Its all about women's right correct? Or...follow the money?


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Dec 11, 2012
Planned Parenthood spends $12 million to re-elect Obama
October 26, 2012 ( - Hey, America, do you know what you’re funding when your taxes go to “women’s health” via Planned Parenthood? You think I’m going to say abortion, don’t you? I don’t actually need to say that since you’d have to be brain dead not to know that part. But how about to Barack Obama’s re-election? Wait, you say! Not us! We give my money to Planned Parenthood because women’s health is important. Our tax dollars should support this crucial organization.

Government grants and funding to Planned Parenthood in the last reported year, 2009-2010, was $487.4 million — and so far $12 million from the non-profit has been given to re-elect President Obama. That’s right. This organization that says it cares so much about your cervix cares more about it’s proverbial booty.

Never before has the abortion provider spent so much money in an election, reports say. Neither has there been a precedent for the mother hen to leave her roost and go full time on the campaign trail, as Planned Parenthood President Cecile Richards announced she’d be doing for Obama earlier this month. The woman who makes over $400K a year as the leader of the abortion provider has taken a break from her “day job” running the national death squad to campaign for the president. It’s clear who’s actually ruling the hen house.

As Planned Parenthood reports on its 2010 IRS Form 990, Richards made $420,153. After she announced on October 19th she’d be working full time as a volunteer for Obama, the first thought you might have had is to demand she not take her salary for those few weeks. After all she isn’t working.

Oh wait.

If you recall, we pointed out recently that the real goal of the Planned Parenthood Action Fund is to raise money for political lobbying. So actually, spending $12 million in the election of the most pro-abortion candidate ever and going on the road to help win swing states actually is very much a part of Richards’ job.

And that, folks, is a key part of what’s wrong in our nation. When we give multiple millions to our leading abortion provider who then uses some of that to turn around and fund a campaign for that same government and go on the road to campaign for the leader who supports them, we have what resembles an inbred disease.

In reality, working people don’t get to take three weeks off to volunteer for politicians that support their causes, not even ones who might keep their company funded. In all my years as a school teacher not one of my districts would have allowed me to go campaign for the governor who might give us more state funds. See, I would have been leaving my students. But at Planned Parenthood, it’s not about the real patients. Richards isn’t running a company that helps people but one that kills them, so don’t let her rhetoric and steel smile convince you. She is interested in making another $420,000 and in Planned Parenthood getting another $487,000,000. Those are a lot of zeroes. Let the reader understand.

A man’s (and woman’s) heart is revealed by their actions. And actions, Ms. Richards, speak louder than your words about caring about women’s health.

Planned Parenthood Received Millions After Lobbying Hillary Clinton’s State Department

Hillary Clinton can’t escape her close ties to Planned Parenthood’s abortion business even if she wanted to.

Yesterday the Women Speak Out PAC, a partner of the Susan B. Anthony List (SBA), released a report showing that Planned Parenthood’s international arm received $26 million in foreign-aid money during Clinton’s last two years at the State Department. Unfortunately, the only reason Planned Parenthood is eligible to receive foreign funds is because President Obama overturned the Mexico City Policy, which was put back in place during Bush’s administration.

The policy requires the more than 600 groups that receive State Department taxpayer funding to pledge not to promote or perform abortions with it. During Bush’s administration, abortion supporters objected to the measure because they wanted to use the funds to do abortions overseas or lobby pro-life nations to reverse their laws against unlimited abortions. If Clinton becomes president in 2016, she will almost certainty keep President Obama’s work up and continue giving money to Planned Parenthood’s abortion expansion around the world.

The new report also revealed that the Clinton’s have received over $67,000 from Planned Parenthood during their political careers, and that Hillary received nearly $12,000 from their employees specifically for her presidential campaign. Interestingly, one of Hillary’s donations came from the CEO of Planned Parenthood of the Rocky Mountains (PPRM), Vicki Cowart.

As LifeNews previously reported, Cowart’s affiliate is featured in the last two videos released by the Center of Medical Progress showing Planned Parenthood executives haggling over the price of babies victimized in abortion. In one video, PPRM’s Medical Director, Dr. Savita Ginde explains how affiliates can get around laws that ban selling aborted babies for compensation. She says, “Putting it under ‘research’ gives us a little bit of an overhang over the whole thing. If you have someone in a really anti state who’s going to be doing this for you, they’re probably going to get caught.”

Additionally, the SBA report notes that after Clinton announced that she was running for president, Planned Parenthood sent out a press release welcoming her to the presidential field and called her candidacy a “historic moment.” In 2009, Clinton received Planned Parenthood’s Margaret Sanger award and has been given more campaign money from the abortion company than all of her competitors.

Clinton: “For more than two decades, her cozy relationship with Planned Parenthood was a source of cash and powerful political support. In light of yet another video brutally detailing the reality of abortion and harvesting of baby organs, it is a massive liability.

She added, “Hillary Clinton, like many Democrats have painted themselves into a corner by supporting abortion on-demand, up until the moment of birth, paid for by taxpayer dollars. The more Americans learn the truth about this extreme position, the more they will reject it.”

In May, Clinton joined President Obama in opposing the federal 20-week abortion ban. If passed, the legislation would protect babies in the final four months of pregnancy from painful dismemberment abortions. Clinton said, “Politicians should not interfere with personal medical decisions, which should be left to a woman, her family and her faith, in consultation with her doctor or health care provider.”

She concluded, “This bill is a direct challenge to Roe v. Wade, which has protected a woman’s constitutional right to privacy for over forty years. The bill puts women’s health and rights at risk, undermines the role doctors play in health care decisions, burdens survivors of sexual assault, and is not based on sound science.”
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