Good morning, Bunker. Caleb woke up in the wee hours with a fever so I am here at Woltosz to provide thrilling updates from a loaded Junior Day. The arrivals are supposed to start around 10 a.m. CT but registration officially starts at 2:30 p.m. and the Jr. Day officially starts at 3 p.m. Many of the visitors will be attending tonight's basketball game.
Don't expect a whole lot of updates until this afternoon but just saw Auburn HS running back Omar Mabson here with his parents. He is significantly bulkier than he was when I saw him at camp this summer. Definitely been putting in the hard work in the weight room. Also, feeling very good about Auburn's chances.
Broderick Shull also just walked through. He recently had elbow surgery.
Will provide updates in this thread as warranted...
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