Just glad this virus stuff is over now and we can get back to normal again.
Those lockdown mask wearing Mandates really have worked well in NY.
So, a lot of healthy kids basically have a cold. Country has gone to shit I tell ya!
^^^hoping and praying for a covid rally^^^
They work for schit. The liberal run schit cities are swamped with new cases. New York has more new cases than Texas and Florida combined
^^^hoping and praying for a covid rally^^^
It’s Christmas. Isn’t the campus closed anyway?
Despite a 97% on-campus vaccination rate, Cornell University reported 898 new COVID-19 cases among students at its Ithaca, New York campus during the week of Dec. 7-13, a "significant number" of which the school has identified as the omicron variant.
I think that they were in their last week and exams.It’s Christmas. Isn’t the campus closed anyway?
You really expect that many O cases daily? Surely that’s a worst case scenario? Expound please.
By January/February, almost all COVID cases will be omicron. People who have delta now or get it in the next few weeks are at higher risk, but their percentage of the overall number of COVID cases is going to shrink drastically very soon. There is really no good reason to expect that in January/February things will be especially bad, or at least no reason to expect them to be much worse than a bad flu year, i.e. nothing to cause us major concern.
Again, we had 1700 deaths yesterday. So let’s say we get delta cases thru january 15. We will have to deal with that damage for 6 weeks after that with people with serious disease. Then you add the peak of the flu. Then you add the peak of omicron as well which will cause many to be hospitalized. It’s a numbers thing. It’s going to be less deadly but it’s going to get to way more vulnerable people than delta.
I’m only worried about my dad, MIL and bro’s in-laws but I’m also irritated that many of my niece’s college bball games will be cancelled and AU. It sucks.
You aren't following what I am saying. By January 15th, the percentage of COVID cases that are delta will be very small. When delta hit, the percentage of COVID cases that were delta went from about 2% to over 50% in about a month. Omicron is twice as infectious as delta. Omicron is going to eat delta for breakfast. You recognized this and commented on it multiple times on this forum back when delta was hitting so you should be able to follow this. By mid-January, the number of dangerous delta cases will be dwindling rather than growing. Rather than COVID hospitalizations peaking, it should be shrinking by then, assuming omicron is as mild as advertised so far. If it turns out to be fairly dangerous, then all bets are off.
I do understand the concern about the health of your dad and others. My mom still is not even vaccinated, much less boostered, so I well understand the concern. I wouldn't have even cared about getting a booster myself, but wanted to lower the risk of possibly spreading the virus to her or someone else who might spread it to her. Hopefully this omicron variant will be mild enough that it infects some of these folks like my mom without killing them so that they get the immunity they should be getting from the vax. As far as canceling games and events goes, we simply should not do that. If people refuse to take proper precautions, we need them getting infected so this thing will die. The sooner it gets endemic, the better off we all are.
Apologies in advance for bumping this, but I for sure didn't want to start a new AIDS thread and I thought you might find it relevant that omicron appears to be spreading even faster than we had anticipated. It's still only the first week of January and over 95% of new COVID cases in the U.S. are omicron. Looks like delta is all but dead other than the folks who are still recovering from it and we are riding the omicron wave (for good or for ill) from here on out. Let's hope that omicron is/stays as mild as advertised and that it puts an end to any needs for major concern about this virus.I completely understand. It’s going to take over pretty fast. You’re underestimating the lag time after people get delta. If they are going into the hospital due to delta, that takes time. Then they can be in there for a while. People will still be in the hospital from delta as omicron takes over. Add the flu peak. Omicron is going to crowd the hospitals simply due to how many unprotected and unhealthy people it hits. I showed you the SA graph. That’s with a much younger population. You seem to blowing off the part of the graph showing deaths and hospitalizations going up. The good news is it’s going to be quick meaning maybe very low cases in March sometime (guessing).
On basketball, schools, businesses, etc, omicron is going to affect life more than delta did. It’s dumb but it will happen imo.
Apologies in advance for bumping this, but I for sure didn't want to start a new AIDS thread and I thought you might find it relevant that omicron appears to be spreading even faster than we had anticipated. It's still only the first week of January and over 95% of new COVID cases in the U.S. are omicron. Looks like delta is all but dead other than the folks who are still recovering from it and we are riding the omicron wave (for good or for ill) from here on out. Let's hope that omicron is/stays as mild as advertised and that it puts an end to any needs for major concern about this virus.
Apologies in advance for bumping this, but I for sure didn't want to start a new AIDS thread and I thought you might find it relevant that omicron appears to be spreading even faster than we had anticipated. It's still only the first week of January and over 95% of new COVID cases in the U.S. are omicron. Looks like delta is all but dead other than the folks who are still recovering from it and we are riding the omicron wave (for good or for ill) from here on out. Let's hope that omicron is/stays as mild as advertised and that it puts an end to any needs for major concern about this virus.
Omicron is many times more transmissible than the original COVID-19. However, based on studies of cases in South Africa, it resulted in almost no hospitalizations. So it is less like the flu and more like a cold. This is consistent with how viruses mutate. They mutate in the direction of being more transmissible and less deadly.
Yeah, per the recent studies, delta is about ten times as deadly as omicron. As infectious as it seems to be, surely it will burn itself out in the next 2-4 weeks.7 day death avg is over 2300 right now. Hopefully, that’s the peak but it appears while not as deadly as previous variants, it hits way more people and therefore deaths are high. I would imagine 25% of deaths may still be delta but that will be 0% soon.
Yeah, per the recent studies, delta is about ten times as deadly as omicron. As infectious as it seems to be, surely it will burn itself out in the next 2-4 weeks.
It’s definitely higher than I expected. It’s pretty unfortunate that a lot of folks who made it through the worst, back when we didn’t have vaccines or after delta hit, now are dying from this lesser strain. I did see some stats recently though that people who had both vaccine doses plus the booster had around a 1/million chance of death from omicron, so it must still be the unvaxxed who are dying.But yet we are still losing 2300 lives per day. Nobody said it wasn’t near as deadly as delta. What some said was that so many would be hit that deaths would be high. Those people were said to be fear mongering. We are approaching daily deaths from last winter.
It’s definitely higher than I expected. It’s pretty unfortunate that a lot of folks who made it through the worst, back when we didn’t have vaccines or after delta hit, now are dying from this lesser strain. I did see some stats recently though that people who had both vaccine doses plus the booster had around a 1/million chance of death from omicron, so it must still be the unvaxxed who are dying.