You show me a drug that's been properly trialed, peer reviewed that we don't have usage data on across the full life-cycle, (and which might put a HUUUUUGE percentage of the world's population at risk), and you'll see me fly into action. Especially if idiots like you are out there trying to misinform, lie, deceive, manipulate, and otherwise Stomp for it simply because it's being pushed by the powers that be.
Like I asked the other idiot that you copied your post from; "How many people have had their guts slide out of their butts from Ivermectin......let alone, properly prescribed Ivermectin"? He shut up and skipped to another topic preeetty quickly, didn't he?
I'm NOT advocating Ivermectin, but I do wonder why any potentially viable treatment or solution BESIDES the mRNA vaccines, are dismissed summarily as "not working", "Dangerous" etc. You and others should be asking yourself the same question. When I see Google change their search results, and the FDA put up a picture of a Vet with a horse, and the stupid tweets with a horse and patient asking "Have you seen my Ivermectin", I start laughing because I know the fix is in. Folks like you see those things, and don't notice a thing at all. Are none the wiser, and you start thinking that it really is a medicine for horses and cows, not knowing that it's primarily used on people...., ALL around the world.
I simply want to see ANY and EVERY viable solution considered and leveraged so that we can get to the other side of this thing ASAP. Others don't want that. They only want a single solution, and that's for everyone on earth to take the mRNA vaccines.