I’m watchin the game and Thare are many times ware we DONT GIT BACK on DEEFENTZ beekuzz WEER eeetha too slow or WEER trying to tell the REFF dat we Wuz fouled.
Dis iz tuzkaloooza. Weeve played them A TUN OF TIMES/ we know that thay RUN N GUN KWICK.
Itz like we had NO IDEA how they play on a BUNCH of possessions.
Overall not a bad game beesides REEBOUNDING.
But Thares no excuse foe uz NOT TO GIT BACK KWICK againzt a teem dat we shoood know how thay play.
Dis iz tuzkaloooza. Weeve played them A TUN OF TIMES/ we know that thay RUN N GUN KWICK.
Itz like we had NO IDEA how they play on a BUNCH of possessions.
Overall not a bad game beesides REEBOUNDING.
But Thares no excuse foe uz NOT TO GIT BACK KWICK againzt a teem dat we shoood know how thay play.