Here's an idea. Instead of just making stuff up, why don't you actually listen to the messages then show me where Chris and the church are "prosperity gospel weirdos." Because I've been a member of Highlands for almost 10 years and I've never once heard that and certainly am not of that mind. Chris has preached on tithing and giving the first, which are biblical principles, but never from the idea of giving to get rich. To the contrary, COTH stands for giving and serving others to find your purpose in Christ, Not to earn your way to heaven or to build up riches, but to live a purposeful life of meaning. To leave a legacy of care and compassion for others as Christ did. If THAT'S what you mean by prosperity gospel then, well, you can count me in. But its not what you mean by that pejorative term and you know it. So I challenge you: here is a link to every message for the last 10 years. Go listen to them and tell me where there is evidence of COTH just being a bunch of "prosperity gospel weirdos." Cause I'd love sure love to know.