Update #? (More numbers from the coast-echoing @stevesawbone)

This is not accurate. We are certainly fortunate that the vaccines are proving highly effective at preventing serious illness in the delta variant. There is no guarantee that the current vaccines will protect us from future variants though. I have heard numerous doctors mention this as a major risk and it's one of the reasons that the "unvaccinated are only hurting themselves" argument is bogus.

“We are approaching that point,” he said. “If we don’t get control of the spread of this Delta variant, one of my biggest fears is that with the spread we’re going to have a new variant that is either more infectious or escapes the control of our vaccines and then we will be back at square one as we were in the original pandemic.”

There are no guarantees of anything in life and I didn't offer any, but what you just posted is baseless fearmongering. Vaccinated people are just fine and are going to continue to be just fine. The unvaccinated (unfortunately) are going to take care of their issue over the next few months.
Yes, we have had quite a few reinfections. As of late last week, there were more reinfections than breakthrough (post vaccine) infections hospitalized. I’ll try to get the latest numbers. Reinfections however do not seem to be as severe as those in the unvaccinated (much like vaccine breakthrough infections).
Hold up, you men to tell me you have people in the hospital that got COVID, completely healed and got it again? Same variant or they got sick with the delta variant? I have not seen doctors saying hey are seeing actual people get COVID twice on a regular basis. So if you are seeing it with Delta then that is very telling.
Do you think Delta is more dangerous for kids 12 and under than previous strains?

CC: @stevesawbone

While I have not posted an update in a long while, I have been asked many times in the last few weeks with the delta surge. So here goes, my first few updates were related to treatment options and the science but this will mostly only focus on numbers. Unfortunately, at this point, healthcare professionals are just trying to keep our heads above water.

As of yesterday, we surpassed our highs (from January) for COVID census and continue to progress upward. Our numbers have skewed significantly younger and more healthy than previous. By the numbers:

My hospital

Covid census:
January 21 (previous high)-52 patients/18 in icu
Aug 2-56 patients/17 in icu

Average age:
1/21/21-66 yo (all census), 67 yo for icu
8/2/21-45 yo (all census), 43 yo in icu
We currently have 6 patients from their early 20’s to mid 30’s in ICU

% vaccinated:
Currently 94% of census unvaccinated, 100% of ICU patients unvaccinated

Ochsner System on Gulf Coast

Also at record census-84 patients hospitalized with 23 in ICU

Average age: 47 yo (all census), 44 yo for ICU

98% unvaccinated (total census), 100% unvaccinated ICU

Baton Rouge Hospitals (Our Lady of the Lake, Ochsner System)

375 patients hospitalized with average age of 44 yo and 90% unvaccinated.

We have had multiple pediatric admissions with delta as well.

We are currently at around 85% admissions from delta variant.

Regional hospitals are currently at capacity (both floor and ICU beds). We have gotten calls to attempt to transfer from as far away as Beaumont,TX, Memphis and Savannah over the last week. This is a big deal as that hospitals start closest to them and work outward. We were the 26th hospital for one of the attempts.

Other Interesting Notes:

Nearly all of our vaccinated admissions for COVID over the last 3 weeks had been vaccinated with Pfizer. We have had 2 J&J and 0 Moderna.

Interesting that my wife was diagnosed 2 weeks ago after a trip to OBA (the Buccee’s/Florabama variant). She had the Pfizer vaccine in January. I did not catch it and had Moderna. We were on a trip with 7 other couples and had 9 of 16 test positive within 3 days of leaving. Of the 9, 7 unvaccinated but 3 with previous documented covid infections and 2 had been vaccinated with Pfizer. The 7 of us that did not catch it included 4 Moderna vaccinated and 2 with previous covid infections. There were at least 6 others infected (not from our group but from our area) from the night we were at the Florabama from the upstairs bar that we were in. We were all there watching a kid play that is from here.

Delta is highly infectious and currently a symptomatic infected patient is expected to infect 8-10 unvaccinated others. Please note that delta was discovered before mass vaccination so this is not a variant “caused by vaccinations”. I have seen a few memes on the book of faces that made this assertion.

I agree with @stevesawbone about this being a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Although, Pfizer does not seem to be as effective at preventing delta, so far the data seems to show that it is pretty good at preventing severe illness. This is mostly my anecdotal observation.

Please stay safe folks.
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You still get good protection from severe illness and who knows, you may be more protected against future variants than the other vaccines.
I know many have said this, but really appreciate your updates. Your posts in particular, but the bunker overall, convinced me to change my mind.

Not political, just facts, 80% of my friends are conservatives (I am too but tend to be more open minded) and that seems to be the prevailing difference in them not getting the Vax. Even though Trump started the vaccine process, they still see it as political and don't trust the government. I don't either to an extent, but can look at the numbers from unbiased sources like you and see the facts.

I sent your stats to a friend that is hard-core antivaxx, and he sent me this....

My friend that is a doctor in Dallas said the number of internal bleeding/hemorrhaging, heart attacks and stroke post jab are VASTLY underreported. She has begged me to not get the shot.

Have you seen any of this @mrhickory ?
Hold up, you men to tell me you have people in the hospital that got COVID, completely healed and got it again? Same variant or they got sick with the delta variant? I have not seen doctors saying hey are seeing actual people get COVID twice on a regular basis. So if you are seeing it with Delta then that is very telling.
Go get a shot for the best protection since you’re vulnerable. You’re the one that linked natural immunity with a one shot vaccine could provide lifetime immunity.
I know many have said this, but really appreciate your updates. Your posts in particular, but the bunker overall, convinced me to change my mind.

Not political, just facts, 80% of my friends are conservatives (I am too but tend to be more open minded) and that seems to be the prevailing difference in them not getting the Vax. Even though Trump started the vaccine process, they still see it as political and don't trust the government. I don't either to an extent, but can look at the numbers from unbiased sources like you and see the facts.

I sent your stats to a friend that is hard-core antivaxx, and he sent me this....

My friend that is a doctor in Dallas said the number of internal bleeding/hemorrhaging, heart attacks and stroke post jab are VASTLY underreported. She has begged me to not get the shot.

Have you seen any of this @mrhickory ?
That’s just sad.
While I have not posted an update in a long while, I have been asked many times in the last few weeks with the delta surge. So here goes, my first few updates were related to treatment options and the science but this will mostly only focus on numbers. Unfortunately, at this point, healthcare professionals are just trying to keep our heads above water.

As of yesterday, we surpassed our highs (from January) for COVID census and continue to progress upward. Our numbers have skewed significantly younger and more healthy than previous. By the numbers:

My hospital

Covid census:
January 21 (previous high)-52 patients/18 in icu
Aug 2-56 patients/17 in icu

Average age:
1/21/21-66 yo (all census), 67 yo for icu
8/2/21-45 yo (all census), 43 yo in icu
We currently have 6 patients from their early 20’s to mid 30’s in ICU

% vaccinated:
Currently 94% of census unvaccinated, 100% of ICU patients unvaccinated

Ochsner System on Gulf Coast

Also at record census-84 patients hospitalized with 23 in ICU

Average age: 47 yo (all census), 44 yo for ICU

98% unvaccinated (total census), 100% unvaccinated ICU

Baton Rouge Hospitals (Our Lady of the Lake, Ochsner System)

375 patients hospitalized with average age of 44 yo and 90% unvaccinated.

We have had multiple pediatric admissions with delta as well.

We are currently at around 85% admissions from delta variant.

Regional hospitals are currently at capacity (both floor and ICU beds). We have gotten calls to attempt to transfer from as far away as Beaumont,TX, Memphis and Savannah over the last week. This is a big deal as that hospitals start closest to them and work outward. We were the 26th hospital for one of the attempts.

Other Interesting Notes:

Nearly all of our vaccinated admissions for COVID over the last 3 weeks had been vaccinated with Pfizer. We have had 2 J&J and 0 Moderna.

Interesting that my wife was diagnosed 2 weeks ago after a trip to OBA (the Buccee’s/Florabama variant). She had the Pfizer vaccine in January. I did not catch it and had Moderna. We were on a trip with 7 other couples and had 9 of 16 test positive within 3 days of leaving. Of the 9, 7 unvaccinated but 3 with previous documented covid infections and 2 had been vaccinated with Pfizer. The 7 of us that did not catch it included 4 Moderna vaccinated and 2 with previous covid infections. There were at least 6 others infected (not from our group but from our area) from the night we were at the Florabama from the upstairs bar that we were in. We were all there watching a kid play that is from here.

Delta is highly infectious and currently a symptomatic infected patient is expected to infect 8-10 unvaccinated others. Please note that delta was discovered before mass vaccination so this is not a variant “caused by vaccinations”. I have seen a few memes on the book of faces that made this assertion.

I agree with @stevesawbone about this being a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Although, Pfizer does not seem to be as effective at preventing delta, so far the data seems to show that it is pretty good at preventing severe illness. This is mostly my anecdotal observation.

Please stay safe folks.
So the hospitals didn’t learn shit from the last go around…great.
From a local Infectious Disease Doctor here in Birmingham:








I know many have said this, but really appreciate your updates. Your posts in particular, but the bunker overall, convinced me to change my mind.

Not political, just facts, 80% of my friends are conservatives (I am too but tend to be more open minded) and that seems to be the prevailing difference in them not getting the Vax. Even though Trump started the vaccine process, they still see it as political and don't trust the government. I don't either to an extent, but can look at the numbers from unbiased sources like you and see the facts.

I sent your stats to a friend that is hard-core antivaxx, and he sent me this....

My friend that is a doctor in Dallas said the number of internal bleeding/hemorrhaging, heart attacks and stroke post jab are VASTLY underreported. She has begged me to not get the shot.

Have you seen any of this @mrhickory ?

Not seen any of that. Our system has given over 150,000 doses with only 7 people requiring hospitalization after vaccine. Only one required hospitalization for more than an overnight observation period. She was discharged after 3 days. There have been a couple (only 2) of reports of stroke after vaccine from the other large system on the coast.
Hold up, you men to tell me you have people in the hospital that got COVID, completely healed and got it again? Same variant or they got sick with the delta variant? I have not seen doctors saying hey are seeing actual people get COVID twice on a regular basis. So if you are seeing it with Delta then that is very telling.
Pretty much everybody getting COVID right now is getting delta. It has overwhelmed the other strains and will shortly become the only one, unless another more infectious one arises out of it.
There are no guarantees of anything in life and I didn't offer any, but what you just posted is baseless fearmongering. Vaccinated people are just fine and are going to continue to be just fine. The unvaccinated (unfortunately) are going to take care of their issue over the next few months.
No, it's certainly not fear mongering just because you put your uninformed lay opinion over that of the doctor quoted. We are guaranteed that the virus will continue to mutate. The more we allow it to spread, the more likely we are to end up with variants that are either more contagious or more deadly. This is a huge concern that many doctors are citing as one of the primary reasons we need to quickly get a much higher percentage of our population vaccinated.
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Good scientific data. Wish CDC, Fauci and others were better at communicating health data. Also Moderna seems like the best vaccine.

Thing is, if you go tell an anti-vax friend about this data directly from the front lines, they’ll say it is fake or that @mrhickory is just part of the conspiracy. Starting to see more folks come around, but the hesitancy is really astounding at this point.
Hold up, you men to tell me you have people in the hospital that got COVID, completely healed and got it again? Same variant or they got sick with the delta variant? I have not seen doctors saying hey are seeing actual people get COVID twice on a regular basis. So if you are seeing it with Delta then that is very telling.
Yeah, man. They are seeing people that have been reinfected.
I completely agree. I feel like we are missing something. My main concern is that these vaccines are creating antibodies that don't last as long as they hoped. Pfizer makes a very low number of T cells. Moderna makes more but still not what we need. T cells are trained to recogozize the virus and remain active for a long time. They are like vaccine manufacturers in your body. I think we are going to have some DNA vaccines that are way better in the future at producing T cells.
You’re wrong. Moderna and Pfizer create tons of T cells and B cells. These cells are best what they were right after vaccination 8 months later. Hardly any drop. What dropped some were antibodies but not T cells and B cells. We will have protection from severe disease for years. We will have protection from symptomatic Covid for a while (at least 2 years) unless one is elderly or have other issues like yourself.
From a local Infectious Disease Doctor here in Birmingham:








The Israel study he couldn’t find was small and ended up being an outlier as much larger Uk and Canada studies showed much higher efficacy. The MA beach town turned out to be silly as it was 85% gay men packed in bars.
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There are no guarantees of anything in life and I didn't offer any, but what you just posted is baseless fearmongering. Vaccinated people are just fine and are going to continue to be just fine. The unvaccinated (unfortunately) are going to take care of their issue over the next few months.

I don't think concern over a new, worse variant is fear-mongering. Is it fear? Sure. But a legitimate fear. We already have seen a more virulent strain that doesn't care as much about age or health. There's absolutely nothing crazy about the idea that another may develop among all of the unvaccinated people being infected that targets children. That's why the Spanish Flu was so terrifying. It seemed to target younger, healthy people more. If there is a strain that impacts children under 12 more than anyone....well, may God have mercy on the souls of all the propagandists who said covid was a hoax or overblown, or that the vaccine did more harm than good. There's plenty of blood on all of their hands right now, but if it becomes the blood of children....I don't even know what to say.

And again, is that fear? Hell yeah it is. We have one of the deadliest viruses in human history circling the globe, it is no more virulent and infecting younger age groups, and some people are saying it isn't a big deal and that you shouldn't get vaccinated against it. That is absolutely worthy of being fearful.
Thing is, if you go tell an anti-vax friend about this data directly from the front lines, they’ll say it is fake or that @mrhickory is just part of the conspiracy. Starting to see more folks come around, but the hesitancy is really astounding at this point.
It really is astounding. 99% of the people dying right now are unvaccinated. Hundreds of millions have been vaccinated with very few serious side effects and zero deaths linked to the vaccine. That should be all anyone needs to know. All of the efforts from the start of the crisis to convince people COVID was a hoax or a drastically exaggerated threat played right into the anti-vaxxers hands.
I don't think concern over a new, worse variant is fear-mongering. Is it fear? Sure. But a legitimate fear. We already have seen a more virulent strain that doesn't care as much about age or health. There's absolutely nothing crazy about the idea that another may develop among all of the unvaccinated people being infected that targets children. That's why the Spanish Flu was so terrifying. It seemed to target younger, healthy people more. If there is a strain that impacts children under 12 more than anyone....well, may God have mercy on the souls of all the propagandists who said covid was a hoax or overblown, or that the vaccine did more harm than good. There's plenty of blood on all of their hands right now, but if it becomes the blood of children....I don't even know what to say.

And again, is that fear? Hell yeah it is. We have one of the deadliest viruses in human history circling the globe, it is no more virulent and infecting younger age groups, and some people are saying it isn't a big deal and that you shouldn't get vaccinated against it. That is absolutely worthy of being fearful.
Nailed it. If the next major variant is more deadly, particularly if it proves to be worse in children, this already disastrous situation could get much worse. Pointing out this sort of real threat is exactly the type of legitimate "fear" that doctors and public officials should be citing to motivate people to get vaccinated. The people who have been duped by the anti-vax propaganda are hurting all of us. This is now a crisis with a clear solution. It's a travesty that a huge portion of our population is choosing to keep the crisis going by refusing to take a free, safe and highly effective vaccine.
I know many have said this, but really appreciate your updates. Your posts in particular, but the bunker overall, convinced me to change my mind.

Not political, just facts, 80% of my friends are conservatives (I am too but tend to be more open minded) and that seems to be the prevailing difference in them not getting the Vax. Even though Trump started the vaccine process, they still see it as political and don't trust the government. I don't either to an extent, but can look at the numbers from unbiased sources like you and see the facts.

I sent your stats to a friend that is hard-core antivaxx, and he sent me this....

My friend that is a doctor in Dallas said the number of internal bleeding/hemorrhaging, heart attacks and stroke post jab are VASTLY underreported. She has begged me to not get the shot.

Have you seen any of this @mrhickory ?
Does he like the letter Q?
There are no guarantees of anything in life and I didn't offer any, but what you just posted is baseless fearmongering. Vaccinated people are just fine and are going to continue to be just fine. The unvaccinated (unfortunately) are going to take care of their issue over the next few months.
It’s definitely not baseless. Will the unvaccinated specifically cause a variant that evades vaccines. Probably not but it’s a possibility and the more unvaccinated, the better the chance. The chances are still very slim. So yea, the vaccinated are probably going to be fine but the more unvaccinated we have, the less chance they have of being fine. I agree that the delta variant will vaccinate almost all that are not vaccinated over the next 6-12 months. I’m glad delta came now instead of 4-6 months ago.
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We read the same thing then. I wasn’t sure how verified it was.
I got Pfizer but glad my dad got moderna now. I think both offer about the same protection against symptomatic infections though.
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I know many have said this, but really appreciate your updates. Your posts in particular, but the bunker overall, convinced me to change my mind.

Not political, just facts, 80% of my friends are conservatives (I am too but tend to be more open minded) and that seems to be the prevailing difference in them not getting the Vax. Even though Trump started the vaccine process, they still see it as political and don't trust the government. I don't either to an extent, but can look at the numbers from unbiased sources like you and see the facts.

I sent your stats to a friend that is hard-core antivaxx, and he sent me this....

My friend that is a doctor in Dallas said the number of internal bleeding/hemorrhaging, heart attacks and stroke post jab are VASTLY underreported. She has begged me to not get the shot.

Have you seen any of this @mrhickory ?

The nutty anti vax conservatives are insane. But minority groups aren't taking the vaccine either. They don't trust the government.

It isn't just a conservative thing.
Last edited:
Per Scott Gottlieb, a million people per day may be getting infected with the delta variant. With 4M vaccinations and 7M infections, that is over 10M people per week getting immunity. One way or another, we are swiftly headed towards herd immunity. The current spike should settle back down before too long. *crossing fingers*

I do agree Delta is going to peak here in the next month or so similarly to how it peaked in the UK and India in about 45 days...

As far as herd immunity, I'm just not sure we will ever reach that without near universal vaccination. People have been predicting herd immunity to be reached since last summer and it just keeps moving from 30-40-50-60% and on and on.

In theory, we should absolutely have reached that point with 70% of adults having at least one shot and the amount of unvaxxed having immunity but we're just not seeing that and I am stumped as to why.
Thing is, if you go tell an anti-vax friend about this data directly from the front lines, they’ll say it is fake or that @mrhickory is just part of the conspiracy. Starting to see more folks come around, but the hesitancy is really astounding at this point.
@mrhickory is notorious for spreading Fake News.

Doc, appreciate all your updates. Good to not have to dig threw the political spin.
The nutty anti vax conservatives are insane. But minority groups aren't taking the vaccine either. They don't trust the government.

It isn't just a conservative thing.
Correct. One group won’t take it due to political reasons and others won’t due to mistrust of Gvt. One group actually has been given harmful injections to them by the Gvt. I still don’t think it’s rational thinking but at least they can point to something.
I do agree Delta is going to peak here in the next month or so similarly to how it peaked in the UK and India in about 45 days...

As far as herd immunity, I'm just not sure we will ever reach that without near universal vaccination. People have been predicting herd immunity to be reached since last summer and it just keeps moving from 30-40-50-60% and on and on.

In theory, we should absolutely have reached that point with 70% of adults having at least one shot and the amount of unvaxxed having immunity but we're just not seeing that and I am stumped as to why.
i dont think herd immunity means we dont catch it anymore, it just becomes less likely and less deadly. no more huge spikes.

it means less hospitalizations.

it doesnt mean people wont die or get sick. just way less of it.
The nutty anti vax conservatives are insane. But minority groups aren't taking the vaccine either. They don't trust the government.

It isn't just a conservative thing.

The white anti vaccine far right are very vocal on social media. You are correct in that there is still a large swath of the left that have not been vaccinated as well.

I have not made hardly any posts elsewhere until the last week. But I did make the point that these vaccines were commissioned, developed, and approved by Trump and his administration and that Operation Warp Speed was an outstanding success in bringing available vaccines to the public in record time. This also stemmed the tide back in January. Pointing out to some of these far right folks that Trump was responsible for these and that he and his family were some of the first to receive the vaccines seemed to have some rethink their stance.
While I have not posted an update in a long while, I have been asked many times in the last few weeks with the delta surge. So here goes, my first few updates were related to treatment options and the science but this will mostly only focus on numbers. Unfortunately, at this point, healthcare professionals are just trying to keep our heads above water.

As of yesterday, we surpassed our highs (from January) for COVID census and continue to progress upward. Our numbers have skewed significantly younger and more healthy than previous. By the numbers:

My hospital

Covid census:
January 21 (previous high)-52 patients/18 in icu
Aug 2-56 patients/17 in icu

Average age:
1/21/21-66 yo (all census), 67 yo for icu
8/2/21-45 yo (all census), 43 yo in icu
We currently have 6 patients from their early 20’s to mid 30’s in ICU

% vaccinated:
Currently 94% of census unvaccinated, 100% of ICU patients unvaccinated

Ochsner System on Gulf Coast

Also at record census-84 patients hospitalized with 23 in ICU

Average age: 47 yo (all census), 44 yo for ICU

98% unvaccinated (total census), 100% unvaccinated ICU

Baton Rouge Hospitals (Our Lady of the Lake, Ochsner System)

375 patients hospitalized with average age of 44 yo and 90% unvaccinated.

We have had multiple pediatric admissions with delta as well.

We are currently at around 85% admissions from delta variant.

Regional hospitals are currently at capacity (both floor and ICU beds). We have gotten calls to attempt to transfer from as far away as Beaumont,TX, Memphis and Savannah over the last week. This is a big deal as that hospitals start closest to them and work outward. We were the 26th hospital for one of the attempts.

Other Interesting Notes:

Nearly all of our vaccinated admissions for COVID over the last 3 weeks had been vaccinated with Pfizer. We have had 2 J&J and 0 Moderna.

Interesting that my wife was diagnosed 2 weeks ago after a trip to OBA (the Buccee’s/Florabama variant). She had the Pfizer vaccine in January. I did not catch it and had Moderna. We were on a trip with 7 other couples and had 9 of 16 test positive within 3 days of leaving. Of the 9, 7 unvaccinated but 3 with previous documented covid infections and 2 had been vaccinated with Pfizer. The 7 of us that did not catch it included 4 Moderna vaccinated and 2 with previous covid infections. There were at least 6 others infected (not from our group but from our area) from the night we were at the Florabama from the upstairs bar that we were in. We were all there watching a kid play that is from here.

Delta is highly infectious and currently a symptomatic infected patient is expected to infect 8-10 unvaccinated others. Please note that delta was discovered before mass vaccination so this is not a variant “caused by vaccinations”. I have seen a few memes on the book of faces that made this assertion.

I agree with @stevesawbone about this being a pandemic of the unvaccinated. Although, Pfizer does not seem to be as effective at preventing delta, so far the data seems to show that it is pretty good at preventing severe illness. This is mostly my anecdotal observation.

Please stay safe folks.
Outstanding info. Folks can take it how they will. I have had Covid and been vaccinated. I will fight masks and shutdowns because they are silly children’s games. Thanks truth is always good
I do agree Delta is going to peak here in the next month or so similarly to how it peaked in the UK and India in about 45 days...

As far as herd immunity, I'm just not sure we will ever reach that without near universal vaccination. People have been predicting herd immunity to be reached since last summer and it just keeps moving from 30-40-50-60% and on and on.

In theory, we should absolutely have reached that point with 70% of adults having at least one shot and the amount of unvaxxed having immunity but we're just not seeing that and I am stumped as to why.
That 70% is with at least one shot. I believe it’s 58% of adults fully vaccinated right now. There’s your answer. Also, delta is going to add a ton over the next 3 months. We will also get more vaccinated over next year. Fda will approve soon which will mean more mandates and some getting it since it’s approved. I guess kids under 12 will start getting vaccinated early next year. People hearing the stats like the op posted is having an effect as well.
The white anti vaccine far right are very vocal on social media. You are correct in that there is still a large swath of the left that have not been vaccinated as well.

I have not made hardly any posts elsewhere until the last week. But I did make the point that these vaccines were commissioned, developed, and approved by Trump and his administration and that Operation Warp Speed was an outstanding success in bringing available vaccines to the public in record time. This also stemmed the tide back in January. Pointing out to some of these far right folks that Trump was responsible for these and that he and his family were some of the first to receive the vaccines seemed to have some rethink their stance.

Dr. Ben Carson said we have nothing to worry about:

  • Like
Reactions: mrhickory
I don't think concern over a new, worse variant is fear-mongering. Is it fear? Sure. But a legitimate fear. We already have seen a more virulent strain that doesn't care as much about age or health. There's absolutely nothing crazy about the idea that another may develop among all of the unvaccinated people being infected that targets children. That's why the Spanish Flu was so terrifying. It seemed to target younger, healthy people more. If there is a strain that impacts children under 12 more than anyone....well, may God have mercy on the souls of all the propagandists who said covid was a hoax or overblown, or that the vaccine did more harm than good. There's plenty of blood on all of their hands right now, but if it becomes the blood of children....I don't even know what to say.

And again, is that fear? Hell yeah it is. We have one of the deadliest viruses in human history circling the globe, it is no more virulent and infecting younger age groups, and some people are saying it isn't a big deal and that you shouldn't get vaccinated against it. That is absolutely worthy of being fearful.
We’ve always known there will be mutations. That’s what viruses do. Those mutations almost always result in strains that are more contagious but less lethal. And even though this delta variant is a lot more contagious, the vaccines kick its butt. I’m not saying we shouldn’t get vaccinated. Everybody should. But for those who are, it isn’t a big deal. Those who aren’t vaccinated are going to take care of themselves soon. Everybody is getting vaccinated or getting COVID over the next few months. For those vaccinated, there is nothing to fear.

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