Every time you state that we have 0 information about long term I immediately stop reading. I have no idea what else you said. I don't care about whatever else you said. We have no information long term about anything. You know who probably doesn't care about that? All the people that died that because they weren't given a chance to get the vaccine. There's many people dead today who would be alive if they'd been given the vaccine. Would you rather be dead or alive? Seems like alive would be the preferred answer, but there's long term effects associated with being alive so maybe you would actually prefer death where thats no longer a concern
That's 100% your choice, but it DEFINITELY explains why you remain so ignorant. I asked you a simple question that ends the debate, check and mate. But I can't MAKE you grasp or accept truth.
There are indeed MANY things that we have data on in the long term. Including all of the vaccines built using classical, tried and true vaccine technology used for Polio, measles etc.. So again, you are proven to be COMPLETELY wrong, but as I said, I can't make you or anyone else grasp or accept that fact.
The entire purpose of the FDA is to ensure that we don't skip due diligence and expose the public to greater dangers overall, and that we don't trade short term benefit, for even overall larger losses in the bigger picture scenario. That's what's known as a Pyrrhic victory. It's unfortunate that you chose to stop reading, or we just might be able to help each other learn a few VERY important things.