While every situation is NOT the same, and folks should NOT automatically protest for every situation until the individual facts are examined, do you and everyone who "liked" your post really not understand the difference between individuals "beefing"/fighting and someone getting killed, and the long history of THOSE IN AUTHORITY killing blacks with full impunity, and nothing being done???
Now again, IMHO, this last situation is different. The Rayshard Brooks case was different than the Walter Scott type cases that have happened so frequently throughout our history. I'm sorry, but I WISH so badly that we could talk with everyone and break down and explain why this last case was different. I'm NOT excusing the officer for shooting him 7 times, but this one could have probably been avoided, and no NBA team, or individual should lump it in with the Walter Scott, to Philando Castille type shootings. If I'm wrong, I'm open to consider other thoughts that might help enlighten me.
Lastly, back to the point, you should know the difference and avoid coping out and mentioning a stupid drive-by that has NOTHING to do with the overarching issue that's being protested. It's like someone complaining that you beating, maiming and killing members of their family and your response is "But what about the fact that you don't cut your yard every week". It's the highest level of deflection.