In the summer of 1990, David Lynch's "Wild At Heart" premiered and stirred a ton of buzz for its lurid subject matter. The auteur chose four songs from Chris Isaak's 1989 album "Heart-Shaped World" for its soundtrack, the most prominent of which was the haunting tune "Wicked Game." Atlanta radio station music director Lee Chestnut was inspired by the film to put the smoky ballad in heavy rotation and sparked its climb to number 6 on the Billboard charts by March of 1991.
Perhaps most memorable was the "Wicked Game" music video, shot in black-and-white by photographer Herb Ritts and featuring Isaak and supermodel Helene Christensen. Though Isaak had a reputation for being a hit with the ladies, Christensen reportedly disliked cavorting half-naked with the musician because the black volcanic beach was murder on her skin. That said, it doesn't take away from watching her in action.
If for nothing else, Mr. Lynch, thanks for bringing this version of Helene Christensen into my life.
Perhaps most memorable was the "Wicked Game" music video, shot in black-and-white by photographer Herb Ritts and featuring Isaak and supermodel Helene Christensen. Though Isaak had a reputation for being a hit with the ladies, Christensen reportedly disliked cavorting half-naked with the musician because the black volcanic beach was murder on her skin. That said, it doesn't take away from watching her in action.
If for nothing else, Mr. Lynch, thanks for bringing this version of Helene Christensen into my life.