Very kind of you to say. I also think that we generally agree on the issues -- we both just question what solutions would be most effective. Glad for a respectful exchange.I actually agree with most of this and share the root libertarian values. We diverge a bit when it comes to Capitalism, capital, and social safety nets as you have described above.
I don’t see Capitalism in its definition or idyllic state as being ‘the’ problem, rather the marriage of money, policy, and regulation to manipulate the markets and the working class is, for lack of better word.. evil. The ‘Free Market’ is not free.
Maybe broader social programs and protections, like the ones you’ve pointed too are a solution. I tend to think not though, as more government and one size fits all, equality if outcome, only further diminish individual liberty and opportunity at the lowest levels of socioeconomic food chain. The social safety nets currently in place are an abysmal failure.. Gov run healthcare such as the VA is tragic. Public Education is a horror show. The welfare system by in large has only perpetuated cycles of poverty.
I don’t have solutions, but I don’t see any either. The two party system that we are currently working with is busted, it results in what is essentially a one party system of ruling class vs everybody else. The 1% throws their support behind whichever political winds are blowing the hardest at the moment with full knowledge that their political contributions exempt them any real consequence.
We agree completely on the state of the media. At all levels any content creator who gains viewers which equals marketing opportunity which equals money will eventually be corrupted/victimized by their own success. Corporate Media Outlets are propaganda machines peddling non-sense to distract.
IMO, as a species, we are in an information crisis. There is too much of it, none of it earned, most of it manipulated, and very, very little of it delivered for the benefit of the consumer.
I’m sure there is more to share, discuss, debate, but I have to go earn a living presently. I appreciate your patience and have enjoyed the back and forth. Your perspective yesterday on demographics was brilliant. I enjoyed it.
I especially agree with your sentiment that capitalism is not inherently the issue in the United States. Our markets are not free in this country, because they've been manipulated by the 1% to their own benefit. Because of that, I can't in good faith say that capitalism itself is the issue with our system -- seems like our issue is corporate socialism at the expense of the working class.
Regardless, I'm truly grateful for this exchange.