Agree. You don’t have to eat the entire spread. However, 1500-2000 calories is easily eclipsed when drinking beer. 6 beers easily puts you at 25% of that intake.
I’ve been through drive-thru’s in England, Hungary and Japan. What are you talking about? They weren’t there for American tourist who enjoy eating in their car.
We are social eaters because we go to football games hours in advance to cook, eat and drink and mostly spend more time doing that than the actual game itself.
We eat after funerals. We eat at parties. We cater and eat at and during meetings. Your given a snack on a 3 hour flight. What is the last “event” or “get-together” that you went too where there was no food? Sure, they may be some, but by and large, food is part of the gathering.
I do not dispute your comment about eating to fast and would argue that, that too is an American culture thing.