NAACP calls on Black student-athletes to boycott Florida public colleges over anti-DEI policy

Alabama could be next....the Birmingham mayor wasn't as off in his thinking as others thought.....

Biden proposes to jack up spending to $7.3 trillion

up from $6.2 in 2023.... this would blow out the deficit to 3.5 Trillion roughly.

Would also increase corp taxes to 28% from 21% (greater theft and making us corps less competitive and us prices higher), increase the tax on investment income to 44%, increasing estate taxes....

Soooo, bigger gov't, more spending, more waste, worse economy, individuals enjoy more misery and higher taxes as they struggle to make ends meet.

But hey, gov't gets bigger! GDP will look better! The circle jerk cheers.

Anybody in HUNTZVILLLE know a small accounting firm foe POOOR PEEEEPEL???

I gotta help wun of my NEFFFFFYOUS Git "LEGAL WIT THE GOVERNMENT" and heeez up neeer HUNTZVILLLE.
He ain't got no money, but, heez gottta job so he needs to git hiz taxes dun.
Anybody got any recs?

Also, duz FARM BURGER have a "URINAL" or juzt a STALL for MEN?????

Thankz so much!!!

Wedding registry ideas

What are some things you find useful in your life that could be added to a wedding registry?

We are an adult couple (will be 44 and 40) and have a lot of things already, so we’re trying to get some ideas on things to add to the various registries. Online articles definitely cater to the “younger demographic” in this area.

OT: 2024 Cicada Double Emergence

For the first time in 221 years a double emergence of cicada's is expected in Alabama. The Brood XIX, which appears every 13 years and the brood XIII which appears every 17 years are expected to emerge when the ground warms up in early summer. So, prepare for billions of screaming insects leaving their shells on everything. They will enjoy your fruit trees and lawns, decorate your windshields and make a nuisance of themselves. They comin'!
