Abso-fuking-lutely not.
Again, here is what happened:
McCullough then highlighted a peer-reviewed
study by Ronald N. Kostoff which concluded “that you are about five times as likely to die of the vaccine, then you are to take your risks with COVID-19 and die of COVID-19 [for those 65 and older].”
“No wonder people aren’t taking the vaccine,” he said.
“There was no age group were [the odds of taking the vaccine] were favorable. It was actually worse in those over age 65. It was worse for [the most vulnerable] over 65.”
Therefore, McCullough emphasized, people who intentionally chose not to get the vaccine and were later hospitalized with COVID had “actually made a smarter choice.”
“Their gut instinct was the right instinct, yet they have been castigated for not taking the vaccine,” he said.
And the paper he was touting was retracted by the journal. He didn't "point out that the study was flawed", you dunce. He was pushing it.