Good grief, what a HUGE swing, and a miss. I use the word "enumerate", quite frequently. Besides, who would be impressed with that???
You don't have a gauge on me AT ALL if you think I'd waste energy trying to be pretentious and that I'd be dull enough to try and impress folks with words. Anyone who thinks someone is "smart", because they say "enumerate", or use a "big" word, isn't very smart themselves. Real sapiens aren't impressed by such extreme fluff, (neither are they truly impressed by paper credentials). Function over pretentious, non-impacting form, all day e'rry day. It's sad that I can't come out here and just let my hair down and be myself. Like I said, I'll try to Strunk and White it, so that I don't offend snowflakes like you, (good grief, should I do a lot more splitting of verbs???).
You had a chance to elaborate and show some depth of thought, and you clearly indicated that you couldn't think your way out of a wet paper bag. You weren't able to offer any, even potential, side effects or things that could go wrong, but like I said, everyone doesn't have the ability to think creatively, and/or outside of the box, but I'm sure you have some strengths in other areas. You could only come up with the things the pharmaceutical companies list on the label.
Please tell me that you were joking when you said you were a scientist. What field do you work in?