I’ve seen his name mentioned here and just blown it off as more joke than serious. However, I did just see a story saying he is debating returning to college for a final year, and that Texas is ready to move on to Arch.
How long do we wait?
Last year “ Run Hugh out of town for not signing a portal QB”. This year we sign quite possibly the highest rated qb in the portal and “ Why would Hugh do that? This guy sucked last year “. Never mind that he lost several of his oline and his top 4 WRs for most of the year.
Again most of you will complain to complain you are miserable people! Get a life or go cheer for Bama. He is going to be one of 4 QBs and the second 5 star. Our QB room just got better!!!
Going to the game in Nashville next fall. Where does the bunk recommend staying? Probably arrive Wed or Thursday leave Sun-Mon. Would you stay out close to stadium and drive in to music row etc? Or the reverse, stay downtown drive out to stadium? Never done Music Row. What else does the bunk recommend for the trip. Hoping I can fine a date for the trip. We will seeing how that works out. I enjoy nice hotels but would like to keep around $400 per night.