Hmmm... Looks like Repubs can pass a bill cutting the budget by 1.5 Trillion....

Amazing what happens when a few more conservatives get elected and dems lose seats....

The budget resolution, released by Arrington on Wednesday, outlines at least $1.5 trillion in spending cuts across government programs, with a target of $2 trillion in deficit reduction. It also sets a $4.5 trillion cap on the deficit impact of extending Trump’s 2017 tax cuts while allocating $300 billion in additional funding for border security and defense.

If Auburn had not shit the bed completely in the first half, how bad do we beat Alabama in 2010?

It was a tale of two halves. Assuming our entire secondary isn’t hitting the gravity bong 10 minutes before kickoff (Gary: he just STANDS there!), how badly do we beat them? It was clear to me that we were a much better team, but we played awful during the first half.

I say 49-20 if we come out and play like we’re supposed to from the start.
