That's not completely accurate. You CANNOT just dismiss the fact that the vaccines are novel/new, and as such, with no data available for any life-cycle phase except the immediate short-term, the risk increases. You can't just dismiss this increased risk for something so close to gene therapy and genetic engineering. We are CLEAR that the vaccines don't rise to those levels, but it's in the same vein, and people will be concerned and everyone won't have the same risk/reward ratio that you or I might have. It's NOT a simple, no-brainer decision.
Most importantly, even if everyone in the U.S. had gotten vaccinated, we still might not have been able to return to normal, as evidence by many examples where large gatherings of fully vaccinated folks resulted in outbreaks. We just don't know enough about this weird pathogen to make those definitive statements, and false/fake guarantees just to get more to take the vaccine.
Since COVID would have still been around, as soon as the immunity started waning, we'd probably have had outbreaks anyway, so please consider stopping the silly blame game that the leading authorities are encouraging all of us to play as a means of creating more peer pressure on the "unvaccinated" to force them to get vaccinated. You MUST all personal will and volition to factor into this thing unless you can pretty much guarantee certain things scientifically. We can only do that with the old vaccine technology that we have much more data on. Be fair, and be morally considerate dude.
Hahaha! Stop reading after the first line.