Does your wife have those one or two girl friends that it's best to avoid?

I've talked to my wife about one of her friends and why I keep my interactions with her very short. She's a nice woman, but she has some infidelity skeletons in her closet when it comes to her own married life. Her son and mine are also best friends, so we see them often. She is someone that I would think most people consider attractive and she has a very outgoing personality.

I am always nervous that my attempts at being polite and having casual conversation are going to be taken the wrong way by her, so I try to keep interactions very short and related to common topics like our sons' baseball teams, school, etc. Maybe I'm being paranoid, but I don't want there to be any reason for my wife to have questions... I also recognize that it may be unreasonable to act a certain way because of something that happened in this woman's past prior to us ever meeting her.

Does your wife have any friends like this? How do you handle those interactions? Am I misguided in how I approach things?

Also, slam away about me not following the rules. I'm not going there...

Trev Alberts to…

College Station? First I’ve heard of it. I winder why he is leaving. Maybe he wants to live in the Republic of Texa$$

