(Excerpt from another thread back in May).....
I think we need to do more work to ensure that vaccinated people can't be carriers that give the virus a chance to mutate. These supposed positives for vaccinated folks, could be a huge blind spot since most vaccinated folks won't be getting tested. I wonder if we've tested to see if fully vaccinated folks can generate a viral load high enough to pass COVID to others and do so long enough for the virus to mutate. That could be a HUGE curveball.
Lol. They have tested viral load for vaccinated people and it’s very low.
Holy shit at vaccinated people creating another variant........
Stomp and his band of idiots have ridiculed me continuously for weeks over me saying I thought there was a possibility that fully vaccinated folks could potentially spread COVID too. Now, yet again, he's been proven to be DEAD wrong by the latest info from the CDC saying that is true. Do you think he's acted remotely maturely and come back to apologize for ruining all of those threads, being SUPER cocky and adamant that he was right, and constantly saying that the humble suggestion above was completely ridiculous and as stupid as it gets etc.? Unfortunately not. He never mans up, displays integrity and admits that he was wrong.
While I'm almost expecting the guidance to change yet again, and wouldn't be surprised at all if the CDC were to come out with a way to explain off the latest information, current studies from Israel, and subsequent data that's come from subsequent studies here have apparently proven that
fully vaccinated people can carry significant viral loads, and also spread COVID, (to
both unvaccinated, and even others who are fully vaccinated). Bottom line, I'm just super grateful that we caught this potentially HUGE blind spot.
The "experts, doctors and scientists" should have caught this particular edge case and pointed it out? You have to ask yourself why that didn't happen across a country full of intelligent and knowledgeable experts. That's why you don't dismiss ideas offhand, even if they are coming from an unqualified peon. Truly intelligent people know to evaluate info, ideas and arguments based on
THEIR OWN MERIT, not just who they come from, and how many letters they have behind their name, or you risk missing something that could help.
I truly wish we had more on the board who were more concerned about conducting intelligent discourse, and generating ideas and potential solutions etc., rather than being "right", and "winning" an internet pissing contest. We can do better.