I sort of started this in another thread but it is an incredible story. I'm not expecting that anyone can beat my story but reading all of yours should be fun... Here goes...
Once we started having kids we told everyone that all major holidays would be at our house to accommodate our children.
Unfortunately, last year my Father in Law passed on. For Christmas we had my parents and my mother in law over from out of state. All of the remaining 3 parents are in their mid 70s.
My mother in law was blasted by about 5 PM on Christmas Eve. My mom went to bed early and my mother in law passed out and rallied around 11PM. Her and my dad started drinking egg nog and whiskey until we went to bed Around 2:30 AM.
At 4:30 AM my daughter was awaken by noises in the room next to her that she attributed to Santa leaving the house. She said she couldn’t find her grandmother anywhere and she was supposed to sleep with her that night with my parents in the guest bedroom. I walked up to the room next to my daughter’s room and could clearly hear my dad banging my wife’s mom with my mom asleep in the guest bedroom downstairs. I asked my wife what to do after I woke her up and she got pissed. She barged into the room to see her mom and my dad naked having adult relations.
Christmas Day went poorly as my mother in law was still completely wasted. Her and my Dad drank 3/4ths of a handle of Gentleman Jack and she was drunk before they started drinking that. She called my wife a whore and I had to kick her out because my daughter was listening. So I kicked her out around 6 AM. I told her to take an Uber to a hotel before driving home but instead she drove about 5 or 6 hours home and I doubt she can remember a single minute of it. A few hours later I had to kick my parents out because my wife was understandably pissed at my dad.
Some lessons were learned. First we won’t be around my alcoholic mother in law anymore when she’s drinking. Second, we won’t be allowing my dad or my mother in law to stay at our house. Third, we’re going to keep our holidays small and to ourselves. If we want company we can include well vetted neighbors for dinner on Christmas.