Washington St. fired due to refusing to get

My two cents on the topic has always resonated with those who are intelligent, objective and fair. The Bunker is the only board where a few dullard idiots haven't received the simple message. It's gone over well on every other board around the country.

Thanks for your encouragement, and you can bet I'll continue to offer my humble two cents where it may make a difference. Again, have a great day.
But that situation and those vaccines are T-TOTALLY different than this current situation. Those mandated vaccines were all based on tried and true, classical vaccine technology, (LAV and inactivated), that we have DECADES of usage data on across the complete life-cycle, and we can therefore pretty much guarantee scientifically that they are safe.

However, the new vaccines for COVID are based on relatively new technology, (especially the mRNA vaccines), that we only have data on from the immediate short-term, therefore we can NOT guarantee anything. If you can't pretty much guarantee things scientifically/medically, then you cannot mandate and force people to take on the associated risk.

It's amazing that folks can't understand this simple, but SIGNIFICANT difference. Of course, we all understand why they are trying to conflate normal vaccine data and behavior with these new ones, (in order to get as many as possible to take them in an attempt to help), but you can't trick people like that, or force them to take experimental things into their bodies. That has to be a personal choice/decision.

That's a shit stupid attempt at a troll. If you can't explain how someone not being vaccinated effects you why would you care if they are vaccinated or not?

i thought you just meant in the context of it effecting me if their job makes them get vaccinated.

i can still get it and spread it, but like freedom of movement and living life...people who are not vaccinated are more likely to spread it to me. since i'm vaxed, i'm confident it won't be bad for me...but i can't say the same if i pass it to someone else. it's better for everyone to combat the virus together rather than telling people who are vaxed they shouldn't worry about what others are doing.
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That's a shit stupid attempt at a troll. If you can't explain how someone not being vaccinated effects you why would you care if they are vaccinated or not?

The more unvaccinated an area has, the more Covid that area has. That means people like General Powell are in more danger. That means kids not eligible for the vaccine are more in danger. That means the elderly are more in danger. That means everybody is in more danger. It also means a return to some normalcy is delayed. The US should be mostly past Covid by now but the unvaccinated will have delayed normalcy by 9-12 months and possibly made it almost impossible to achieve nationwide for a long time due to vaccines waning over time.
You don't think there are any intelligent folks who feel that their personal risk/reward ratio regarding taking these new/novel vaccines, falls in favor of them not taking it?

Or, do you feel that anyone who doesn't agree with you on any number of topics should be exiled, jailed, flogged, lose their jobs etc.??? Where does one man's opinion trump the rights of another? I'd love to hear your general argument as to why the risk/reward ratio for EVERYONE indicates they should take any new drug or procedure. You or I may decide that we feel the reward is greater than the risks, but should I really force my opinion on someone else given that the vaccines are so new???

If we wanted everyone to take them, and/or mandate them, we should have simply developed another option based on the tried and true classical vaccine technology, and then there wouldn't be much debate at all, (but you should ask yourself why they won't do this). There are some very intelligent, knowledgeable, and deep perspective folks who may want to wait until more data is available, and that doesn't make them a pariah or idiot.
As I said, I think the stupid people that won't get vaccinated should be exiled. I also think that every American should serve in the military, stupid or not. If you won't get vaccinated, if only for the sake of others, then I know something about you.
That's a shit stupid attempt at a troll. If you can't explain how someone not being vaccinated effects you why would you care if they are vaccinated or not?
If you don’t understand this by now, there’s truly no use in anyone holding your hand and explaining it to you yet again.
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i thought you just meant in the context of it effecting me if their job makes them get vaccinated.

i can still get it and spread it, but like freedom of movement and living life...people who are not vaccinated are more likely to spread it to me. since i'm vaxed, i'm confident it won't be bad for me...but i can't say the same if i pass it to someone else. it's better for everyone to combat the virus together rather than telling people who are vaxed they shouldn't worry about what others are doing.
The more unvaccinated an area has, the more Covid that area has. That means people like General Powell are in more danger. That means kids not eligible for the vaccine are more in danger. That means the elderly are more in danger. That means everybody is in more danger. It also means a return to some normalcy is delayed. The US should be mostly past Covid by now but the unvaccinated will have delayed normalcy by 9-12 months and possibly made it almost impossible to achieve nationwide for a long time due to vaccines waning over time.
If you don’t understand this by now, there’s truly no use in anyone holding your hand and explaining it to you yet again.
So basically it's just fear? Old people die, it's always been that way. Virii have always existed and always will. Life is scary I guess. The three of you seem to believe that the nanny state should shelter us in it's warm bosom but that's not how this country was intended to run. If people are at high risk and want to change their lives they should do so. If you want to be vaccinated you should do so. If you don't then you don't and if you die then you die.
Those vaccines you speak of (polio, etc) keep your from getting or spreading the disease….Covid vaccines aren’t working like that.
Technically, a lot of vaccines don't work like that. The flu vaccine is a very common example, but polio is actually one of them too. For example, below is a blurb from an article about how the inactivated virus vaccine (IPV) for poliovirus provides protection from illness, but does not prevent viral shedding. Sterilizing immunity was something hoped for this virus, and for the early strains seemed possible as they drastically lowered infection rates, but after delta it became a pipe dream. Most folks are going to get infected with that strain now regardless of vaccination.

Of course, none of this should matter at this point. There is simply no reason for anybody to be forced to take the vaccines. Vaccination very well protects those who are vaccinated from serious illness. They have few concerns about the unvaccinated people making them sick. The vaccines don't prevent infections with the delta strain anyway, so the virus is going to continue to spread. There are adequate treatment options now and the hospitals are not being overrun. The large majority of the population that remains unvaccinated is at a very low risk of hospitalization or death anyway, so there is no pressing need to enforce vaccination. At this point, immunity can be achieved from people just getting infected. Forced vaccination isn't about health or science. It is about control. I'm fully and happily vaxxed. I think everybody should get vaxxed unless there is some good reason not to do so, but I am totally opposed to forced vaccination. Everybody should be against that and should be suspicious of the government's and other societal institutions' determination to enforce that.

"In preparing the global public health system to withstand shortages in IPV supply moving forward, it is also important to give due consideration to a limitation of all IPVs—namely, that inactivated vaccines appear to have a limited capacity to induce intestinal immunity against polio. There is no question that serum antibodies produced in response to IPVs are able to successfully protect vaccinees against paralytic polio by inhibiting viraemia and entry into the CNS. Perhaps less appreciated is that with polio—and probably many other pathogens replicating at mucosal surfaces—a vaccine's ability to induce mucosal immunity is tightly linked to the vaccine's capacity to block viral shedding and, thereby, potential onward transmission. Mounting evidence from OPV challenge trials indicates that, when delivered in a primary vaccine series, IPV seems to have only limited effects on the duration and degree of viral shedding. By contrast, the intestinal immunity induced by live, oral vaccines is close to achieving the ideal of sterilising immunity."
So basically it's just fear? Old people die, it's always been that way. Virii have always existed and always will. Life is scary I guess. The three of you seem to believe that the nanny state should shelter us in it's warm bosom but that's not how this country was intended to run. If people are at high risk and want to change their lives they should do so. If you want to be vaccinated you should do so. If you don't then you don't and if you die then you die.

“Old people die.” Dude, you’re a scumbag.
So basically it's just fear? Old people die, it's always been that way. Virii have always existed and always will. Life is scary I guess. The three of you seem to believe that the nanny state should shelter us in it's warm bosom but that's not how this country was intended to run. If people are at high risk and want to change their lives they should do so. If you want to be vaccinated you should do so. If you don't then you don't and if you die then you die.

i don't know what fear has to do with it. i don't want people to die and there's a vaccine that helps prevent that from happening. i'm vaxed and not personally scared of the virus. it does suck knowing i could transmit it to people who refuse to be vaxed b/c i am living my life and going out and doing things amongst the public.

i'm not the most compassionate guy but "if you die you die" is a little much for me
i don't know what fear has to do with it. i don't want people to die and there's a vaccine that helps prevent that from happening. i'm vaxed and not personally scared of the virus. it does suck knowing i could transmit it to people who refuse to be vaxed b/c i am living my life and going out and doing things amongst the public.

i'm not the most compassionate guy but "if you die you die" is a little much for me

True. It also protects people who are ignorant and have been fooled by certain other people. It also protects those that are older and/or immunocompromised. The vaccines don’t work for them as well and for some, don’t work at all. Kids are mostly protected naturally but many aren’t.
The more unvaccinated an area has, the more Covid that area has. That means people like General Powell are in more danger. That means kids not eligible for the vaccine are more in danger. That means the elderly are more in danger. That means everybody is in more danger. It also means a return to some normalcy is delayed. The US should be mostly past Covid by now but the unvaccinated will have delayed normalcy by 9-12 months and possibly made it almost impossible to achieve nationwide for a long time due to vaccines waning over time.
Kids are not in danger from this virus. The risk of hospitalization or death from COVID for school-aged kids is about as low as the same risk from influenza. Nobody cared at all about the flu prior to two years ago and almost never took any precautions for the flu. Kids that age probably have a higher risk of dying in a car wreck on the way to or from school than from the virus.

Also, "the more unvaccinated an area has, the more COVID that area has" may be questionable. Somebody posted this link below in the Stultzy thread and it seems to call into question whether vaccination rates are positively correlated with COVID cases...

Not that cases actually mean much at this point in time anyway for the delta strain. At this point, everybody is getting COVID if they aren't vaxxed, and probably most vaxxed will eventually get it too. It's time for people to stop worrying and let go of this pandemic. This coronavirus is just something we are going to have to live with. If we keep trying to force people to act in certain ways over it, we are just going to wind up with an unlivable society.
Kids are not in danger from this virus. The risk of hospitalization or death from COVID for school-aged kids is about as low as the same risk from influenza. Nobody cared at all about the flu prior to two years ago and almost never took any precautions for the flu. Kids that age probably have a higher risk of dying in a car wreck on the way to or from school than from the virus.

Also, "the more unvaccinated an area has, the more COVID that area has" may be questionable. Somebody posted this link below in the Stultzy thread and it seems to call into question whether vaccination rates are positively correlated with COVID cases...

Not that cases actually mean much at this point in time anyway for the delta strain. At this point, everybody is getting COVID if they aren't vaxxed, and probably most vaxxed will eventually get it too. It's time for people to stop worrying and let go of this pandemic. This coronavirus is just something we are going to have to live with. If we keep trying to force people to act in certain ways over it, we are just going to wind up with an unlivable society.

Unfortunately, many are. Many have been hospitalized. Yes, it been way less than adults but some are in danger. I was simply stating who the unvaccinated put in danger and some kids are put in danger.
Unfortunately, many are. Many have been hospitalized. Yes, it been way less than adults but some are in danger. I was simply stating who the unvaccinated put in danger and some kids are put in danger.
Sure, it can and does make kids sick. So does the flu and various other mundane illnesses. As I said, their risk from this virus is about as low as from the flu. People with the flu put some kids in danger from that as well. It's just a low risk. Nobody gave a sh*t about that three years ago. Nobody should give a sh*t about it now. Everybody should be concerned that such a big deal is being made of it now. Kids should not be getting vaxxed and also (IMO) should not be forced to mask over this thing. Any focus on kids getting COVID is a boondoggle at best. It is alarmism not based in concern for public health or science. It is something else.
But that situation and those vaccines are T-TOTALLY different than this current situation. Those mandated vaccines were all based on tried and true, classical vaccine technology, (LAV and inactivated), that we have DECADES of usage data on across the complete life-cycle, and we can therefore pretty much guarantee scientifically that they are safe.

However, the new vaccines for COVID are based on relatively new technology, (especially the mRNA vaccines), that we only have data on from the immediate short-term, therefore we can NOT guarantee anything. If you can't pretty much guarantee things scientifically/medically, then you cannot mandate and force people to take on the associated risk.

It's amazing that folks can't understand this simple, but SIGNIFICANT difference. Of course, we all understand why they are trying to conflate normal vaccine data and behavior with these new ones, (in order to get as many as possible to take them in an attempt to help), but you can't trick people like that, or force them to take experimental things into their bodies. That has to be a personal choice/decision.
You do realize how the clinical trials for the polio vaccine were done, right? And that the first polio vaccine was not 100% effective?
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Those vaccines you speak of (polio, etc) keep your from getting or spreading the disease….Covid vaccines aren’t working like that.
So your argument is b/c your 60 to 90% less likely to get Covid if you're vaccinated means the vaccines don't work? You do realize like 80-90% of the people still getting sick are unvaccinated, right?
So your argument is b/c your 60 to 90% less likely to get Covid if you're vaccinated means the vaccines don't work? You do realize like 80-90% of the people still getting sick are unvaccinated, right?
And the fact that when the first polio vaccine was approved, it was between 80-90% effective against the spread of polio. Those numbers sound familiar to anyone else?
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Nobody cared at all about the flu prior to two years ago and almost never took any precautions for the flu
Are you stupid or willfully ignorant?

150 million people get the flu vaccine each year. The target is 70% of the US population (number sound familiar?). 63% of kids 6 mo to 17 years got the vaccine last year.

I got the vaccine when my wife was pregnant pre covid b/c the flu can be very bad for pregnant women. I've gotten it every year since. So has my son.

Jesus christ
Sure, it can and does make kids sick. So does the flu and various other mundane illnesses. As I said, their risk from this virus is about as low as from the flu. People with the flu put some kids in danger from that as well. It's just a low risk. Nobody gave a sh*t about that three years ago. Nobody should give a sh*t about it now. Everybody should be concerned that such a big deal is being made of it now. Kids should not be getting vaxxed and also (IMO) should not be forced to mask over this thing. Any focus on kids getting COVID is a boondoggle at best. It is alarmism not based in concern for public health or science. It is something else.

Again, the more adults that get vaccinated, the less at risk kids are in danger. I never compared kids to older adults. Also, kids do transmit the virus around causing more community spread putting more people in danger. The 12-17 range spreads it more than younger kids by what I have read.
I think all the stupid people that won't get vaccinated should be exiled, so in my America he would have been worse than fired.
Thank you for being a shining example of how there are stupid people on the "pro-vaccine" side of the argument. FFS man.
The people who count the money will care. There won’t be any.

there's fake news being spread left and right on social media right now about people boycotting their jobs. if these boycotts were actually happening or working there wouldn't be a need for all these fake viral posts

the one about the Denver airport cracked me up...tweet said no one showed up to work over vaccine mandate and all the restaurants were closed...dude tweeted back that he was there at that moment and nothing was closed. of course it still spread rapidly like gospel amongst the anti-vax crowd.
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Those vaccines you speak of (polio, etc) keep your from getting or spreading the disease….Covid vaccines aren’t working like that.
HSV, I am sure you are a good guy, I'm sure I'd enjoy having a beer with you and talking football and other stuff, but you keep posting half (at best) informed stuff. The first polio vaccination was not 100% effective because it didn't stop what was basically viral shedding in the intestines, which happened to be the spot where the polio virus really enjoyed multiplying. Due to this, it was only 80-90% effective in the stop of transmission. That didn't change until the second vaccine, which was developed with a weakened live virus in 1963 (I think it was "63, I could be off by a year or 2) and, the first vaccine was criticized by some within the scientific community because it contained a dead virus as opposed to a live one.
Again, the more adults that get vaccinated, the less at risk kids are in danger. I never compared kids to older adults. Also, kids do transmit the virus around causing more community spread putting more people in danger. The 12-17 range spreads it more than younger kids by what I have read.
At this point, the kids spreading it around isn't necessarily a bad thing. The kids aren't likely to be harmed and the adults at risk already should have been vaccinated a long time ago. Community spread is like vaccination at this point. Everybody who is really at risk at this point is due to their own personal choices. It's a lot like bad eating habits or smoking. We can just let people do what they want. Immunity will spread with the virus just like it does with vaccination. It is what it is.
What is the acceptable number of preventable kid deaths due to influenza?
in 19-20 flu season, there were 188 deaths. This was a high. Usually 65% of kids are vaccinated

The idea that there isn't massive preventable measures for the flu is beyond stupid. Also, over 2x the number of children have died in the last few months vs the aforementioned season.
kids spreading it around isn't necessarily a bad thing.
Man fvck....I'd really hate it for you or anyone close to you to have a toddler dead b/c of this attitude.

ffs. Just massively ignorant and willing to put kids lives in danger for this bullshit

Everybody who is really at risk at this point is due to their own personal choices.
Children born after 2009....just a personal choice
Are you stupid or willfully ignorant?

150 million people get the flu vaccine each year. The target is 70% of the US population (number sound familiar?). 63% of kids 6 mo to 17 years got the vaccine last year.

I got the vaccine when my wife was pregnant pre covid b/c the flu can be very bad for pregnant women. I've gotten it every year since. So has my son.

Jesus christ
Neither. My family also gets the flu shot every year and has for probably close to two decades. As you may or may not be aware, the flu shot is not required. Nobody cares if you or your kids get the flu shot.

Also, feel free to...****-yourself-Mac-Faulkner-disney-gif.gif
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Everybody who is really at risk at this point is due to their own personal choices.
Children born after 2009....just a personal choice
Children born after 2009 would fall into the category I excluded as they are at very little risk from this virus. There is no such thing as zero risk for anybody. Some level of risk is assumed in order to live in this world. For kids, COVID is a very low risk. Lots of other normal activities carry higher risks for them. It isn't an indication of disregard or lack of concern for children to recognize that life carries risks and to accept it and move on. It's how we all used to live before the virus drove people insane.
Neither. My family also gets the flu shot every year and has for probably close to two decades. As you may or may not be aware, the flu shot is not required. Nobody cares if you or your kids get the flu shot.

Also, feel free to...

Ok, grandpa. Maybe learn how to post an actual gif vs a link.

Secondly, so in your dumbass comments "no one takes precautions against the flu", you come back with you and your family has done it for 2 decades. Christ.

I'm guessing you're some coivd-truther who can't understand the difference between Covid and the flu, right? COIVD is NOT the flu. It's more deadly and more contagious, a multiple of times over.

Again, for something drastically less contagious and deadly, the US Dept of Health has a massive annual campaign to get people vaccinated, pushes free vaccines, and TAKES HUGES PRECAUTIONS. So yeah....they are going be a little more strict on something much more deadly and contagious.
Neither. My family also gets the flu shot every year and has for probably close to two decades. As you may or may not be aware, the flu shot is not required. Nobody cares if you or your kids get the flu shot.

Also, feel free to...


it's odd how you follow up that your family gets the flu shot annually with talking about how it is not required...that doesn't seem like it should even be part of the discussion on whether or not a person should get it

people out there are refusing to get vaccinated simply b/c of this mandate boogeyman propaganda...not b/c the vaccine is causing widespread negative side more time passes and more studies of the side effects come out, this becomes more and more apparent. the childish, "i'm not doing it just because you said i have to (even though most people aren't actually being told)" pervasion is getting more and more tired
there's fake news being spread left and right on social media right now about people boycotting their jobs. if these boycotts were actually happening or working there wouldn't be a need for all these fake viral posts

the one about the Denver airport cracked me up...tweet said no one showed up to work over vaccine mandate and all the restaurants were closed...dude tweeted back that he was there at that moment and nothing was closed. of course it still spread rapidly like gospel amongst the anti-vax crowd.
You almost never hear about the Denver airport and conspiracy theories being linked. Unprecedented times.
The more unvaccinated an area has, the more Covid that area has. That means people like General Powell are in more danger. That means kids not eligible for the vaccine are more in danger. That means the elderly are more in danger. That means everybody is in more danger. It also means a return to some normalcy is delayed. The US should be mostly past Covid by now but the unvaccinated will have delayed normalcy by 9-12 months and possibly made it almost impossible to achieve nationwide for a long time due to vaccines waning over time.

That's not completely accurate. You CANNOT just dismiss the fact that the vaccines are novel/new, and as such, with no data available for any life-cycle phase except the immediate short-term, the risk increases. You can't just dismiss this increased risk for something so close to gene therapy and genetic engineering. We are CLEAR that the vaccines don't rise to those levels, but it's in the same vein, and people will be concerned and everyone won't have the same risk/reward ratio that you or I might have. It's NOT a simple, no-brainer decision.

Most importantly, even if everyone in the U.S. had gotten vaccinated, we still might not have been able to return to normal, as evidence by many examples where large gatherings of fully vaccinated folks resulted in outbreaks. We just don't know enough about this weird pathogen to make those definitive statements, and false/fake guarantees just to get more to take the vaccine.

Since COVID would have still been around, as soon as the immunity started waning, we'd probably have had outbreaks anyway, so please consider stopping the silly blame game that the leading authorities are encouraging all of us to play as a means of creating more peer pressure on the "unvaccinated" to force them to get vaccinated. You MUST all personal will and volition to factor into this thing unless you can pretty much guarantee certain things scientifically. We can only do that with the old vaccine technology that we have much more data on. Be fair, and be morally considerate dude.
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