Whenever you have a little time to kill

My son did not have an adverse reaction to the vaccine. He was vaccinated over a year ago. Yet, 3 weeks ago he contracted covid and then passed out for 2 days. This could be a case of ADE, where the immune system is weakened to other forms of covid which make people sicker with covid. If you had read the study on the NIH website that I posted above, perhaps you would understand the issue better.

He got vaccines in December 2020? How?

Stop with the ADE. Also, nobody believes you he was passed out due to Covid on his apt floor for 2 days. Lol
Very weak strawman responses, still deflecting with the Delta post distraction. If I thought the moon landing wasn't real, I would put out the most cogent argument that I could, actually laying out my case. I wouldn't talk about something my "opponents" mother did when she was 18, nor would I bring in the price of tea in China. Stick to the freaking topic of debate, or just sit it out if you can't offer a solid rebuttal. We were NOT discussing the genesis of the Delta surge.
The use of the term “straw man” is overdone and hilariously a way to distract from the the accusations and proof that you are a conspiracy theorist. Yet another example you’ve proven to be a hypocrite. You still have not addressed the your delta surge comment, and I doubt you ever will.
I've discussed that comment with gator boy numerous times, and even before that, he understood what was going on when I initially made it. Anyone with a modicum of reading comprehension can go back to that thread and see what's being said. It needs no explanation.

I've made over a thousand posts on the topic, so it's telling that you silly idiots in Stomp's crew always grab that and roll it out when it's time to deflect or tuck tail and run. He and DM8 made a claim that they couldn't back up, so they posted those comments to deflect. Looks like it worked with you.
Dr Malone couldn't have made his point any better about 'mass formation psychosis' than just looking at how these drones react to any differing opinions than what Fauci/CDC/Pfizer, etc tells them.
00aubie, what you guys are doing is truly sad. It's ridiculous and makes it impossible to have meaningful discussions. It's only more deflection.

We'll be discussing a topic, and as soon as something is thrown out that you 4 or 5 guys can't refute, you start calling names, building strawmen calling folks "anti-vaxxers" or otherwise inserting the price of tea in China. You should all do better. Silly meme's, lies and deflecting is a horrible way to go about it. Then, even worse, when you're CLEARLY proven to be wrong, (by actual science), over time, you still won't admit to it.

Tell me. What does my vaccination status have to do with the price of tea in China. What does it have to do with me advocating for truth and providing some of the important information that is being suppressed and hidden?
It matters that you're vaccinated while actively doing everything you can around here to get posters to risk illness and maybe even worse by deliberately spreading manure.

It matters because you're a deadbeat POS that doesn't practice what he preaches.
Except, you can NEVER offer a rebuttal to back up the claim that I'm full of it. I mean, if I'm chock full of stuffing as you imply, it ought to be easy to rebuff me, right?

You're a petty hater. Hurling insults, but not EVER providing a single shred to back it up.
Except I’ve explained it to you and you just add more bullshit like “you’re missing the obvious point” with a bunch of childish hashtags and silly parenthetical disclaimers. Have a good one bruh.
Dr Malone couldn't have made his point any better about 'mass formation psychosis' than just looking at how these drones react to any differing opinions than what Fauci/CDC/Pfizer, etc tells them.
Considering I’m not a fan of fauci or cdc, you’re way off base. Did you get this response out of the patriot talking point handbook?
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My brother in law had vax--next day was going into shock--heart racing, couldn't talk, shaking
He made it to emergency room and they checked for heart attack but said he was ok
would not say it was due to vaccine but it was obvious--that was the only change in his life style

I don't think any doctor is going to say patient has reaction to vaccine--they are too scared of peer criticism
Imagine being as pathetically stupid as @AUB03 ... That's impressive kell
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The use of the term “straw man” is overdone and hilariously a way to distract from the the accusations and proof that you are a conspiracy theorist. Yet another example you’ve proven to be a hypocrite. You still have not addressed the your delta surge comment, and I doubt you ever will.
We all just missed the point. That’s his only defense. Then some hashtags, italics, and parenthetical disclaimers to make sure he doesn’t post anything shorter than yore average thesis. I also love the “just post 3 or 4 dumb posts I’ve made” argument when the 1 up for discussion, where he states delta was planned, is impossible to defend. Lolz
And yet what we are hearing from many doctors and researchers is that people who have been vaccinated are getting very sick from COVID, as was mentioned in the study above on the NIH website that I guess you just want to ignore.

This is personal for me as both my sons have been fully vaccinated. And as I mentioned elsewhere, about 3 weeks ago my youngest awoke on the floor of his apartment after having passed out. He was shocked to discover he had been passed out for 2 days and had no idea what had happened. He went to the emergency room and he tested positive for COVID and was severely dehydrated. They pumped him full of fluids. He could have died.

The increase of these types of stories is alarming. So are we just now beginning to see long-term effects of the vaccines? We shall see.
Bro you're just so massively full of shit it hurts. Or maybe you're just stupid.

Either way, lol
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What fvcking Jerry Lewis meme are you talking about? I think you may be confused.

You’ve claimed you aren’t a conspiracy theorist, yet we’ve provided you with evidence, and now you want more evidence or else it’s simply not true 😂 If this were a trial, I’d present one screenshot, and the judge would PIMP slap you guilty.

Seriously, who questions whether a covid surge is planned, other than a conspiracy theorist? I assume you think the moon landing was staged and birds aren’t real, too?
You come off just as crazy as everyone else, fyi.
I know our physicians have no issue with relating complications that we suspect to the vaccine. We are encouraged to report any suspected reactions/complications to our administration that is tracking these numbers. In fact, every hospital system that I know of are tracking this as well.

We are encouraged to report any suspected reactions/complications to our administration

You're required to submit a VAERS report if it pertains to specific instances, occurring within a specific time, and you are encouraged to submit a VAERS report if those standards do not apply.

- Is that correct?
We all just missed the point. That’s his only defense. Then some hashtags, italics, and parenthetical disclaimers to make sure he doesn’t post anything shorter than yore average thesis. I also love the “just post 3 or 4 dumb posts I’ve made” argument when the 1 up for discussion, where he states delta was planned, is impossible to defend. Lolz
He's truly a gullible (and simple) man... Even though he thinks himself intellectually superior.

Poor liferz
We are encouraged to report any suspected reactions/complications to our administration

You're required to submit a VAERS report if it pertains to specific instances, occurring within a specific time, and you are encouraged to submit a VAERS report if those standards do not apply.

- Is that correct?

We are not “required” to report to VAERS individually however our administration reports these events. Most events are reported multiple times as that it is usually reported by patient and/or family, hospital systems, providers, friends, etc.

For instance, the case of the myositis that I discussed ITT was reported over 20 times (mostly by friends and family).
We are not “required” to report to VAERS individually however our administration reports these events. Most events are reported multiple times as that it is usually reported by patient and/or family, hospital systems, providers, friends, etc.

... because others have said it was a requirement, but it actually isn't. Your admin does it voluntarily (passive system etc) , but not all events are reported, and not all events are investigated- as others have alluded to.

And, it's quite possible that not all healthcare facilities report as stringently as your does. Is that fair?
Dr Malone couldn't have made his point any better about 'mass formation psychosis' than just looking at how these drones react to any differing opinions than what Fauci/CDC/Pfizer, etc tells them.
We have a doctor IN THIS THREAD giving us first-hand information on why the vaccines are extremely safe and effective. That upsets you and your fellow loons, so you desperately try to pretend its not happening. No one is asking you imbeciles to take anyone's word for it aside than the eminently qualified doctor who is a member of this site and a well known reliable source of information.
We have a doctor IN THIS THREAD giving us first-hand information on why the vaccines are extremely safe and effective. That upsets you and your fellow loons, so you desperately try to pretend its not happening. No one is asking you imbeciles to take anyone's word for it aside than the eminently qualified doctor who is a member of this site and a well known reliable source of information.

he also said you and Stump were wrong in your VAERS summation. Did you notice that?
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You’ve claimed you aren’t a conspiracy theorist, yet we’ve provided you with evidence, and now you want more evidence or else it’s simply not true 😂 If this were a trial, I’d present one screenshot, and the judge would PIMP slap you guilty.

Seriously, who questions whether a covid surge is planned, other than a conspiracy theorist? I assume you think the moon landing was staged and birds aren’t real, too?

Damn! conspiracy loon @au4life_rz getting beaten into a pulp ITT.
We have a doctor IN THIS THREAD giving us first-hand information on why the vaccines are extremely safe and effective. That upsets you and your fellow loons, so you desperately try to pretend its not happening. No one is asking you imbeciles to take anyone's word for it aside than the eminently qualified doctor who is a member of this site and a well known reliable source of information.

Dan, if an equally eminent, qualified doctor said differently, but posted on the Ole Miss board instead, are they a maroon?
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My son did not have an adverse reaction to the vaccine. He was vaccinated over a year ago. Yet, 3 weeks ago he contracted covid and then passed out for 2 days. This could be a case of ADE, where the immune system is weakened to other forms of covid which make people sicker with covid. If you had read the study on the NIH website that I posted above, perhaps you would understand the issue better.
Your son got both of his COVID shots prior to January 2021? That sounds extremely dubious. Was her part of a clinical trial? Is he a high ranking government official?

Whatever happened to your son almost certainly has nothing to do with the vaccine, but you have been pushing these nutty anti-vaxxer lies for so long, you are desperate to try and make a connection.
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We have a doctor IN THIS THREAD giving us first-hand information on why the vaccines are extremely safe and effective. That upsets you and your fellow loons, so you desperately try to pretend its not happening. No one is asking you imbeciles to take anyone's word for it aside than the eminently qualified doctor who is a member of this site and a well known reliable source of information.
Dr Malone has more knowledge on the vaccine than anyone on das boonker.
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Dr Malone has more knowledge on the vaccine than anyone das boonker.
Nope. He's a nutty quack on a mission to get more people killed by undermining confidence in the vaccines safety and effectiveness. The only reason you worship him is because he says things you want to hear. Meanwhile, we have a real doctor on the board who has a track record of credibility and he agrees with the 99% of doctors who aren't anti-vaxxer quacks.
It matters that you're vaccinated while actively doing everything you can around here to get posters to risk illness and maybe even worse by deliberately spreading manure.

It matters because you're a deadbeat POS that doesn't practice what he preaches.

I've asked you about 20 times to link just 4 or 5 posts that show me doing ANYTHING to get others to risk illness or where I've asked anyone to not take the new vaccines. You have never linked even a single post. That says it all.

Me providing information that the leading agencies lie about, suppress and cancel other experts for saying, (to allow for objectivity so that people can make fair, balanced and informed decisions), is NOT the same as me telling folks they should engage in risky behavior. I'm actually trying to position people to assess their risk/reward ratio correctly/accurately, while the agenda is trying to deceive, manipulate and bully folks into getting the new mRNA vaccines by hook or crook, (spinning, baking, lying, using propaganda misinformation etc.).
We are not “required” to report to VAERS individually however our administration reports these events. Most events are reported multiple times as that it is usually reported by patient and/or family, hospital systems, providers, friends, etc.

For instance, the case of the myositis that I discussed ITT was reported over 20 times (mostly by friends and family).

Are you implying that you feel it's typical that VAERS incidents are over-reported, (i.e. saying that a case you know about was reported over 20 times)???
  1. Do you feel some doctors who feel that the new vaccines are providing overall benefit/good, might under report incidents?
  2. Do you feel that overall that associated incidents are over-reported, or under-reported, (i.e. in your opinion).
We have a doctor IN THIS THREAD giving us first-hand information on why the vaccines are extremely safe and effective. That upsets you and your fellow loons, so you desperately try to pretend its not happening. No one is asking you imbeciles to take anyone's word for it aside than the eminently qualified doctor who is a member of this site and a well known reliable source of information.

You peddle BS and deal almost exclusively in pure manipulation. While we appreciate a single doctor's opinion, you fail to be consistent in your assessments. Please answer EACH question

  • Does his being a doctor make his opinions automatic fact, or are they still anecdotal, (which is your favorite way to dismiss opinions that you don't agree with). While appreciated, qualified and valuable, are his opinions still anecdotal?
  • I may have missed it, but where specifically in this thread has Doc given us specific information as to why the new vaccines are "extremely safe and effective".
    • The new mRNA vaccines are effective in reducing severe hospitalizations and death, but that's not what we were promised initially.
      • They have failed to come close to providing sterilizing immunity, herd immunity, keeping us from contracting COVID, maintaining significant viral load allowing the virus to mutate in fully vaccinated folks, and spreading COVID to others
      • We have yet to determine whether they represent a Pyrrhic victory where we are evoking a strong narrow, local and specific immunological response, at the expense of better overall, general protection against the entire family of variants etc.
      • I understand that given your ability to analyze, you really are TRYING to do a good thing using a "by any means necessary" approach to blindly promote the vaccines, but history may NOT look kindly on the final results regarding the management of this pandemic using mass psychosis, delusion, deception, lying, bullying and Orwellian censorship
  • Why is it that when other "eminently qualified doctors" provide dissenting opinions that go against the established narrative, do you not take the same tact, and promote their every opinion as FACT?
I'll hang up and listen and see if you'll engage in normal, productive conversation.
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Nope. He's a nutty quack on a mission to get more people killed by undermining confidence in the vaccines safety and effectiveness. The only reason you worship him is because he says things you want to hear. Meanwhile, we have a real doctor on the board who has a track record of credibility and he agrees with the 99% of doctors who aren't anti-vaxxer quacks.

So, in your mind and opinion, Dr. Robert Malone, (and really, any other scientist, researcher or doctor who's spent their lives as actual virologists and experts in the field), is/are less qualified to opine, than regular doctors, (in general)?

When it comes to discussing and understanding the inner machinations and mechanisms associated with the new mRNA vaccines, what percentage of average practitioners do you feel, are likely to have more knowledge and be more qualified than experts in the field such as Dr. Malone? Is he a "nutty quack", simply because he has a qualified opinion that's different from yours, or that he has a few reasonable concerns about the vaccines?

When you do real science, should you take honest, objective and COMPLETE looks at all aspects of a new drug, or just glad hand it and use delusion to IMAGINE that it's unicorn'ish, and has rainbows sprouting out of it's behind? When you short-circuit an analysis and fail to do real science, is it more or less likely that you could end up taking one step forward in the short term, but two or three backwards in the bigger picture scenario, (i.e. a pyrrhic victory)? We should be grateful that all doctors, scientists and researchers aren't willing to just dismiss concerns and rush along to join the mainstream narrative so as to avoid castigation and cancelling.
Nope. He's a nutty quack on a mission to get more people killed by undermining confidence in the vaccines safety and effectiveness. The only reason you worship him is because he says things you want to hear. Meanwhile, we have a real doctor on the board who has a track record of credibility and he agrees with the 99% of doctors who aren't anti-vaxxer quacks.

I've had multiple doctors from around the country tell me some version of "Well, if we tried to vet everything, and waited for things to be perfect, we'd never get anywhere, and we'd lose lives in the SHORT TERM". I think that we dang well ought to have some bright and objective minds working on the long term scenario to make sure that what we're doing is ultimately a win for mankind, as opposed to a long term and overall LOSS.
The left is positioning themselves as the party of big pharma, govt control, and pro excess corporate profits and expressly anti blue collar worker at a time with record recent graduate unemployment, record low levels of wealth in recent graduates and a dramatic decrease in young adults deciding to go to college.

Democrats just keep hitching their wagons to the trillionare pharma and corporate ceos and telling people they aren’t allowed to question their over lords….and we get to see what happens next.

Welcome to the next realignment folks!
The VAERS Database now has over 1M COVID Vaccine injuries reported and 20,000 deaths. A Columbia University study estimates the deaths are actually 400,000.

"Comparing our estimate with the CDC-reported VFR (0.002%) suggests VAERS deaths are underreported by a factor of 20, consistent with known VAERS under-ascertainment bias."

But everyone knows Columbia is filled with right wing quacks, so...
The left is positioning themselves as the party of big pharma, govt control, and pro excess corporate profits and expressly anti blue collar worker at a time with record recent graduate unemployment, record low levels of wealth in recent graduates and a dramatic decrease in young adults deciding to go to college.

Democrats just keep hitching their wagons to the trillionare pharma and corporate ceos and telling people they aren’t allowed to question their over lords….and we get to see what happens next.

Welcome to the next realignment folks!
Imagine living in a world where taking a fvcking vaccine that has proven to be safe and effective in fighting a pandemic puts you in the pocket of big pharma.

That would still be preferable to hitching said wagon to a gang of carnival barkers and the rubes that worship them.
I've asked you about 20 times to link just 4 or 5 posts that show me doing ANYTHING to get others to risk illness or where I've asked anyone to not take the new vaccines. You have never linked even a single post. That says it all.

Me providing information that the leading agencies lie about, suppress and cancel other experts for saying, (to allow for objectivity so that people can make fair, balanced and informed decisions), is NOT the same as me telling folks they should engage in risky behavior. I'm actually trying to position people to assess their risk/reward ratio correctly/accurately, while the agenda is trying to deceive, manipulate and bully folks into getting the new mRNA vaccines by hook or crook, (spinning, baking, lying, using propaganda misinformation etc.).
You're not "providing information" you're spreading harmful manure as a troll who wants to see people suffer. It's as simple as that.

Besides, pretty much everyone has taken a position on the vaccine at this point... yet yore personal jihad continues.
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Imagine living in a world where taking a fvcking vaccine that has proven to be safe and effective in fighting a pandemic puts you in the pocket of big pharma.

That would still be preferable to hitching said wagon to a gang of carnival barkers and the rubes that worship them.
You could have just said “you’re exactly right” and saved yourself some time. Thanks though.
Your son got both of his COVID shots prior to January 2021? That sounds extremely dubious. Was her part of a clinical trial? Is he a high ranking government official?

Whatever happened to your son almost certainly has nothing to do with the vaccine, but you have been pushing these nutty anti-vaxxer lies for so long, you are desperate to try and make a connection.
Why does it sound dubious? Vaccinations on a mass scale began in December of 2020. His first shot was in early 2021 and he got the second one shortly thereafter. He works for a subsidiary of Delta in Atlanta and was required to get it. As for that other jerk who said that my story of him passing out on the floor for 2 days did not happen, well, he is an ass. It did happen and could have easily died.