You still hoping that we'll reach herd immunity??? You know, we were promised that we'd reach it if only 70+% would get vaccinated. Do you remember what I said regarding that specious promise???
You guys believed whole-heartedly that we would definitely reach herd immunity, and worked very hard to get folks to abandon reason and any ideas of assessing their personal risk/reward ratio, and just jump in using complete blind faith. Did that work? Are we there yet?
I certainly HOPE that having 85% vaccinated is indeed a good thing in the long term, but I worry that we might have traded a very strong narrow, specific immunological response, for a better overall/general response to the entire family of variants, and end up doing long term harm. I've done my part to promote good science, real science, and development of the BEST solutions possible. I'm glad that you admitted that we have no other options besides the vaccines. I told you from the beginning that it seemed likely that they wanted everyone on earth to take the new vaccines. Again, I hope that turns out to be a very good choice, but I also hope our best and brightest minds are allowed to inspect and analysis this thing thoroughly and do the best science possible so that we don't end up with a pyrrhic victory of sorts. Do you believe that the leading authorities and agencies wanted other treatments besides the new vaccines?