FOOTBALL Monday musings...

It is a competitive disadvantage because my politics disagree with the head coach...that is what we are essentially saying here. I am vaccinated because for me it was the right thing to do and I knew certain events I wanted to attend this year were going to require it. I don't regret that decision and I think it is a good thing. But I am sick and tired of reading about this, I am sick and tired of people pushing this because anyone feels differently.

The competitive disadvantage with this team is in Orlando right now...the OL is a competitive disadvantage, the WRs are a competitive disadvantage, the QB position is a competitive disadvantage but we are going to continue to harp on the guy who has a different political affiliation. The only people talking about this are writers...not one coach is sitting in some kids home and saying "Well, did you see the Auburn vax statistics?" Those recruits don't care...they care about what happens on the field and what the school can do for their future.
Amen, amen and amen!
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Clarity on what? I’m guessing you meant to tag @BryanMatthews
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What has Saban, Smart & Kiffin done that Bryan Harsin can’t? Jeez, it’s not hard coach. Push & advocate the vaccine. Get your team fully vaccinated & go win games. That’s what we pay you for. If the young man is misinformed about the vaccine, it’s your job to lead the group on gaining correct information.
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I'm fully vaccinated. Very pro-vaccine. Think people not getting the vaccine are as dumb as people who refuse MMR, hepatitis, etc. vaccines.

The outrage over a FOOTBALL COACH (not doctor - AU doctors are suggesting all players get vaccinated) not forcing or shaming his real life, free-thinking human players to get the vaccine is absurd. The entire staff is educating players that the vaccines are safe and effective, and are then allowing them to make their own informed decisions.

What would you have the man do - tell them "get this vaccine or get off the team"?
I'm confused how you can combine Harsin testing positive(with little to no symptoms, which could have happened even if vaccinated) vs the team vaccination rate...and why this is an issue with Akron and Georgia State being the first two games of the season. We could win with the towel bowl coaching both games...what if we don't have an outbreak on the team, what then?

because the buck stops with Harsin. With low rates, testing is done, more chance for covid protocols being enforced. AU is the outlier, and that’s not good.

Harsin and Mason are out due to protocol. Deshun Miller out of practice while trying to break starting lineup up and build depth as just one example.

no reason to be obtuse.
Am I the only guy who see's Katy Perry and then immediately thinks how stupid Russell Brand is?
Come to think of it, them breaking up is the last time I've even heard his name. He fell completely off the relevancy cliff overnight
I'm fully vaccinated. Very pro-vaccine. Think people not getting the vaccine are as dumb as people who refuse MMR, hepatitis, etc. vaccines.

The outrage over a FOOTBALL COACH (not doctor - AU doctors are suggesting all players get vaccinated) not forcing or shaming his real life, free-thinking human players to get the vaccine is absurd. The entire staff is educating players that the vaccines are safe and effective, and are then allowing them to make their own informed decisions.

What would you have the man do - tell them "get this vaccine or get off the team"?
I tend to agree with you fully here, but I'm not sure Bryan was suggesting that. I think Bryan's point is (in regards to the danger of having to forfeit a game) why has AU had such low buy in for vaccinations vs our rivals, top teams in the country, and the rest of the SEC? It's a fair question imo and it's not a suggestion that Harsin give a mandate of take it or else, but rather - why is our ability to convince players that the vaccine is beneficial to the team's long term and immediate success so much less effective than Saban or Kirby or Lincoln, or whoever else.
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Nothing but speculation on your part and what right do we have to know whether CBH got vaccinated or not? The team medical staff has provided the information to the players as JayG stated in previous posts. Why is it a problem if a player wants to make his own decision on that status of his own health? I am just utterly amazed at how some of you are going apeshit over players making their own choices.

I made my own choice and got vaccinated. Sure I want the players and others to do the same but it's their own decision, period!
Ok we just don’t agree on the point that the HC should be out front and a public advocate for something that best for the health of individuals and the team. It’s working for our competitors. I’m glad you are vaxxed.
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I wonder if @Jay G. Tate would write a shame article on @BryanMatthews if he caught COVID from his "Side Chick". Even though the intent may not have been political, this topic will always be associated with political motivations. As our employers would say, "It's not the intent but the impact" we have to consider. This has definitely had an impact on the Bunker today.
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Why? Because he most likely caught COVID while engaging with students on campus(while wearing a mask like he was told to do so by the CDC)? .

Also what if most of our players already have natural immunity and because of that chose not to get vaccinated? This one thing is just beyond absurd at this point. Stop making people victims for catching a virus.

the sec and ncaa has rules for 2021. They are taking it (slowing the spread) seriously, so there are consequences. No one is disappointed that there are cases of the virus. They are disappointed that AU has not done what it could as a team to avoid consequences. That we have allowed our rivals an advantage competitively. Do not confuse the issue.
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What has Saban, Smart & Kiffin done that Bryan Harsin can’t? Jeez, it’s not hard coach. Push & advocate the vaccine. Get your team fully vaccinated & go win games. That’s what we pay you for. If the young man is misinformed about the vaccine, it’s your job to lead the group on gaining correct information.

So if someone like Tank tells him ain't no way in hell I'm sticking that needle in my arm, what do you suggest Harsin do?

I'm just using Tank as an example
I think expecting a Football coach to be the guy responsible for getting the team vaxed is a lofty expectation.

I understand other coaches shamed and pressured their teams to get it and Harsin could have done the same.

But these are not robots, they are people. This is not an athletic issue but one of a personal nature. I think Harsin's actions are far more respectful of the players themselves than his counterparts. That counts for something.

I will always support the principled individual over someone who beleives the ends justify the means.

Would not be surprised if this attitude helped us in recruiting.

At minimum, it shows that Harsin is different than most and certainly shows he is different than anythiny Auburn has ever had.

so if we have to sit 7-8 key starters vs PSU or LSU or uga, are you still gonna be pumping sunshine??
I wonder if @Jay G. Tate would write a shame article on @BryanMatthews if he caught COVID from his "Side Chick". Even though the intent may not have been political, this topic will always be associated with political motivations. As our employers would say, "It's not the intent but the impact" we have to consider. This has definitely had an impact on the Bunker today.
Yeah. You’re missing that I haven’t and won’t offer a stance on this issue. So kindly stop trying to force one down my throat. You’re as bad as the people saying adults should be FORCED to do this or that.

Lol. You contradict what @BryanMatthews says, someone points it out, and your response is to deflect and get defensive against the poster.

That's funny
Come to think of it, them breaking up is the last time I've even heard his name. He fell completely off the relevancy cliff overnight

He does some pretty interesting podcast topics. You have to pay for them, so the reach is much smaller than free podcasts. You can find clips though! Interesting cat
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So why would 20% of our team quit but no one on LSU or OM or Bama or UGA? What makes our group of 85 18-22 year olds so much different from the groups of 85 18-22 year olds at those schools?
This is what I don't understand on the people quitting/transferring is required. Where would they go? If it's ever a requirement at AU it's going to be a requirement everywhere. Going to give up football and an education to not get it?
I am sorry but a young man's right to choose what he puts in his body is more important than any football game. I have taken the shot but I made that decision based on what I thought was the right thing for me at the time. Remember just because science says xyz today doesn't mean science will say the same thing 10 years, 10 months or even 10 minutes from now.
No offense intended, but I'm pretty sure that none of what you mention here is accurate. Local school districts have no recourse if a student decides to opt out of vaccination. State law overrides local school board decisions. If there is evidence to the contrary, I'd like to see it. As for public universities, I am less familiar with the requirements there because I don't know anyone personally who has (yet) dealt with that situation, but I'm pretty sure that Alabama colleges and universities are similarly required to grant religious exemptions from vaccination. I know that some actually do. For example, here is a link to UAB's religious exemption form for people to opt out...

I'd also be surprised if Title IV of the federal civil right laws don't come into play if colleges or universities try to block students who refuse to vaccinate. Students simply do not have to vaccinate in order to attend college if they object on religious grounds. And of course, the above only applies in the case of historically "usual" vaccines like for measles, mumps, hepatitis, etc. In the case of the COVID vaccine, there are more specific options for opting out, at least in Alabama. For example, here is some recent guidance from the state attorney general...

Per this guidance, institutions of education, both public and private, cannot require students to provide their immunization status as a requirement for attendance.

Look, I am a proponent of vaccination and think almost everybody should be getting the shots. I understand the frustration people feel about it. It rankles a lot of people that people refuse to vaccinate and cannot be forced to do so. A lot of people seem to really want it to be true that schools can force students to vaccinate as a condition of admission, but it just isn't the case. People can opt out of these vaccines and attend school and their fellow citizens cannot do anything about that. It's just part of living in a pluralistic society. Which is generally as it should be, IMO, even though I think people should get the vaccines.
A Certificate of Religious Exemption can only be issued by a county health department. The parent or legal guardian must submit a written objection and receive education on the consequences of not immunizing their child. By State School Immunization Law, a Religious Exemption can only be issued to kindergarten through 12th grade and not to the institutions of higher learning.

College vaccination requirements are specified by individual institutions. There are no state-regulated college requirements for vaccination. However, it is recommended that college attendees be up-to-date with all childhood vaccines and to consider meningococcal vaccination for college freshman who will be living in dormitories.

Also of note, Alabama law actually says this with regard to religious exemptions and when they must be honored

(1) In the absence of an epidemic or immediate threat thereof, the parent or guardian of the child shall object thereto in writing on grounds that such immunization or testing conflicts with his religious tenets and practices; or

In other words, in the event of a epidemic or the threat of one, schools do not have to honor the religious exemption. Just thought that was interesting.
I am sorry but a young man's right to choose what he puts in his body is more important than any football game. I have taken the shot but I made that decision based on what I thought was the right thing for me at the time. Remember just because science says xyz today doesn't mean science will say the same thing 10 years, 10 months or even 10 minutes from now.

The time has come to choose between taking the vaccine, or not playing football here.

100% their choice.
Not good enough for me either. I would rather have the virus and no sense of smell or taste for a while. I will not get the vaccine unless large men hold me down and stick me. (lol) It's obviously not a vaccine. It's population control. You will be sterilized, women are losing 80% of their pregnancies, people will start dying in 3 to 5 years. Why get a shot if you can still get sick? It's a scheme like it or not. Hopefully it's just about money, but I believe it's population control. Watch Dr. Sean Brooks video
This is just simply not true. At my wife's hospital, there are 7 pregnant women in ICU (all unvaccinated). Last week a pregnant 34 year old woman died after giving birth. In the same week, a vaccinated pregnant mother gave birth to a healthy baby and the baby tested positive for the antibodies, meaning that the vaccine had safely and successfully transferred to the baby. That's awesome news no matter what your stance on the vaccine is. The stuff going on in hospitals right now is terrible, so please don't spread this kind of false information. If you chose to not get the vaccine, fine, but you're doing damage pulling false statistics like that out of your ass.
Flu and Covid ARE in fact on the same level - the fact that covid is "novel" and it has taken a wave for us to bring mortality rates in line with influenza....but here we are.
No, they are not and it's asinine to say that they are.

Its the politically motivated hysteria that makes this most different from anything we have ever seen.
No, it's that roughly 8x-15x as many people have died from this than they have from flu in any given year and it's still not done.

According to CDC for the 2017-18 influenza season, we had somewhere between 800k and 1.37 mm hospitalizations with anywhere between 50k and 100k deaths.
2017-18 shows 61,000 estimated deaths from the flu. It was by far the worst flu season we've had in recent history.

The chart there goes back to the 2010-11 flu season. All of the other flu seasons had between 12,000 to 51,000 deaths per season, most of them were in the 20-40k range.

Covid deaths in the US have accounted for just over 600k Cumulatively since the outbreak in 2020, with the "curve" dropping precipitously in the last 6 months. Even with the small spike in the Delta variant we are staying at very low mortality rates relative to the first outbreak. This is to be expected with respiratory viruses.
Like I said, we have had 10x as many deaths from COVID as we had in our worst flu season. Some flu seasons we've had as low as 12k death - making COVID 52x more deadly than that flu season. The infectiousness (r-naught value) was already mutliple times higher than influenza but with delta its approaching the same infectious level as the measles.

We know that the people most vulnerable are the very old and those with pre-existing conditions. None of that has (or likely will) change. Case numbers are irrelevant....not to mention the monkeying around with the numbers for those with co-morbidity.

Turns out the vaccine may or may not have a material impact on those numbers for many young, healthy people. We simply don't have enough data yet and its starting to look like the vaccine itself may have a shorter shelf life than we originally thought.
What we know is that every place we measure, every way we look at the data, the delta variant is causing more young people to get infected than previous variants and we know that overwhelmingly, those who are getting seriously ill, being hospitalized, put in ICU or dying are unvaccinated people. Stop with the bullshit that we don't know how effective they are. The vaccines are by far the best weapon against COVID. Period.

Now to your larger point; we are designed to be a much more libertarian society than a statist society. In spite of your convictions that "experts" should have the ability to strip people of their livelihoods and freedoms because their "scientific opinion" is revered....I and many others contend you need to have absolute proof you are right before you go around using state power to forcefully impose your will on individuals.

And driving is a privilege (not a right) conferred on those that voluntarily agree to the terms and conditions before they get behind a wheel; this is a bad analogy.
The analogy is perfectly fine. It was one among many. We have many rights. Rights have limits and boundaries. For instance, my first amendment right to free speech doesn't mean I can knowingly spread lies and falsehoods about others with no consequences. Laws against libel, slander, defamation of character and so on place limits on my free speech. I have the right to vote, but its subject to laws and regulations that can curtail that right - such as voter identification requirements, voting only at specified locations (even if they are inconvenient for me), possibly having my voting rights stripped if I commit certain felonies. I have a right to keep and bear arms, but not any kind of arms I wish. I can own a handgun or a semi-automatic rifle for instance but there are prohibitions or severe restrictions on my ability to keep and bear other types of arms such as a Tomahawk missile, a Patriot missile battery, various types of explosives, nuclear weapons, etc.

The point was simply that none of our rights are absolute. They have limits. Society, through our government, can place (and always has placed) some restrictions on them. This is no different.
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I wonder if @Jay G. Tate would write a shame article on @BryanMatthews if he caught COVID from his "Side Chick". Even though the intent may not have been political, this topic will always be associated with political motivations. As our employers would say, "It's not the intent but the impact" we have to consider. This has definitely had an impact on the Bunker today.
I don’t have a side chick. Is this what it’s come to?
Ok we just don’t agree on the point that the HC should be out front and a public advocate for something that best for the health of individuals and the team. It’s working for our competitors. I’m glad you are vaxxed
I am for anyone's right to privacy. And I am also for letting players make their own choices when it concerns their health? Does anyone honestly believe that the players aren't talking with med professionals, their parents and the coaches when they make their decision? Come on what this really comes down to is the people that are pissed off are mad because they think the games are more important.
This is just simply not true. At my wife's hospital, there are 7 pregnant women in ICU (all unvaccinated). Last week a pregnant 34 year old woman died after giving birth. In the same week, a vaccinated pregnant mother gave birth to a healthy baby and the baby tested positive for the antibodies, meaning that the vaccine had safely and successfully transferred to the baby. That's awesome news no matter what your stance on the vaccine is. The stuff going on in hospitals right now is terrible, so please don't spread this kind of false information. If you chose to not get the vaccine, fine, but you're doing damage pulling false statistics like that out of your ass.
That guy you responded to is the absolute craziest mfer I have seen here in over 15 years. He makes the regular crazies nervous.

Nice post, but a classic example of casting pearls before swine.
Word. I get what you’re saying. I took both Pfizer shots the first day I was eligible and I’ll be taking the booster ASAP. In the spirit of full disclosure.

But you have dropped the ball in not encourage EVERY member of the Bunker to get vaccinated. What happens with @Mikecb22 had to quarantine, or @Denim Vest went down right before basketball season? It’s your job as Commodore to ensure we are not placed at a competitive disadvantage as a message board. What are you doing today to ensure that?
He should be doing more encouraging along with getting it himself and stating that publicly. He’s paid to win games.
So you think coaches should make personal health decisions with the end goal of winning football games?
So you think coaches should make personal health decisions with the end goal of winning football games?

I think they should make it clear they should get vaccinated and lead by example. He has done neither imo.
So if someone like Tank tells him ain't no way in hell I'm sticking that needle in my arm, what do you suggest Harsin do?

I'm just using Tank as an example
You got 15% to play with.. he’d fall in that.
I'm fully vaccinated. Very pro-vaccine. Think people not getting the vaccine are as dumb as people who refuse MMR, hepatitis, etc. vaccines.

The outrage over a FOOTBALL COACH (not doctor - AU doctors are suggesting all players get vaccinated) not forcing or shaming his real life, free-thinking human players to get the vaccine is absurd. The entire staff is educating players that the vaccines are safe and effective, and are then allowing them to make their own informed decisions.

What would you have the man do - tell them "get this vaccine or get off the team"?

the man is paid $5.25m a year to beat and compete with our rivals based on the rules. Not forfeit and allow them to extend their competitive advantages.

sometimes teams make group decision that is best for the team. Sacrificing personal decisions to get what they want as- United group coming together. Same in any group, business, etc.
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I am for anyone's right to privacy. And I am also for letting players make their own choices when it concerns their health? Does anyone honestly believe that the players aren't talking with med professionals, their parents and the coaches when they make their decision? Come on what this really comes down to is the people that are pissed off are mad because they think the games are more important.
Maybe but that's not my concern. I hate that we are (reportedly) last in the SEC in vax rate and I have a hard time thinking that's a good thing for the health of the players, and that it's not a reflection at some level of leadership.
I think they should make it clear they should get vaccinated and lead by example. He has done neither imo.
You said “he’s paid to win games.” You are insinuating he should put any personal health reservations he has aside in order to win football games, no?
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Maybe but that's not my concern. I hate that we are (reportedly) last in the SEC in vax rate and I have a hard time thinking that's a good thing for the health of the players, and that it's not a reflection at some level of leadership.
How do you really know? I tend to think that the players are making informed decisions. It's not the decision I made but I can't tell someone to make the same decision I did. I would encourage them to just as CBH has done.
You said “he’s paid to win games.” You are insinuating he should put any personal health reservations he has aside in order to win football games, no?
Within reason yes. If he won’t. Someone will for $5.25m/yr. It does not seem to be a problem for all of our rivals......

im sure someone is explaining it to him already.
You said “he’s paid to win games.” You are insinuating he should put any personal health reservations he has aside in order to win football games, no?

What personal health reservations? Anybody that thinks the vaccine is more dangerous than Covid is wrong.