Covid recovery update!!!!

Therefore YOU should stop giving medical advice. Or, lemme guess…… “it’s different” when you’re the know-it-all, right?

The agitated, stop ruining football season because of not getting vaccinated version of shorts is easily my favorite.

Redheads, fine coffee, better steak, and delicious bourbon for you sir
Dont get me wrong, bro. Im planning on going to every home game and Penn St. Even with the knowledge that possibly half of that stadium is unvaxxed. I wish they would for self serving reasons. Id really like for my wife’s stress level to decrease and for her and all other medical professionals to have a normal life, instead of being overworked because these tough guy, anti-vaxx cowards keep running to the hospital. Apparently, they think survival rates of 99.7% means they are superman. Its a helluva hill to die on.
You seem like an angry man. If someone says "talk to your doctor" and then says something doctors are actually telling people, I'm unlikely to correct them. If they say "talk to your doctor" and then say something doctors aren't telling people, I'm more likely to say something.
I’m not angry I’m just enjoying watching hypocrites wiggle and squirm. “Don’t give medical advice unless it alines with mine…”
Interesting. I actually went and read the study. From the actual study...

"Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant."

So it would seem that if someone (like me and OP) have had COVID the most prudent action would be to also get the vaccine. At least one shot. Which is exactly what I have done. I am not recommending anything here. Just FYI.
Interesting. I actually went and read the study. From the actual study...

"Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant."

So it would seem that if someone (like me and OP) have had COVID the most prudent action would be to also get the vaccine. At least one shot. Which is exactly what I have done. I am not recommending anything here. Just FYI.


not saying ^^it^^ is right or wrong. Just that it’s out there.
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I’m not sure there’s any studies showing much of anything is that effective as a therapeutic, especially once you get past a certain point. My question is Ivermectin risky if prescribed and taken correctly? If not then may as well throw it in with all the other shit they give that may or may not work.
You've had every treatment known to man but Ivermectin did the job. Why do people insist on believing conspiracies instead of facts?
That’s not what I said. Get out if your feelings a little bit and develop some reading comprehension.

You've had every treatment known to man but Ivermectin did the job. Why do people insist on believing conspiracies instead of facts?
I had the flu once when I was eleven. Stayed home from school for two weeks sick as dog. Horrible, horrible time for young Leo.

Half way through that second week I was up one night wheezing, having trouble breathing and decided I needed ice cream. Blue Bell Mint Chocolate Chip to be exact.

Three days later I’m fully recovered. It’s a miracle I swear by to this day. I tell everyone who will listen now that:

Blue Bell Mint Chocolate Chip ice cream cures the flu. In fact, not one person I know who’s eaten it while having the flu has died, they all recovered! Big pharmaceutical companies don’t want this to be public knowledge since They don’t make money off ice cream sells.
This is the best post of the year! Congrats
Glad you’re better OP!

I too am 31 and 5’11 and was 5’11 maybe 170 in 8th grade. One of the best players on all of my football teams until my sophomore year when everyone else blew up. Had aspirations of playing center at AU but never got any taller. I played football and lacrosse at Hoover.

In 2013 my weight topped out at 195 but I got it back down. I’m currently 175. And I’m “a little overweight” at 18% body fat. Unless you’re fuvking jacked, you’re pretty overweight, borderline obese, at 220. Take it fwiw but once you get your lungs back consider tracking your food intake for a couple months

Wow, what a story. So glad you were able to pull through. My $.02 for you:

1. You learned your lesson the hard way. Get vaccinated as soon as your doctor will allow;

2. 5'11" 220 is not a "a little overweight". That is a LOT overweight. Probably 40ish pounds overweight. As soon as you are able, fix your diet and start a cardio/weight training regimen. You can run with nothing but a pair of shorts and tennis shoes and build from there. Start slow. Couch to 5k like program and build yourself into shape.

3. Most importantly. Nurture and grow your relationship with Jesus Christ. Number's 1 and 2 above are just friendly worldly advice that won't matter for anything 40-50 years from now. This one will make a difference forever. Read your Bible daily. Get you a daily devotional and do that each day as well. Spend time each day with just you and the Lord praying, reading the Word and just sitting. Doesn't have to be an hour, but make some time. You are obviously home for a while. Make use of it and build this relationship now. Get more involved at church. Join a small group of young couples your age. Volunteer, serve, get involved with mentors that can steer you along. Go to Amazon and purchase, Spiritual Disciplines for the Christian Life by Donald Whitney. It will change your life.
Thank you for the advice we actually ordered a pelaton bike 2 days ago scheduled to be at my house Sept. 10th. I realize I need to get my butt in shape lol. Me and my wife started a daily devotional last night and read the first 4 chapters of genesis. I have prayed multiple times everyday since getting home. I'm at home on 4 litters but I'm blessed and this has probably been the best week of my life. Because me and God have grown closer and I now understand what I was missing all these years. My wife and I have never been closer or happier. All praise 👏 to him all I did was finally submit to him and let him take control. I have a small Bible study group coming to my house at 6pm Thursday which is definitely a first. I have a long way to go but going forward I will do his work.
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If I understand the ivermectin argument, it’s based on profitability. There is no incentive to market it or test it for COVID use due to it being a generic. No profit = no funding (or influence) to prompt a study.

I am not an expert, I did not stay at a Holiday inn express. I am a moron who flips burgers for a living, but I can get you a large fry if you want.
i believe it is in Indiana or Ohio that a Judge ruled that hospitals needed to start giving it to people. amazing we have to have judges pass orders for hospitals to administer things that save lives. FDA is messed up bad. wonder if the 2 that have stepped down are doing so because of some of this backlash

not saying ^^it^^ is right or wrong. Just that it’s out there.

Lol. This quack is saying we shouldn’t vax anybody else with these vaccines and to rinse your mouth and nose out with diluted bleach instead to keep from getting the virus. Jesus, Joseph, and Mary. I couldn’t even finish the article.

The federalist. Lol. The former trump fda head is in the video. He explains what’s wrong with that study but agrees with what I’ve said for months and that is both offer great protection. The vaccine covers more wide range though as the former fda head said.
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i believe it is in Indiana or Ohio that a Judge ruled that hospitals needed to start giving it to people. amazing we have to have judges pass orders for hospitals to administer things that save lives. FDA is messed up bad. wonder if the 2 that have stepped down are doing so because of some of this backlash

No, that's not the exact ruling. Somebody went out and got a prescription from a doc outside of the hospital. The hospital refused to give it, because duh. It's their patient and they're responsible. The judge ordered them to give it anyway.
My takeaways:
- n95 masks are rated for .03 and COVID is smaller than that; it's pointless wearing a regular cloth mask

The actual virus might be smaller than what the N95 or any cloth mask is rated for, but that's not why they help. They help because the virus is transmitted through respiratory droplets from coughing, sneezing, and talking. The N95 and cloth masks certainly can help filter that, especially if everyone is wearing one.

National Center for Biotechnology Information said:
N95 masks are designed to remove more than 95% of all particles that are at least 0.3 microns (µm) in diameter. In fact, measurements of the particle filtration efficiency of N95 masks show that they are capable of filtering ≈99.8% of particles with a diameter of ≈0.1 μm (Rengasamy et al., 2017). SARS-CoV-2 is an enveloped virus ≈0.1 μm in diameter, so N95 masks are capable of filtering most free virions, but they do more than that. How so? Viruses are often transmitted through respiratory droplets produced by coughing and sneezing. Respiratory droplets are usually divided into two size bins, large droplets (>5 μm in diameter) that fall rapidly to the ground and are thus transmitted only over short distances, and small droplets (≤5 μm in diameter).

Thank you for the advice we actually ordered a pelaton bike 2 days ago scheduled to be at my house Sept. 10th. I realize I need to get my butt in shape lol. Me and my wife started a daily devotional last night and read the first 4 chapters of genesis. I have prayed multiple times everyday since getting home. I'm at home on 4 litters but I'm blessed and this has probably been the best week of my life. Because me and God have grown closer and I now understand what I was missing all these years. My wife and I have never been closer or happier. All praise 👏 to him all I did was finally submit to him and let him take control. I have a small Bible study group coming to my house at 6pm Thursday which is definitely a first. I have a long way to go but going forward I will do his work.
That is awesome. Check out the book that I suggested. It is a great blueprint for living a Christian life. Easy read and just great really
Thank you for the advice we actually ordered a pelaton bike 2 days ago scheduled to be at my house Sept. 10th. I realize I need to get my butt in shape lol. Me and my wife started a daily devotional last night and read the first 4 chapters of genesis. I have prayed multiple times everyday since getting home. I'm at home on 4 litters but I'm blessed and this has probably been the best week of my life. Because me and God have grown closer and I now understand what I was missing all these years. My wife and I have never been closer or happier. All praise 👏 to him all I did was finally submit to him and let him take control. I have a small Bible study group coming to my house at 6pm Thursday which is definitely a first. I have a long way to go but going forward I will do his work.

I’ve heard the peloton will kill your ass for a week but the pain disappears after a week or so. It changed my older brother’s life.
Lol. This quack is saying we shouldn’t vax anybody else with these vaccines and to rinse your mouth and nose out with diluted bleach instead to keep from getting the virus. Jesus, Joseph, and Mary. I couldn’t even finish the article.
That's as far as I got too lol
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Two things:

1. Vaccinations aren't the complete or final answer, but they're a start.

2. As in the OP's case it affects people differently. Do everything you can to prevent getting it so you don't find out if you're in the percent that dies from it.
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I absolutely needed the vaccine I was to stupid do my own research. I listened to people at work and on msg boards like yourself. Tell me that in my age and health conditions 99 percent chance I will be fine. I was stubborn not because I thought the vaccine would kill me or the government was out to get me. I just said well if I get it they say it's a 99 percent chance I will have mild symptoms. Well I'm here to tell you those odds seemed a lot better 3-4 weeks ago. I will be getting my vaccine as soon as my doctor agrees it's safe for me to take it post covid.
Best part of your story (besides you living obviously). I hope you can convince those around you that are anti-vax or vax hesitant to get it so that they don't experience what you have.
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No, that's not the exact ruling. Somebody went out and got a prescription from a doc outside of the hospital. The hospital refused to give it, because duh. It's their patient and they're responsible. The judge ordered them to give it anyway.
Gotcha. Either way, what the hell is wrong with this country when a judge has to make a hospital provide the best available care for a patient
Gotcha. Either way, what the hell is wrong with this country when a judge has to make a hospital provide the best available care for a patient

Best available care is up for debate. I don’t, for an instant, believe there are hospitals out there withholding treatment they believe would be helpful. There’s no benefit for them to do that. They get sued less often when patients live.
Gotcha. Either way, what the hell is wrong with this country when a judge has to make a hospital provide the best available care for a patient

I don't know if ivermectin works. But the CDC and the NIH both recommend against it, so it isn't out of the ordinary that a hospital won't fill and administer an outside doctor's prescription. Especially when they're the ones liable.
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