Read The Real Anthony Fauci by Robert Kennedy
before you say he is an anti vaccier, he has thousands of scientific papers referenced to back up every claim about Fauci--Fauci killed thousands during the aids treatment developement and was highly criticized
The Nobel prize winner from California called Fauci a real dumbass and challenged him to a debate
I talked to one of the most respected oncologist in the state and he said he would not allow his sons to be vaxed--danger from myocarditis is much greater than covid for young people
before you say he is an anti vaccier, he has thousands of scientific papers referenced to back up every claim about Fauci--Fauci killed thousands during the aids treatment developement and was highly criticized
The Nobel prize winner from California called Fauci a real dumbass and challenged him to a debate
I talked to one of the most respected oncologist in the state and he said he would not allow his sons to be vaxed--danger from myocarditis is much greater than covid for young people