related to this news….
BIG CHANGES headed to college football as we know it….and the SEC & Big Ten will define it.
The two conferences have been given control to define the playoff expansion beginning in 2026 (14 to 16 teams) and to develop future schedules that will include competition during the season between SEC and Big 10 teams.
Both conferences will go to 9 game conference schedukes as well.
It looks like it will definitely wind up being a 16 team playoff instead of a 14 team playoff because there is no new TV money for a 14 team playoff…..but there will be HUGE NEW TV money for a 16 team playoff…..and more money to distribute to playoff teams.
A 16 team playoff would see a 4 team Big 10, four team SEC, 2 team ACC, 2 team Big 12, and 4 team reserve for “the rest” of college football (Group of 5 and others)
Thought I’d hate this…..but I love it
See….at my extended age I don’t hate all changes.
BTW, I think this will wind up being good for Auburn if Hugh Freeze continues to recruit like he has and finds a dominant QB.
None of this is final yet but the summer meeting is just 4-5 months away. It will be finalized at that meeting.
Changes won’t take place until the 2026 season as the 12 team playoff will be the playiff again in 2025.