According to ESPN, he took a shoulder to the chest and went into cardiac arrest...

Last night, it was actually two folks on the pro-vaccine "side" that kept running around frantically pouring gas on the "debate" and keeping the piss match going, (but mysteriously, many gave them a pass and only attacked those on the other "side" of the debate). There wasn't a lot of consistency.
It was miserable to even read it. Agreed.
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That’s great. You ought to leave it at that in the future.

Oh, so you weren’t suggesting that the vaccines had anything to do with it, then? Before we let it go, let’s be honest about what happened.
I always love the “my main focus…” retort after being called out for something he tried to sneak in without having to support.
Sucks that antivax propagandists couldn’t help themselves.

You just couldn’t let it go- sure it was “ill-timed” if relevant or not.

You, Stump, and DM8 were just laying into him non stop.

It all became less about the reality of a football players injury and more of an e-fight between a bunch of children
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It's hard to imagine how anyone could think its a huge coincidence that the COVID vaccine randomly caused his heart to stop at the exact moment he took a hard shot to the chest. You should definitely ignore all the doctors/EMTs pointing out a blunt trauma to the chest has caused many athletes to suffer similar cardiac arrest.
El oh el, thou certainly are easily rustled at the mention of the experimental mitigation jab. You seem heavily invested and that’s cool. After all, Andy Burcham and Auburn Network are still declaring the clot-shot is “safe, free and effective.”
You saw a man being given CPR on a football field. Your immediate response was to show your ass and rehash the same batshit conspiracy theories that you have been addicted to for years.

Now, you want to cry after getting mocked? Poor baby.

No, I didn't see the play, nor the CPR at all. I'd turned the game off, so you and the twit crew are wrong yet again. It's quite CLEAR that I played no role in the roiling mess that occurred. I refrained and sat it out. Your two deranged, highly hot and bothered, dimwitted buddies should have done the same. Just go back and look at the thread over on PoReMu and count the number of posts they made directly stoking the fire and lighting into the guy they were attacking and arguing with.

In addition, you know well that I've never pushed anything remotely close to a "batsnap conspiracy theory", but all you guys have is dishonesty, deflection and complete lack of character. It's rather sad, (but I guess your master leader Stump trained you all well).
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El oh el, thou certainly are easily rustled at the mention of the experimental mitigation jab. You seem heavily invested and that’s cool. After all, Andy Burcham and Auburn Network are still declaring the clot-shot is “safe, free and effective.”
No, I didn't see the play, nor the CPR at all. I'd turned the game off, so you and the twit crew are wrong yet again.

In addition, you know well that I've never pushed anything remotely close to a "batsnap conspiracy theory", but all you guys have is dishonesty, deflection and complete lack of character. It's rather sad, (but I guess your master leader Stump trained you all well).
Just imagine how smooth brained these two and their ilk must be to see a player's heard stop after taking a hard hit to the chest and immediately start screaming the vaccine must have been cause.
Just imagine how smooth brained these two and their ilk must be to see a player's heard stop after taking a hard hit to the chest and immediately start screaming the vaccine must have been cause.

It's well established that truth matters not one whit with you, so I'm not surprised that you would out and out lie, but just keep on and I'll start pulling up some of the documented idiocy where you were eventually proven to be DEAD WRONG multiple times, "Hey Honey, I found something on the "internets" that all the top doctors and scientists missed", (LOL!!!).

Talking about putting one's foot all up in their mouth. Boy did those posts come back to make you look stupid.
No, I didn't see the play, nor the CPR at all. I'd turned the game off, so you and the twit crew are wrong yet again. It's quite CLEAR that I played no role in the roiling mess that occurred. I refrained and sat it out. Your two deranged, highly hot and bothered, dimwitted buddies should have done the same. Just go back and look at the thread over on PoReMu and count the number of posts they made directly stoking the fire and lighting into the guy they were attacking and arguing with.

In addition, you know well that I've never pushed anything remotely close to a "batsnap conspiracy theory", but all you guys have is dishonesty, deflection and complete lack of character. It's rather sad, (but I guess your master leader Stump trained you all well).
Ahh… so you didn’t even see what transpired but still chimed in during the immediate aftermath to blindly spew vaccine batshit. Perfect.

That’s even more embarrassing than I originally thought. My sincere apologies for overestimating you. I should have known better.
Ahh… so you didn’t even see what transpired but still chimed in during the immediate aftermath to blindly spew vaccine batshit.

That’s even more embarrassing than I originally thought… my sincere apologies for overestimating you.

Your apparent lack of any reading comprehension is not my problem, but yes, I heard about a tragic incident, and I immediately opined with a visceral, emotional post and begin intensely lifting the young man in trouble, up in prayer, (while thinking about all of the others reported to have experienced cardiac events on the pitch, court and field of play of late).

Someone actually watching the game later commented that he'd taken a shot to the chest, so that new information likely explained this particular incident. You're lying that I mentioned the word "vaccine" or implying that I did anything incendiary to ignite a silly pissing match with your crew. Talk to your broe-thers that actually poured the gas and jacked the convo off the tracks and over the cliff.

Go to sleep homie, and stop silly slap-fighting. Why is it always on me to take the high road to stop y'alls crapping?
It's pretty disgusting, but sadly unsurprising, that despite there being a fairly obvious medical explanation for what likely happened to Hamlin (, folks here, elsewhere online, and even the most watched cable TV news personality will instead believe baseless information from their favorite insane congressperson or some doctor whose other papers, etc have been widely disproven.

Not sure if it's bad faith, addiction to an ideology, or just stupidity, but it's really sad.
Your apparent lack of any reading comprehension is not my problem, but yes, I heard about a tragic incident, and I immediately opined with a visceral, emotional post and begin intensely lifting the young man in trouble, up in prayer, (while thinking about all of the others reported to have experienced cardiac events on the pitch, court and field of play of late).

Someone actually watching the game later commented that he'd taken a shot to the chest, so that new information likely explained this particular incident. You're lying that I mentioned the word "vaccine" or implying that I did anything incendiary to ignite a silly pissing match with your crew. Talk to your broe-thers that actually poured the gas and jacked the convo off the tracks and over the cliff.

Go to sleep homie, and stop silly slap-fighting. Why is it always on me to take the high road to stop y'alls crapping?
You heard about a player collapsing and immediately started into your lunatic conspiracy spiel without even seeing what had happened. Hell, you just did it again by citing this hackneyed tripe about “all the cardiac events in sports” (RIP, Hank Aaron).

Pretty sure you’ve missed the ramp for the “high road” on this one. Go see a shrink.
You heard about a player collapsing and immediately started into your lunatic conspiracy spiel without even seeing what had happened. Hell, you just did it again by citing this hackneyed tripe about “all the cardiac events in sports” (RIP, Hank Aaron).

Pretty sure you’ve missed the ramp for the “high road” on this one. Go see a shrink.

You have a nice night, (but you should consider stopping the lying and extreme exaggerations).
Think about how many times your heart beats a minute. Then think about all the things that go in to your heart beating. Atrial firing, ventricles firing, then repolarization. Then in order for this to happen you have to be hit in the chest in just the absolute fraction of a second your heart begins to recharge to do it all over again. The chances of it happening on live tv are extremely slim. We hear more about it now due to social media and easy access to news stories that are put out there to grab attention and clicks. We didn’t have that as much even 10-15 years ago. For the record I am as conservative as they come, but I think for myself
Think about all the hits that are taken every single play and in every single game, yet the condition you describe happens 100 to 1 in a baseball game (compared to a football game) from a hit to the chest from a baseball which is rare. There is good reason this dosen't happen in football if you understand the game and the cause and effect of commotio cordis. I am not telling you what caused it but I am adding this young man to the list of stellar, young athletes that have gone into sudden cardiac arrest in the last couple of years.
There is a good reason the announcers and commentators stated they had never seen this in their entire life or watching football. If football players were at risk of commotio cordis from the collision we all witnessed, cardiac arrest in players would be incredibly more prevalent.
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It's well established that truth matters not one whit with you, so I'm not surprised that you would out and out lie, but just keep on and I'll start pulling up some of the documented idiocy where you were eventually proven to be DEAD WRONG multiple times, "Hey Honey, I found something on the "internets" that all the top doctors and scientists missed", (LOL!!!).

Talking about putting one's foot all up in their mouth. Boy did those posts come back to make you look stupid.
Bingo... ole dee em eight can't help himself as he's a heavy maskabator and damn sure was easily rustlelt during the scam-demic. He seems to despise intelligent, unafraid and reasonable Auburn men who will forever remain FULLY UNjabbed. Yeah, I know the clotshot is still "safe, free and effective" just ask Andy and the AU Network.
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Think about all the hits that are taken every single play and in every single game, yet the condition you describe happens 100 to 1 in a baseball game (compared to a football game) from a hit to the chest from a baseball which is rare. There is good reason this docent happen in football if you understand the game and the cause and effect of commotio cordis. I am not telling you what caused it but I am adding this young man to the list of stellar, young athletes that have gone into sudden cardiac arrest in the last couple of years.
There is a good reason the announcers and commentators stated they had never seen this in their entire life or watching football. If football players were at risk of commotio cordis from the collision we all witnessed, cardiac arrest in players would be incredibly more prevalent.

Wouldn't you need more than one occurrence to even begin to conjecture a *pattern*?
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You just couldn’t let it go- sure it was “ill-timed” if relevant or not.

You, Stump, and DM8 were just laying into him non stop.

It all became less about the reality of a football players injury and more of an e-fight between a bunch of children
Your apologia for the antivax propagandists is noted.
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El oh el, thou certainly are easily rustled at the mention of the experimental mitigation jab. You seem heavily invested and that’s cool. After all, Andy Burcham and Auburn Network are still declaring the clot-shot is “safe, free and effective.”
You sound like Robert Malone😂 You anti-vaxxers are so easily programmed to repeat what yore overlords are saying. Much like sheep.
It's pretty disgusting, but sadly unsurprising, that despite there being a fairly obvious medical explanation for what likely happened to Hamlin (, folks here, elsewhere online, and even the most watched cable TV news personality will instead believe baseless information from their favorite insane congressperson or some doctor whose other papers, etc have been widely disproven.

Not sure if it's bad faith, addiction to an ideology, or just stupidity, but it's really sad.
It’s not their fault. People like @sjweagle have been taken advantage of.
I finally got around to watching a video of that guy and you can tell he’s a quack from the way he talks and his mannerisms.

Honest question. How many in the thread have taken the time to view an interview by Dr. Robert Malone, and thought he came off even remotely as a whack???

There are some certified weirdos out there, but he isn't close to being one of them. And even with the eccentric types, I try maintain objectivity and not throw out the baby with the bath water, (unless everything they are saying is complete idiocy). I TRY not to judge a matter, until I've heard it, (though I definitely fall short of that goal every now and then).

Again, I've NEVER heard anyone else say that they thought Dr. Robert Malone was a quack. Even many of the most ardent Pro-vaxx crowd may disagree, but didn't feel he was one of the weirdo quacks.
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Honest question. How many in the thread have taken the time to view an interview by Dr. Robert Malone, and thought he came off even remotely as a whack???

There are some certified weirdos out there, but he isn't close to being one of them. And even with the eccentric types, I try maintain objectivity and not throw out the baby with the bath water, (unless everything they are saying is complete idiocy). I TRY not to judge a matter, until I've heard it, (though I definitely fall short of that goal every now and then).

Again, I've NEVER heard anyone else say that they thought Dr. Robert Malone was a quack. Even many of the most ardent Pro-vaxx crowd may disagree, but didn't feel he was one of the weirdo quacks.
One of the first things he did was lie and misrepresent his contributions to mRNA vaccine development. Called himself the “inventor of mRNA vaccines”.

One of the first things he did was lie and misrepresent his contributions to mRNA vaccine development. Called himself the “inventor of mRNA vaccines”.


It's so disappointing for anyone trying to have an adult conversation with you, but I guess you just can't help yourself.

I asked a question, and you come back with this spun crap??? Do you see why folks question those with such a twisted, one-sided and bent agenda??? No true scientist would be so myopic and void of objectivity.

Lastly, despite your exaggerations, would you dispute that his research and accomplishments were significant in getting mRNA off of the ground, (i.e. that his contributions were significant)??? Would you dispute that he isn't qualified to weigh in on the topic, (i.e. that he definitely has a background etc., that says his opinion is likely more qualified than most)???

All I want is truth, and it's sad that all "scientists" and people in general are so far from that today. Confirmation bias, dishonesty, and partisan myopia rules the day. 😢 The truth is, if he were pro-vaxx and blindly trumpeting mRNA while lying and hiding valid concerns the way most doctors, scientists and researchers did, they would have been holding him up as a founding father. But instead, since he listed the many Pros and some potential Cons as any objective and honest TRUE sapient would do, he was canceled. What happened is one of the most low IQ, risky and stupidest things humanity has ever done, (with all of the lying, deceit and unintelligent risk).
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Lastly, despite your exaggerations, would you dispute that his research and accomplishments were significant in getting mRNA off of the ground, (i.e. that his contributions were significant)??? Would you dispute that he isn't qualified to weigh in on the topic, (i.e. that he definitely has a background etc., that says his opinion is likely more qualified than most)???
I would dispute his direct claim that he was the "inventor of mRNA vaccines". He was not. His claim that he was calls into question his integrity for any thinking person.
All I want is truth, and it's sad that all "scientists" and people in general are so far from that today. Confirmation bias, dishonesty, and partisan myopia rules the day. 😢 The truth is, if he were pro-vaxx and blindly trumpeting mRNA while lying and hiding valid concerns the way most doctors, scientists and researchers did, they would have been holding him up as a founding father.
What happened is one of the most low IQ, risky and stupidest things humanity has ever done, (with all of the lying, deceit and unintelligent risk).
No, what happened is one of the greatest achievements in the history of medicine. Your ignorance of and belligerence toward the comprehension of that fact is bizarre.
I would dispute his direct claim that he was the "inventor of mRNA vaccines". He was not. His claim that he was calls into question his integrity for any thinking person.


No, what happened is one of the greatest achievements in the history of medicine. Your ignorance of and belligerence toward the comprehension of that fact is bizarre.

You have a good day sir. 😔
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You know how I know yore rustled? You used “little fella”. That’s a defense mechanism 😂
EL Oh Freaking EL... you're truly a petulant child. Is that defensive mechanism even though factual? asking for my Pure Blood Friends.
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You have a good day sir. 😔
Brother au4life, you're far too reasonable to waste any valuable time on the little gen... he's little. I do enjoy the entertainment value pursuant to presentation of facts which are thankfully strongly incongruent to any of their beliefs/values. None more easily triggered than the little bitty gen, the gatorboy and ole Dee M Eight.
Dr. Stumpee is a close second but he actually makes sense now and then but then again... he's a Dr.
It's well established that truth matters not one whit with you, so I'm not surprised that you would out and out lie, but just keep on and I'll start pulling up some of the documented idiocy where you were eventually proven to be DEAD WRONG multiple times, "Hey Honey, I found something on the "internets" that all the top doctors and scientists missed", (LOL!!!).

Talking about putting one's foot all up in their mouth. Boy did those posts come back to make you look stupid.
Bingo... ole dee em eight can't help himself as he's a heavy maskabator and damn sure was easily rustlelt during the scam-demic. He seems to despise intelligent, unafraid and reasonable Auburn men who will forever remain FULLY UNjabbed. Yeah, I know the clotshot is still "safe, free and effective" just ask Andy and the AU Network.

It doesn't get much better on this board than watching these two double down into oblivion that they believe the evil vaccine was lying in wait in this guy's system and just so happened to make his heart stop at the very moment he took the hard hit to the chest. What an incredible display.
over 700 athletes (common age of 23) have collapsed suffering cardiac arrest while competing in the last year. That's more than one.
And here we go again with someone citing the "list" of healthy young athletes struck down in their prime by the vaccine which includes Hank Aaron.
You know how I know yore rustled? You used “little fella”. That’s a defense mechanism 😂
sjweagle always resorts to that embarrassing shit. Imagine being such a rustled old clown that you think that's some sort of killer insult.
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You just couldn’t let it go- sure it was “ill-timed” if relevant or not.

You, Stump, and DM8 were just laying into him non stop.

It all became less about the reality of a football players injury and more of an e-fight between a bunch of children
Lol. Because he kept posting bs non stop.

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