Serious question, Do you believe there would be pedestrian traffic or stores would be open if the protesters in the area weren’t in favor of it? In other words, do you find those things to be evidence that the area isn’t controlled by the protesters? The barriers you say can be moved by 2 or three people are the same barriers the police use to “control” an area. Do you think because they are movable they aren’t affective traffic control devices?
Perspective is a great word in this case. I have been 100% clear here that I believe systemic racism exists. I’ve been in a couple of knock down drag outs about it. What happened in Minneapolis has to be stopped but even more so, the events that don’t end in a death but are far more prevalent. It’s not just police. I believe change has to start with the church (personal perspective) As Dr. Robert Smith has said, we don’t have a skin problem. We have a sin problem. It’s rooted in ignorance and fear and it’s been built through generation. I’m encouraged that my kids took to what we taught them and they don’t view the world through the filter of melanin. I’m confident their children won’t either and that’s positive change. Generational change.
I also 100% understand the protests. Again, this isn’t a black problem. It’s an American problem. It’s a heart problem. When I I ask for my wife’s help and she doesn’t hear me, I ask louder. Protesting is the result of not being heard and asking for help, louder. That being said, I never throw her clothes out into yard or set her car on fire to get her attention. There are limits. You mentioned laws earlier. Civil disobedience is meant to work outside the law. To count the cost of breaking the law to prove a point. It does include the word “civil” though. Look at the photos out of Seattle that you described as “not bothersome” and show me the civility in them.
Monday night a woman involved in the protests said that “black men can’t be the leaders of this. An LGBTQ woman of color has to be the leader.” Aren’t we protesting the killing of a “black man”? As you said, perspective. It’s a wonderful thing. Another word that’s important is agendas. Lots and lots of people on both sides of these protests (if it were about George Floyd there shouldn’t be sides) have lots and lots of agendas.
change has to happen, but to get there, we can’t draw our political lines and be intellectually dishonest. We have to be real and have real conversations. I admit “Paramilitary” & “seize” are not part of an honest discussion. “Not bothersome” seems to fall short as well. “Air strikes” is stupid. So is “sorry you’re afraid of ANTIFA”.
feel free to try and paint me in any way you like, but I’ll stand behind my honesty on this board and my willingness to confront “wrong” no matter which side is offering it.