Not that I mind but do Millennials and Gen Z not realize Wes Borland has tons of incredible riffs? And what's all this "WB is the most underrated guitarist!". Wes has always been given his due with his playing. I think it's mostly because their songs were never really serious. It seemed like Durst was always trying to throw in as many f words as he could(Like a musical Goodfellas). It's actually kind of sad because the guy could really write some good lyrics if he tried...
I think what most surprised me was that, after nearly 30 years, Fred Dursts' voice hasn't changed much. Yeah he's got a funny way of singing but he can still bring it from deep and after 25 years of gutteral screaming he doesn't seem to have lost much. That style is hard on the Vocal chords...just ask Corey Taylor and Chino Moreno.