Hundreds of millions of people have been vaccinated over the course of the last year between the trials and after it was released to the public. Very few serious side effects have been linked to the vaccine and zero deaths. Meanwhile, the vaccine has proven highly effective and is preventing 99% of deaths from a disease that was killing thousands of Americans every day when the vaccine was released. It's staggering that anyone could be dumb enough to think there's any question as to whether releasing the vaccine in an expedited manner was the right decision.
You've been yelling about side effects for 8 months or more. Can you guarantee any of the side effects you've been fretting about will materialize? How much longer will you keep this up before you admit you were wrong?
I've been saying for 8 months, that
the new vaccines appear to be VERY safe in the short term. That has never been an issue. But it's sad that people like you constantly try to take that and stretch it in a deceptive manner to say that we know they are safe across the full-lifecycle, (
i.e. in the mid-term and long-term too), when there is simply NO WAY to know that. It makes me cringe.
Anyone who is fair and honest should also admit that since
we don't have any usage data for the mid-term or long-term., we cannot DEFINITIVELY say that they are guaranteed to be super safe in the future, (
since it's just a fact that we can't know the future). I'm NOT trying to be slick, and cast FUD at all, but I do see quite a bit of FUD being used to manipulate folks into taking the vaccine. I simply feel
it's not right and somewhat unethical to gloss over or hide such facts, just to get folks to take the vaccine.
My position is simple. I've been railing for us to stop using deceit, spun, one-sided fake news type propaganda to manipulate everyone into taking the vaccine under what is tantamount to false pretenses. I've strongly advocated for a change to an open, honest approach using full disclosure that provides objective information so that everyone can make an informed decision. THAT is the right thing to do whenever you have developed something new, unless you can guarantee that there will be no side effects. It's VERY hypocritical to use "follow the science" as your rallying cry, when you do so many things that aren't science at all, and use the type of extreme manipulation, peer pressure, Orwellian censorship and trickery instead of simply being honest. I really believe the leading authorities and agencies would eventually build trust, and have better results in the long run, by being open and honest, but even if they didn't, it's just the right thing to do. It's appalling to see so many scientists, researchers, and especially DOCTORS, lie, spin, manipulate and agree to operate to a "nobel lie". Does anyone take the Hippocratic oath seriously anymore???
It's sad that you've taken my simple position advocating that we should use full disclosure, and be open, honest and objective by providing balanced information to everyone, as some kind of threat and campaign against the new vaccines. Telling the truth, is NOT the same as ranting against the new vaccines. It really gives me great insight into how some of the greatest mistakes in human history were able to be pulled off through group think and clever manipulation. Even people who should know better will conform if the right buttons are pressed, and peer pressure is high enough.