaches to hold their players accountable, etc. In doing so, we're at the lowest possible rate.

Maybe you guys aren't contradicting each other...just follow up question
It would help a lot if, like other HCs, he publicly said he was vaccinated and that players should be. I don't understand why we can't (if we haven't) have the team doctor(s) give the team medical advice that they should get vaccinated. If Harsin is encouraging it and players are ignoring him or rebuffing him, then we might have an even bigger problem for the program.
Nothing but speculation on your part and what right do we have to know whether CBH got vaccinated or not? The team medical staff has provided the information to the players as JayG stated in previous posts. Why is it a problem if a player wants to make his own decision on that status of his own health? I am just utterly amazed at how some of you are going apeshit over players making their own choices.

I made my own choice and got vaccinated. Sure I want the players and others to do the same but it's their own decision, period!
Considering 20% of the team would quit if he required the vaccine, wtf is supposed to do? Not let adults have autonomy over their bodies? I know people on your isle love to control people but this is absurd and unfair.
So why would 20% of our team quit but no one on LSU or OM or Bama or UGA? What makes our group of 85 18-22 year olds so much different from the groups of 85 18-22 year olds at those schools?