vaccinations--ICU covid nurse

True story, my wife has a coworker that's in her 60s on a ventilator right now, after she swore for almost 2 years that COVID was fake and didn't get vaccinated(while previously surviving cancer thus thinking she's invincible). They're not sure how much longer she'll be alive. Nurses are people, some are stubborn and/or don't believe the science/medical knowledge they're taught...until it's too late.
As an ICU nurse for over 7+ years and spending the last two in a Covid unit, this is bs. The vaccine is extremely effective against the virus. We now have 155 admitted Covid patients in the hospital (6 vaccinated ), 39 in the icu (1 vaccinated ), and 25 on the ventilator (none vaccinated). These numbers correlate with EVERY hospital within 100 miles of ours.
I won’t push my beliefs on anyone. If you want the vaccine, excellent. If you don’t want the vaccine, excellent. America blesses us with freedom to choose. With that said, I’m so tired of watching false info and false material being spread over and over.
True story, my wife has a coworker that's in her 60s on a ventilator right, after she swore for almost 2 years that COVID was fake and didn't get vaccinated(while previously surviving cancer thus thinkings she's invincible). They're not sure how much longer she'll be alive. Nurses are people, some are stubborn and/or don't believe the science/medical knowledge they're taught...until it's too late.

My wife has a coworker who is a DOCTOR who thinks the vaccine is injecting Microsoft nanoparticle microchips into your bloodstream. Dude started off as a pretty big conspiracy theorist though.
I love how conspiracy theorists find one whack a doodle nurse or Doc and go all in. Ignoring the 98% of medical advice. Hell there was a cardiologist here in Fairhope that died a week ago that didn’t get vaccinated. He sure was changing his tune in the hospital. There are nut jobs in every profession. And there are a shitload of nurses that are.
As an ICU nurse for over 7+ years and spending the last two in a Covid unit, this is bs. The vaccine is extremely effective against the virus. We now have 155 admitted Covid patients in the hospital (6 vaccinated ), 39 in the icu (1 vaccinated ), and 25 on the ventilator (none vaccinated). These numbers correlate with EVERY hospital within 100 miles of ours.
I won’t push my beliefs on anyone. If you want the vaccine, excellent. If you don’t want the vaccine, excellent. America blesses us with freedom to choose. With that said, I’m so tired of watching false info and false material being spread over and over.

These numbers are almost universal in the US. They should stick to the long term side effects line bevause they work for what they are designed to do and more.
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As an ICU nurse for over 7+ years and spending the last two in a Covid unit, this is bs. The vaccine is extremely effective against the virus. We now have 155 admitted Covid patients in the hospital (6 vaccinated ), 39 in the icu (1 vaccinated ), and 25 on the ventilator (none vaccinated). These numbers correlate with EVERY hospital within 100 miles of ours.
I won’t push my beliefs on anyone. If you want the vaccine, excellent. If you don’t want the vaccine, excellent. America blesses us with freedom to choose. With that said, I’m so tired of watching false info and false material being spread over and over.
As a nurse, I’m dumbfounded at how many medical professionals don’t trust modern medicine.
It is pathetic that people are so eager to spread this sort of anti-vaxxer propaganda. The vaccines are preventing 99% of deaths. Despite that, we still have people who are desperate to believe that cattle dewormer and other various miracle cures are the real ticket. 1k+ Americans are dying again now thanks to the efforts of anti-vaxxers like OP who are amplifying content like this video which is convincing millions of Americans not to take the vaccine.
1000 bucks says she’s a Holocaust denier, a birther, and thinks the election was stolen. People that crazy are typically one-size-fits-all loons.

I have never once heard that there are no treatments for covid, and that’s the false premise she builds her entire insane rant on.
That was excellent. She is spot on I praise her for speaking out. Everything she said is spot on and verifiable.
I love how conspiracy theorists find one whack a doodle nurse or Doc and go all in. Ignoring the 98% of medical advice. Hell there was a cardiologist here in Fairhope that died a week ago that didn’t get vaccinated. He sure was changing his tune in the hospital. There are nut jobs in every profession. And there are a shitload of nurses that are.
Step 1: Form your opinion
Step 2: Find someone, anyone who claims to be a professional that shares said opinion
Step 3: Say you "did your own research"
Well if that random nurse says so

For some, it's a random nurse that cinches the deal. For others, it's a random doctor. For yet others, a random scientist.

Either way, there are a lot of people who'll leap if they find ONE PERSON, or any small group of persons to echo the decision that they have arrived at. Confirmation bias at its finest in some cases, (but of course, it doesn't necessarily mean the decision is automatically a bad one).

Some use objectivity, evaluate information from multiple sources and perspectives, and do all they can to determine if the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Each of us has a right to our own decision making frameworks, though just as with everything else. Some are MUCH more solid, rational, and logical than others.
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For some, it's a random nurse that cinches the deal. For others, it's a random doctor. For yet others, a random scientist.

Either way, there are a lot of people who'll leap if they find ONE PERSON, or any small group of persons to echo the decision that they have arrived at. Confirmation bias at its finest in some cases, (but of course, it doesn't necessarily mean the decision is automatically a bad one).

Some use objectivity, evaluate information from multiple sources and perspectives, and do all they can to determine if the truth lies somewhere in the middle. Each of us have a right to our own decision making frameworks, though just as with everything else. Some are MUCH more solid, rational, and logical than others.
I couldn't agree more
Step 1: Form your opinion
Step 2: Find someone, anyone who claims to be a professional that shares said opinion
Step 3: Say you "did your own research"
I love seeing someone I went to school with saying "I do my own research" when I remember him failing an English research project because he didn't understand the concept of citing sources
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Stop trying to get more people killed, anti-vax loon.
Trying to save lives you POS.
All You covid vax freaks care about is getting people to take the vaccine - when we ought to be focusing on treatments which is what that video was about. But you didn’t watch it. Once some gets covid - which includes the precious vaccinated - they need treatment. Good friend of mine - 2 shots of Pfizer - got covid - and a bad case of it. Ivermectin helped him. People need to know about ivermectin for if and when they get covid because it is saving lives. Your vaccine is not worth shit if you already have covid.

The vaccine neither prevents you from getting or spreading covid. In fact studies show the vaccinated have 250 times the virus in their nostrils than the unvaccinated. You are the superspreading killing machines.

the only current approved protocol in the hospitals is remdesivir and it causes renal failure. Perhaps if we focused on simple cheap treatments that have proven to work time and time again like Ivermectin more people would live and the hospitals would be less crowded.
Trying to save lives you POS.
All You covid vax freaks care about is getting people to take the vaccine - when we ought to be focusing on treatments which is what that video was about. But you didn’t watch it. Once some gets covid - which includes the precious vaccinated - they need treatment. Good friend of mine - 2 shots of Pfizer - got covid - and a bad case of it. Ivermectin helped him. People need to know about ivermectin for if and when they get covid because it is saving lives. Your vaccine is not worth shit if you already have covid.

The vaccine neither prevents you from getting or spreading covid. In fact studies show the vaccinated have 250 times the virus in their nostrils than the unvaccinated. You are the superspreading killing machines.

the only current approved protocol in the hospitals is remdesivir and it causes renal failure. Perhaps if we focused on simple cheap treatments that have proven to work time and time again like Ivermectin more people would live and the hospitals would be less crowded.
You are an ignorant clown and should stop trying to get people killed by spreading your lies. The vaccines are incredibly effective. Your cattle dewormer and other miracle cures are not.
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Trying to save lives you POS.
All You covid vax freaks care about is getting people to take the vaccine - when we ought to be focusing on treatments which is what that video was about. But you didn’t watch it. Once some gets covid - which includes the precious vaccinated - they need treatment. Good friend of mine - 2 shots of Pfizer - got covid - and a bad case of it. Ivermectin helped him. People need to know about ivermectin for if and when they get covid because it is saving lives. Your vaccine is not worth shit if you already have covid.

The vaccine neither prevents you from getting or spreading covid. In fact studies show the vaccinated have 250 times the virus in their nostrils than the unvaccinated. You are the superspreading killing machines.

the only current approved protocol in the hospitals is remdesivir and it causes renal failure. Perhaps if we focused on simple cheap treatments that have proven to work time and time again like Ivermectin more people would live and the hospitals would be less crowded.

GTFO. They are working on treatments. The problem is none have been in the same universe as the vaccine in protecting people. It could take years to find treatments that work.