Yes, what you describe further drives home how absurd the graphic and the entire page are. The graphic is certainly not representative of an entire race, hell it probably describes Asians better than anyone, but this is the current mainlining of identity politics.
Also, it is not just trying to "understand". It literally pinpoints normalization of "whiteness" as an attack on people of color and in the process of doing that identifies things that are certainly not exclusively whiteness - just good things to do as a person - (which should be offensive to all races).
From the text: "Whiteness (and its accepted normality) also exist as everyday microaggressions toward people of color."
"In this country, American means white. Everybody else has to hyphenate."
<-- this is not even true, America is extremely diverse and better for it, I've been taught since I was a child. Everyone who lives here is American. This current movement is actually the one that is obsessed with labels and grouping people into racial generalities, not whiteness.