I'm not a mean person in real life and don't want to come across as a jerk on here. I just really don't understand their behavior! Having grown up in the South, I was taught to be a gracious guest. I'm disturbed at how these guys act. I use the word "act" because I sincerely hope that they are not like this in the real world. I'm guessing not, but the more they post the more it makes me wonder. I'm an Auburn grad and I love my alma mater. I live miles and miles away, but I believe if I went back, it would still feel like home. I know it's not a perfect place, but to see these fools come here and bash something they probably know nothing about is just odd and I can't relate to their behavior. I'm proud of that fact too. How our football team does, does not change my life. It's a game between young men. I enjoy it, but the ridiculousness of some of this stuff on here blows me away. I spent 20+ years defending our way of life and that includes freedom of speech. I just can't understand why some people use this for the sake of being obnoxious tools.