Don't forget one of the biggest blunders they made was to operate using propaganda by assuming that everyone who was fully vaccinated could not maintain significant viral loads, and could not spread it to others, especially other fully vaccinated persons. They explicitly told everyone that the virus "never gets past the nose", (Dr. Monica Ghandi), and promised that once you were fully vaccinated, you could "get back to normal". This encouraged very dangerous behaviors of stopping the wearing of masks, stop following best practices, stop social-distancing, and even encouraged mass spreading events where anyone who was fully vaccinated was frequently let in without even checking them.
Now based on all data, they were DEAD WRONG, and had millions of carriers out there silently spreading COVID while blaming the "unvaccinated". They made the cardinal sin of ASSuming, but failing to verify, (which is really, really bad science). They got so caught up in trying to promote and manipulate everyone into taking the mRNA vaccine, that they didn't do studies and otherwise get the actual data to support those assumptions.
I will give them credit for finally reversing the guidance, but thank God scientists in other countries forced the issue by completing studies that revealed the truth. Prior to that, any scientist, researcher or doctor here in the U.S. who tried to do such a study, or said anything that went against the narrative, would be attacked viscously and canceled. Have their content on YouTube, Twitter, et. al. removed, results eliminated from Google Search, and even have their LinkedIn profiles deleted in some cases. I've never seen anything like it.
Let's learn, move on and work together with an open, honest approach so that we can get to the other side of this thing ASAP. We can only do that by letting go of hidden agendas, and doing real science.