I definitely DID see his answer, and while the info is appreciated, I also know not to put all of my eggs in such a VERY small basket of a small regional system. I also like to verify info that I'm given, and I can't verify that info so it's completely anecdotal. Really sharp folks know to focus on MUCH larger data sets, and those from around the entire country and world if they want a truly objective, and ultimately, accurate picture of things.
Most importantly, at the point in the thread that you answered, you couldn't have possibly known who was boosted and who wasn't so my points still stand. You see ANY data, and you fly into confirmation bias that causes you to spin, bake and twist it into a form that supports the vaccine narrative. You're definitely far worse than Rice, and dishonest to boot. Why anyone would ever listen to anything that leaks out of your rotten mouth is a great mystery, but you have your 3 or 4 acolytes who bobble along and support you. Most see right through you and others who have strong bias.