Covid recovery update!!!!


May 28, 2010
So backstory I'm 31 years old and 5'11 220. No prior health conditions other than a shoulder surgery and golfers elbow surgery last year. Have never drank or smoked. Played sports my whole life and still do. Mostly golf and basketball these days. Other than being a little overweight I should be the poster child for the anti Vax crowd. On August 7th I attend a crowded event in Hamilton AL. I had been selected along with my two childhood best friends to be inducted into the Marion County sports hall of fame. We had a great night and I'm not one who enjoys getting up in front of a crowd but it was an honor to go in with literally my two best friends since Kindergarten. Anyway the following day my dad calls about 5 o'clock that Sunday evening and says that he and my step mom had both just tested positive for covid. They had attend the hall of fame I sat right beside my dad and we went to a steakhouse to eat following the event. Monday morning I went to a local clinic to be tested. I tested positive of course and they said go home take vitamin c,d,zinc and take mucinex and keep an eye on my temp and o2. I wasn't worried a bit for myself I was relieved to be off work for 10 days honestly. I started quarantine Monday Aug 9th and had mild symptoms the first 5-6 days. Friday rolls around and me and my wife were both feeling the best we had all week [she had mild symptoms the whole time] but at about 9 o'clock Friday night I started freezing literally shaking my wife checks my temp it's 103( I had mild Temps all week and had been alternating Ibuprofen and Tylenol all week to keep my temp down). My wife give me a 800mg Ibuprofen put ice packs under each arm and put cold wash cloths on my head. My temp climbed to 104.1 and she was begging me to go to the Er which I refused of course. Within an hour of ice and the Ibuprofen kicking In she got my temp to 100.5 and we went to bed for the night. The next morning I felt better 99 temp and felt good. Around 11 my temp spikes to 103 and my wife demanded I go to the Er (Winfield AL) so I was treated at the er they did a chest x ray blood work. The doctor says the chest xray did show some fluff starting to develop in the bottom of my lungs but I was young and perfectly healthy and he was gonna discharge me with a prescription for a zpac and steroids to help knock out the pneumonia. They also give me a steroid shot at the er before discharge. Sunday I felt better and had a good day. Monday morning I wake up and still feel good no temp. Around lunch I started feeling weird a little short of breath and nausea. But I kinda ignored it. About 9 o'clock Monday night I got extremely short off breath and started throwing up so my wife takes me back to Winfield Er she drops me off at the door and I tell her to go on home because she is positive and can't come I'm and was expecting to be admitted. I walk in and the lady at the desk ask what I was there for. I said I'm covid positive I came in to the er on Saturday and he discharged me on antibiotics and steroids but now I was having trouble breathing and I needed to see a doctor. The lady looked at me and said if your covid positive you can't be in here. I said where should I go and she instructed me to give her my phone number and they would call me to go stand in the parking lot. I called my wife and she comes to the parking lot and we waited for over 2 hours before the Er calls my phone and says they are ready for me to come to the ambulance door. I was greeted by a male nurse wearing a large respirator mask(smart) he takes me to the covid unit which was empty and they start doing blood work. The doctor comes in and says they are going to do some test that my o2 was 90 which was borderline. They did another chest xray blood work and leave the room. At this point I was in and out of consciousness from struggling to breath I remember the doctor coming in and waking me up. He said your o2 is borderline what do you want to do if I admit you it will be atleast a 5 day stay for remdisvr iv treatments. I said well I'm struggling to breath. He said our other option is we get you in first thing in the morning for the antibodies infusion that's been helping a lot of people and you won't be admitted for 5 days. I said so that will help my breathing and he said the infusion has helped a lot of people. I said ok well I guess let's do the infusion. The nurse comes in sets up the infusion for the next morning and says someone will call and let me know what time to report to the 3rd floor where they do infusion he also brought me 2 potassium pills and said take these before you leave my blood work showed I had low potassium. And I was discharged around 1 am I believe never offered oxygen the entire time I was at Winfield ER after coming in with shortness of breath. My wife picks me up and we go to bed. I couldn't breath laying in my bed so I moved to the couch and laying on my right shoulder I could get enough breath to stay awake. I remember looking at my phone at 3am thinking if I can just make it 7-8 more hours and get that infusion in me I would have a chance to survive. I would fall asleep and wake up suffocating gasping for air. Finally a little after 8 am the hospital called and said be here at 10:45 for your infusion and I immediately begin fighting thinking you made it to the phone call you can make it 3 more hours to get the infusion. My wife drops me off at the front door at 10:35 where I was told to put on 2 mask( now I really can't breath) and gloves and I was told to go to the 3rd floor for the infusion. The infusion lasted about 1 hour and the nurse said I had to wait 1 hour after for her to watch me for adverse reaction. During the infusion with 2 mask I couldn't breath so I ask the nurse to check my o2 it was 90 and she said son you look pale are you feeling ok. I said no mam I have been struggling to breath since last night I went to the er and they discharged me and set up this infusion. She said well son I don't think this infusion is gonna help you breath better immediately u probably need to just go by the Er when u leave here. I said mam I have already been 2 times they won't do anything to help my breathing. I text my wife as soon as the nurse left the room and said come get me this nurse says this infusion likely won't help me breath. My wife picked me up from Winfield hospital at around 2:20 pm and said I'm not taking you back to that er we are going to Haleyville Er which was a 30 minute drive. I walk in Haleyville Er and tell the receptionist I'm covid positive and can't breath she said sign in and walk around to this door we will buzz u in immediately. They put me on a bed in the covid unit where 3 nurses and a doctor were sticking me in places I didn't know I had. The doctor ordered a chest xray,blood panel,abg blood oxygen they immediately put me on 4 liters of oxygen and I caught my breath for the first time in almost 24 hours. DR. Knoll walks in and says son your 31 years old and perfectly healthy your at the point where u take a turn for the worse or you get better being on day 10. I think you need to stay with us for a few days. I said I agree 100 percent. He says let's run a few more test and I will start working on getting u admitted. They leave the room and nobody comes back for over 2 hours. When the nurse comes In and says I'm sorry it's taking so long we don't have a bed available to admit you and we have called every hospital in AL and MS and nobody has a open bed for you. Finally a little after 6pm an Angel walked thru the door my mother in law who is the night shift supervisor at Haleyville hospital walks in and says I talked to Emily(wife) she is on the way to get you she has oxygen tank from your grandmother your gonna sign this paper leaving AMA and go straight to hellen Keller er in the shoals it's the only thing left to do. My wife got me to Keller around 8 pm I think. The Er at Keller was great. I had to be stuck everywhere again unfortunately but they said we will keep u in the Er until we can get a bed for you. They even let my wife come in the hospital but she couldn't leave my room or she couldn't return. About 10 o'clock they came told me I had a bed and would be going to the 3rd floor and I remembered thanking Jesus I was so relieved just to get a bed I didn't realize the real fight was just getting started. The Er doctor put me on 15 liters of high flow oxygen (maximum) as my o2 kept dropping in the low 80s and said if it didn't regulate on 15 liters they would put me on bipap. Luckily laying on my right shoulder and 15 liters my o2 stayed 88-92 for the night. The next morning I meet Dr Goodell. She comes in with her mask pulled down and talks with me and my wife. The first thing she says is it's a crying shame someone your age is in this shape because of money. I said what do you mean. She says the first thing we are gonna do is put u on ivermectin. It's been extremely effective especially when taking within a few days of testing positive. She said the problem is ivermectin is so cheap no US drug companies can make money on it so the fda will not approve it for covid treatment. I was blown away.
She said just like these mask it's a control thing from the government. She says an n95 mask is rated for .03 and covid is smaller than that so it's pointless muchless wearing a regular cloth mask which she had tied around her neck. She said it made her sick to watch people that had no business being anything other than mildly sick end up in my condition fighting for my life with double covid pneumonia because the FDA is won't approve a cheap drug because big pharmaceutical don't want it approved . She said if they would have prescribed you the proper dose of vitamin c,d,zinc and ivermectin the day you tested positive you would have been fine never had to even go to the Er. I was in shock and she said I'm not gonna lie to you at this point we are in for a fight but your young and I think you will leave this hospital. She put together a plan that saved my life and I am so thankful for Dr Goodell tonight and I will find her and thank her in person as soon as I'm able. Over the next 7 days I was to many antibiotics and steroids to list. As well as 5 days of Remdsvir. But I honestly think the ivermectin saved my life. The first 5 days was awful I couldn't get out of bed without my o2 dropping in the 70s so my wife had her hands full. My wife is a RN and took great care of me the whole 7 days. She probably didn't get 7 hours of sleep in 7 days. Everytime I woke up she was looking at me and that o2 monitor. My heart rate would drop when I slept and remdsvir one night it got down to 38 and my wife and the nurse scared me to death waking me up. The 6th day I woke up I looked at my wife and said I'm going home tomorrow or I'm gonna die in here. She didn't believe me lol. The doctors said if they could ween my oxygen to 5 and my o2 stay above 90 I could go home on home oxygen. The problem was I'm still on 15 liters. That night about 3 am I looked at my wife and said turn that oxygen on 5 she said I can't i said you will or I'm gonna die in here. She gets up turns it to 10 and says that's the lowest I'm going I was able to stay above 90 for over an hour on 10 so I called for respiratory to come turn my oxygen down to 5. The therapist says well your holding good on 10 let's try 5. I couldn't wait for the doctor to round and finally around 6am they walked in new DR. The first think I did was say doc I appreciate everything yall have done for me but I need to go home today there are people out there that needs this bed a lot worse than I do. He was hesitant but said how long have you been on 5 liters I said for 2 hours my o2 was 93 I think. He said I will start working on getting you discharged on home oxygen but you will be on oxygen for up to 6 weeks. I could have kissed the man. I left Keller last Tuesday evening around 2 o'clock. The first thing I did was text my preacher and tell him I needed him to meet me at the church I needed to be baptized even if it killed me. I had been baptized In my early 20s but had never felt a close relationship with God. I attended service every Sunday but never opened a Bible thru the week and had no praying relationship with God unless I needed something. But as I laid in that hospital bed I was at peace with the fact I wasn't leaving that hospital which is weird because I have always been afraid of dying. I was praying for my wife asking God to please take care of her when I was gone ( I do the cooking )and enjoy it. I was asking God to please put a worthy man In her life to fill in for me when I was gone and all of a sudden I was in total peace something felt different and I was ok with dying. The next morning I woke and prayed and I thanked God for allowing me to see another sunrise things are changing around here this is weird. I spent most of that day in prayer I was ashamed at everything I had taken for granted all these years. I had grown up with 2 older brothers that I looked up too so much. My oldest brother was my hero growing up of course I never told him to manly for that. Although if you look at my life we are just alike. Steven taught me to play football,basketball and baseball which were my life passion. Literally my entire life from 5-18 was spent training or playing these 3 sports. On Saturdays we watched Auburn play and it was literally my favorite thing in this world to do. I remember Friday nights after my high school games being so relieved the week was finally over and tomorrow morning my Uncle Joey will be firing up the smoker while me and my 2 brothers watch game day for me this was heaven on Earth. A Saturday with my family and Emily ( we started dating at 14 and she was dumb enough to marry me at 19 2 months after graduation. Being surrounded by all my family on a AU Saturday was literally heaven for me. What's funny nobody in my family has ever taking a single class at AU University. I love AU because my dad wore an AU hat and bought me and my 2 brothers matching AU jackets for Xmas when I was probably 4 years old. I wish I still had that jacket come to think of it. I say all this too the Alumni that look down on us sidewalk fans we love AU also. Until the past 2 weeks I definitely had my faith, family and football in the wrong order. My wife cheers for AU just as loud as me but I sometimes think she only cares so much because she knows if AU loses I'm gonna be in a pissy mood all week??. AU means the world to me and my family and I will never stop bleeding orange and blue. You see I believe in work hard work and because Au men and women believe in these things I believe in AU and love it!!!! It's game week ladies and gentlemen and the Bryan Harsin Era kicks off Saturday and I can't wait. Lord willing I will be back in God's country UGA week to watch my tigers beat the pups. I ordered tickets pre covid. I know this has been a book but I leave you with this all praise to the father for sparing the life of this unworthy AU man. And fellow AU family I love everyone of you and can't wait to watch Coach Harsin turn this program around the AU way hard nosed tough hit you in the mouth on Defensive. Run it down your throat on offense. Coach Lac and Ronnie was coming good luck stopping it. And this Saturday we have a Tank rolling thru Jordan hare old school AU football. Fellas it's game week on the plains.
So you didn’t need the vaccine but really just needed some ivermectin? And a few paragraphs?
I absolutely needed the vaccine I was to stupid do my own research. I listened to people at work and on msg boards like yourself. Tell me that in my age and health conditions 99 percent chance I will be fine. I was stubborn not because I thought the vaccine would kill me or the government was out to get me. I just said well if I get it they say it's a 99 percent chance I will have mild symptoms. Well I'm here to tell you those odds seemed a lot better 3-4 weeks ago. I will be getting my vaccine as soon as my doctor agrees it's safe for me to take it post covid.
It's pretty crazy that you went through all of that instead of driving a lap around talladega. Seems like the lap around dega would have been more enjoyable.
Ill sum up for OP.

I’m assuming OP is unvaccinated but here it goes:

OP goes to ER because he can’t breath. ER does two chest x rays and sees issues. They give him two K pills and send him in his way.

OP still struggles and goes back to ER. They tell him to wait in car and will call him. He get brought in and no results.

Wife of OP now hates this ER and takes him to a different city ER. They set up a transfusion for OP to be done next day. OP has long night struggling to breathe but makes it. Infusion doesn’t work.

wife now being the bAUce that she is takes op to a different ER. This doctor tells OP he just needs a few vitamins amd invevtermin but since it’s day 10 the road will be tough.
This doctor also says masks don’t work and that the FDA won’t approve the drug because of politics.

OP says that this drug saved his life and he owes this DR a lot. Also, he owes his wife a months worth of laundry duty (last part I added).
I absolutely needed the vaccine I was to stupid do my own research. I listened to people at work and on msg boards like yourself. Tell me that in my age and health conditions 99 percent chance I will be fine. I was stubborn not because I thought the vaccine would kill me or the government was out to get me. I just said well if I get it they say it's a 99 percent chance I will have mild symptoms. Well I'm here to tell you those odds seemed a lot better 3-4 weeks ago. I will be getting my vaccine as soon as my doctor agrees it's safe for me to take it post covid.
If you listened to people like me on this message board, you’d have gotten vaccinated. Glad you survived though. Please encourage others to get vaccinated so they won’t have to go through what you did.
Summary, OP basically saying

Ill sum up for OP.

I’m assuming OP is unvaccinated but here it goes:

OP goes to ER because he can’t breath. ER does two chest x rays and sees issues. They give him two K pills and send him in his way.

OP still struggles and goes back to ER. They tell him to wait in car and will call him. He get brought in and no results.

Wife of OP now hates this ER and takes him to a different city ER. They set up a transfusion for OP to be done next day. OP has long night struggling to breathe but makes it. Infusion doesn’t work.

wife now being the bAUce that she is takes op to a different ER. This doctor tells OP he just needs a few vitamins amd invevtermin but since it’s day 10 the road will be tough.
This doctor also says masks don’t work and that the FDA won’t approve the drug because of politics.

OP says that this drug saved his life and he owes this DR a lot. Also, he owes his wife a months worth of laundry duty (last part I added).
Absolutely I should have called you before wasting an hour on my post. But I'm not sleeping much these days so needed something to pass the time.
If you listened to people like me on this message board, you’d have gotten vaccinated. Glad you survived though. Please encourage others to get vaccinated so they won’t have to go through what you did.
Absolutely I had arguments from the hospital with family members begging them to get vaccinated. I was 100 percent stupid not to get it. I was the youngest person in my family and most healthy to get covid. And I'm the only one that was hospitalized. My dad and step mom were not vaxed but did take the cow version of ivermectin around day 5-6. I was worried sick all week for my dad and step mom. My dad was in bad shape from day 2-3 he ended up going to Haleyville er around day 5-6 and was discharged with antibiotics and steroids. They also started ivermectin around day 5-6 and got the infusion day 7 I believe. At that point they both started to recover and are still short of breathe at times but both back at work. My dad is 54 former smoker but pretty healthy otherwise. My step dad who was vaccinated tested positive 4 days before me. He had mild symptoms and drove me food to Hellen Keller everyday from Haleyville to keep us something edible. He is 56 and disabled due to 4 back surgeries. He is a smoker and the vaccine obviously helped him have only mild symptoms he never even considered going to the ER. My mom vaccinated never tested positive. She put him in the back bedroom for 10 days and left food at his door. The vaccine worked for them.
My takeaways:
- n95 masks are rated for .03 and COVID is smaller than that; it's pointless wearing a regular cloth mask
- taking proper doses of Vitamin C, D and Zinc along with Ivermectin the day you test positive will increase your chances for quick recovery
- get your ass vaccinated ASAP

Glad you’re doing better OP!
Glad to hear you recovered, and hate you went through that process, but it should be clarified that 5’11, 220 is not a little overweight.
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I got through your first post, but damn you’re also too young to be so wordy.

Why would they Ivermectin for Covid treatment, there’s not tons of evidence that it works. Medical professionals can be influenced by noise as well.

That being said, I’m glad you’re ok and I hope your story inspires people to get the damn vaccine.
She said just like these mask it's a control thing from the government. She says an n95 mask is rated for .03 and covid is smaller than that so it's pointless muchless wearing a regular cloth mask which she had tied around her neck. She said it made her sick to watch people that had no business being anything other than mildly sick end up in my condition fighting for my life with double covid pneumonia because the FDA is won't approve a cheap drug because big pharmaceutical don't want it approved . She said if they would have prescribed you the proper dose of vitamin c,d,zinc and ivermectin the day you tested positive you would have been fine never had to even go to the Er. I was in shock and she said I'm not gonna lie to you at this point we are in for a fight but your young and I think you will leave this hospital. She put together a plan that saved my life and I am so thankful for Dr Goodell tonight and I will find her and thank her in person as soon as I'm able. Over the next 7 days I was to many antibiotics and steroids to list. As well as 5 days of Remdsvir. But I honestly think the ivermectin saved my life. The first 5 days was awful I couldn't get out of bed without my o2 dropping in the 70s so my wife had her hands full. My wife is a RN and took great care of me the whole 7 days. She probably didn't get 7 hours of sleep in 7 days. Everytime I woke up she was looking at me and that o2 monitor. My heart rate would drop when I slept and remdsvir one night it got down to 38 and my wife and the nurse scared me to death waking me up. The 6th day I woke up I looked at my wife and said I'm going home tomorrow or I'm gonna die in here. She didn't believe me lol. The doctors said if they could ween my oxygen to 5 and my o2 stay above 90 I could go home on home oxygen. The problem was I'm still on 15 liters. That night about 3 am I looked at my wife and said turn that oxygen on 5 she said I can't i said you will or I'm gonna die in here. She gets up turns it to 10 and says that's the lowest I'm going I was able to stay above 90 for over an hour on 10 so I called for respiratory to come turn my oxygen down to 5. The therapist says well your holding good on 10 let's try 5. I couldn't wait for the doctor to round and finally around 6am they walked in new DR. The first think I did was say doc I appreciate everything yall have done for me but I need to go home today there are people out there that needs this bed a lot worse than I do. He was hesitant but said how long have you been on 5 liters I said for 2 hours my o2 was 93 I think. He said I will start working on getting you discharged on home oxygen but you will be on oxygen for up to 6 weeks. I could have kissed the man. I left Keller last Tuesday evening around 2 o'clock. The first thing I did was text my preacher and tell him I needed him to meet me at the church I needed to be baptized even if it killed me. I had been baptized In my early 20s but had never felt a close relationship with God. I attended service every Sunday but never opened a Bible thru the week and had no praying relationship with God unless I needed something. But as I laid in that hospital bed I was at peace with the fact I wasn't leaving that hospital which is weird because I have always been afraid of dying. I was praying for my wife asking God to please take care of her when I was gone ( I do the cooking )and enjoy it. I was asking God to please put a worthy man In her life to fill in for me when I was gone and all of a sudden I was in total peace something felt different and I was ok with dying. The next morning I woke and prayed and I thanked God for allowing me to see another sunrise things are changing around here this is weird. I spent most of that day in prayer I was ashamed at everything I had taken for granted all these years. I had grown up with 2 older brothers that I looked up too so much. My oldest brother was my hero growing up of course I never told him to manly for that. Although if you look at my life we are just alike. Steven taught me to play football,basketball and baseball which were my life passion. Literally my entire life from 5-18 was spent training or playing these 3 sports. On Saturdays we watched Auburn play and it was literally my favorite thing in this world to do. I remember Friday nights after my high school games being so relieved the week was finally over and tomorrow morning my Uncle Joey will be firing up the smoker while me and my 2 brothers watch game day for me this was heaven on Earth. A Saturday with my family and Emily ( we started dating at 14 and she was dumb enough to marry me at 19 2 months after graduation. Being surrounded by all my family on a AU Saturday was literally heaven for me. What's funny nobody in my family has ever taking a single class at AU University. I love AU because my dad wore an AU hat and bought me and my 2 brothers matching AU jackets for Xmas when I was probably 4 years old. I wish I still had that jacket come to think of it. I say all this too the Alumni that look down on us sidewalk fans we love AU also. Until the past 2 weeks I definitely had my faith, family and football in the wrong order. My wife cheers for AU just as loud as me but I sometimes think she only cares so much because she knows if AU loses I'm gonna be in a pissy mood all week??. AU means the world to me and my family and I will never stop bleeding orange and blue. You see I believe in work hard work and because Au men and women believe in these things I believe in AU and love it!!!! It's game week ladies and gentlemen and the Bryan Harsin Era kicks off Saturday and I can't wait. Lord willing I will be back in God's country UGA week to watch my tigers beat the pups. I ordered tickets pre covid. I know this has been a book but I leave you with this all praise to the father for sparing the life of this unworthy AU man. And fellow AU family I love everyone of you and can't wait to watch Coach Harsin turn this program around the AU way hard nosed tough hit you in the mouth on Defensive. Run it down your throat on offense. Coach Lac and Ronnie was coming good luck stopping it. And this Saturday we have a Tank rolling thru Jordan hare old school AU football. Fellas it's game week on the plains.
Glad yore ok DAWG!!!!!!!!
WAR DAYUM!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Are there any studies showing that ivermectin is even effective? @stevesawbone @mrhickory do you guys use ivermectin?
No and No. there are studies showing the infusion and remdesivir are effective. Along with steroids (but only if you require oxygen, they should not be used early in the disease course with normal o2 and mild symptoms).

edit: he got the infusion late though. Earlier is better.

edit2: ivermectin studies are ongoing though.
Glad to hear you recovered, and hate you went through that process, but it should be clarified that 5’11, 220 is not a little overweight.
I played LB ok I had dreams of being 6-3 225 my senior year of high school. My 8th grade year I was 5'11 190 pounds. Starting LB and FB. The problem was I quit getting taller and ran a 4.8 40 so 🤷. Hence your reading about me on the bunker instead of me being a member of the 2010 natty team.
If I understand the ivermectin argument, it’s based on profitability. There is no incentive to market it or test it for COVID use due to it being a generic. No profit = no funding (or influence) to prompt a study.

I am not an expert, I did not stay at a Holiday inn express. I am a moron who flips burgers for a living, but I can get you a large fry if you want.
Ill sum up for OP.

I’m assuming OP is unvaccinated but here it goes:

OP goes to ER because he can’t breath. ER does two chest x rays and sees issues. They give him two K pills and send him in his way.

OP still struggles and goes back to ER. They tell him to wait in car and will call him. He get brought in and no results.

Wife of OP now hates this ER and takes him to a different city ER. They set up a transfusion for OP to be done next day. OP has long night struggling to breathe but makes it. Infusion doesn’t work.

wife now being the bAUce that she is takes op to a different ER. This doctor tells OP he just needs a few vitamins amd invevtermin but since it’s day 10 the road will be tough.
This doctor also says masks don’t work and that the FDA won’t approve the drug because of politics.

OP says that this drug saved his life and he owes this DR a lot. Also, he owes his wife a months worth of laundry duty (last part I added).
21 days with vaccine (It does not work, making other people rich, and killing others), 100 to 104 fever....then a .25 cent drug Ivermectin BAMM!!!! Been around since the 70's. Wake up.
I read every word. It’s obvious that this was a life changing and traumatic event for you and your wife and that you needed to share it. I’m personally glad that you did.

I had covid this past January. I’m sure I caught from my son who I’m sure caught it due to one of his jobs. We went through it together and while we fared much better than you it was still a 2 week ordeal for me and about a 10 day battle for my son. I got my shots in March and April. I encourage people to get vaccinated. Even if they’ve had covid. In fact, I feel even better/stronger knowing that I have natural immunity plus the vaccine.

It certainly sounds like you have a good woman in your corner looking out for you and I’m glad this strengthened your faith. Going through life changing events often do that. Just try to maintain and grow that faith. And get the vaccine as soon as you can if and when your doctor says you can.
So backstory I'm 31 years old and 5'11 220. No prior health conditions other than a shoulder surgery and golfers elbow surgery last year. Have never drank or smoked. Played sports my whole life and still do. Mostly golf and basketball these days. Other than being a little overweight I should be the poster child for the anti Vax crowd. On August 7th I attend a crowded event in Hamilton AL. I had been selected along with my two childhood best friends to be inducted into the Marion County sports hall of fame. We had a great night and I'm not one who enjoys getting up in front of a crowd but it was an honor to go in with literally my two best friends since Kindergarten. Anyway the following day my dad calls about 5 o'clock that Sunday evening and says that he and my step mom had both just tested positive for covid. They had attend the hall of fame I sat right beside my dad and we went to a steakhouse to eat following the event. Monday morning I went to a local clinic to be tested. I tested positive of course and they said go home take vitamin c,d,zinc and take mucinex and keep an eye on my temp and o2. I wasn't worried a bit for myself I was relieved to be off work for 10 days honestly. I started quarantine Monday Aug 9th and had mild symptoms the first 5-6 days. Friday rolls around and me and my wife were both feeling the best we had all week [she had mild symptoms the whole time] but at about 9 o'clock Friday night I started freezing literally shaking my wife checks my temp it's 103( I had mild Temps all week and had been alternating Ibuprofen and Tylenol all week to keep my temp down). My wife give me a 800mg Ibuprofen put ice packs under each arm and put cold wash cloths on my head. My temp climbed to 104.1 and she was begging me to go to the Er which I refused of course. Within an hour of ice and the Ibuprofen kicking In she got my temp to 100.5 and we went to bed for the night. The next morning I felt better 99 temp and felt good. Around 11 my temp spikes to 103 and my wife demanded I go to the Er (Winfield AL) so I was treated at the er they did a chest x ray blood work. The doctor says the chest xray did show some fluff starting to develop in the bottom of my lungs but I was young and perfectly healthy and he was gonna discharge me with a prescription for a zpac and steroids to help knock out the pneumonia. They also give me a steroid shot at the er before discharge. Sunday I felt better and had a good day. Monday morning I wake up and still feel good no temp. Around lunch I started feeling weird a little short of breath and nausea. But I kinda ignored it. About 9 o'clock Monday night I got extremely short off breath and started throwing up so my wife takes me back to Winfield Er she drops me off at the door and I tell her to go on home because she is positive and can't come I'm and was expecting to be admitted. I walk in and the lady at the desk ask what I was there for. I said I'm covid positive I came in to the er on Saturday and he discharged me on antibiotics and steroids but now I was having trouble breathing and I needed to see a doctor. The lady looked at me and said if your covid positive you can't be in here. I said where should I go and she instructed me to give her my phone number and they would call me to go stand in the parking lot. I called my wife and she comes to the parking lot and we waited for over 2 hours before the Er calls my phone and says they are ready for me to come to the ambulance door. I was greeted by a male nurse wearing a large respirator mask(smart) he takes me to the covid unit which was empty and they start doing blood work. The doctor comes in and says they are going to do some test that my o2 was 90 which was borderline. They did another chest xray blood work and leave the room. At this point I was in and out of consciousness from struggling to breath I remember the doctor coming in and waking me up. He said your o2 is borderline what do you want to do if I admit you it will be atleast a 5 day stay for remdisvr iv treatments. I said well I'm struggling to breath. He said our other option is we get you in first thing in the morning for the antibodies infusion that's been helping a lot of people and you won't be admitted for 5 days. I said so that will help my breathing and he said the infusion has helped a lot of people. I said ok well I guess let's do the infusion. The nurse comes in sets up the infusion for the next morning and says someone will call and let me know what time to report to the 3rd floor where they do infusion he also brought me 2 potassium pills and said take these before you leave my blood work showed I had low potassium. And I was discharged around 1 am I believe never offered oxygen the entire time I was at Winfield ER after coming in with shortness of breath. My wife picks me up and we go to bed. I couldn't breath laying in my bed so I moved to the couch and laying on my right shoulder I could get enough breath to stay awake. I remember looking at my phone at 3am thinking if I can just make it 7-8 more hours and get that infusion in me I would have a chance to survive. I would fall asleep and wake up suffocating gasping for air. Finally a little after 8 am the hospital called and said be here at 10:45 for your infusion and I immediately begin fighting thinking you made it to the phone call you can make it 3 more hours to get the infusion. My wife drops me off at the front door at 10:35 where I was told to put on 2 mask( now I really can't breath) and gloves and I was told to go to the 3rd floor for the infusion. The infusion lasted about 1 hour and the nurse said I had to wait 1 hour after for her to watch me for adverse reaction. During the infusion with 2 mask I couldn't breath so I ask the nurse to check my o2 it was 90 and she said son you look pale are you feeling ok. I said no mam I have been struggling to breath since last night I went to the er and they discharged me and set up this infusion. She said well son I don't think this infusion is gonna help you breath better immediately u probably need to just go by the Er when u leave here. I said mam I have already been 2 times they won't do anything to help my breathing. I text my wife as soon as the nurse left the room and said come get me this nurse says this infusion likely won't help me breath. My wife picked me up from Winfield hospital at around 2:20 pm and said I'm not taking you back to that er we are going to Haleyville Er which was a 30 minute drive. I walk in Haleyville Er and tell the receptionist I'm covid positive and can't breath she said sign in and walk around to this door we will buzz u in immediately. They put me on a bed in the covid unit where 3 nurses and a doctor were sticking me in places I didn't know I had. The doctor ordered a chest xray,blood panel,abg blood oxygen they immediately put me on 4 liters of oxygen and I caught my breath for the first time in almost 24 hours. DR. Knoll walks in and says son your 31 years old and perfectly healthy your at the point where u take a turn for the worse or you get better being on day 10. I think you need to stay with us for a few days. I said I agree 100 percent. He says let's run a few more test and I will start working on getting u admitted. They leave the room and nobody comes back for over 2 hours. When the nurse comes In and says I'm sorry it's taking so long we don't have a bed available to admit you and we have called every hospital in AL and MS and nobody has a open bed for you. Finally a little after 6pm an Angel walked thru the door my mother in law who is the night shift supervisor at Haleyville hospital walks in and says I talked to Emily(wife) she is on the way to get you she has oxygen tank from your grandmother your gonna sign this paper leaving AMA and go straight to hellen Keller er in the shoals it's the only thing left to do. My wife got me to Keller around 8 pm I think. The Er at Keller was great. I had to be stuck everywhere again unfortunately but they said we will keep u in the Er until we can get a bed for you. They even let my wife come in the hospital but she couldn't leave my room or she couldn't return. About 10 o'clock they came told me I had a bed and would be going to the 3rd floor and I remembered thanking Jesus I was so relieved just to get a bed I didn't realize the real fight was just getting started. The Er doctor put me on 15 liters of high flow oxygen (maximum) as my o2 kept dropping in the low 80s and said if it didn't regulate on 15 liters they would put me on bipap. Luckily laying on my right shoulder and 15 liters my o2 stayed 88-92 for the night. The next morning I meet Dr Goodell. She comes in with her mask pulled down and talks with me and my wife. The first thing she says is it's a crying shame someone your age is in this shape because of money. I said what do you mean. She says the first thing we are gonna do is put u on ivermectin. It's been extremely effective especially when taking within a few days of testing positive. She said the problem is ivermectin is so cheap no US drug companies can make money on it so the fda will not approve it for covid treatment. I was blown away.
You might want to try drinking and smoking
I played LB ok I had dreams of being 6-3 225 my senior year of high school. My 8th grade year I was 5'11 190 pounds. Starting LB and FB. The problem was I quit getting taller and ran a 4.8 40 so 🤷. Hence your reading about me on the bunker instead of me being a member of the 2010 natty team.
Glad you’re better OP!

I too am 31 and 5’11 and was 5’11 maybe 170 in 8th grade. One of the best players on all of my football teams until my sophomore year when everyone else blew up. Had aspirations of playing center at AU but never got any taller. I played football and lacrosse at Hoover.

In 2013 my weight topped out at 195 but I got it back down. I’m currently 175. And I’m “a little overweight” at 18% body fat. Unless you’re fuvking jacked, you’re pretty overweight, borderline obese, at 220. Take it fwiw but once you get your lungs back consider tracking your food intake for a couple months with MyFitnessPal.
If I understand the ivermectin argument, it’s based on profitability. There is no incentive to market it or test it for COVID use due to it being a generic. No profit = no funding (or influence) to prompt a study.

I am not an expert, I did not stay at a Holiday inn express. I am a moron who flips burgers for a living, but I can get you a large fry if you want.
I have no clue how big pharmaceutical companies and the FDA operate. I'm assuming big pharmaceutical throw money at the FDA not to approve ivermectin as people will not get as sick. Therefore the drugs they do market antibiotics,steroids etc get used to treat covid. But that's just me guessing and using common sense.

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