Inflation still rising, gov't spending has been blowing up...

I've talked about for months how inflation is and will increase again... and the Fed will have to raise rates.

Sooner than later....Today's CPI - comin' in hot.-

Jan Prices up 0.5% - that's 6% per year annualized. This is almost double the estimates. Has risen every month since Oct.

Core CPI (Less Food and Energy) - up 0.4% - 4.8% annualized. Double Dec's 0.2%

Food at home - 0.5%.

Energy up 1.1%. - just for Jan.

The Fed isn't cutting rates.... 10y jumped 10bp.

And oh, the gov't ran a record busting nearlly $900 billion dollar deficit the 1st Fiscal Qtr of 2025. That's an annual deficit of $3.6 Trillion. The last 12 months defict is $2.1 Trillion. Can't control inflation if you can't control gov't spending...

And the dems don't want gov't spending controlled.... wonder why? Keep in mind they used to bitch that Repubs wouldn't cut it. Now they big mad enough Repubs got elected to actually do it....

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