Is Duuuuuuuukkkkkeeeeee still on the team?

Rumor is he didn't show up today and is gone. My inside aubarn sources said this was likely.

Can always tell when its serious cause the war turds disappear to get their talking points straight LMRTRAO!
breezy you've been quite pissy about the Duke topic. Feeling the heat? I think even you realize that without Duke, this is a 5 or 6 win team.
Just because you have a 1970s era trailer on the lake doesn't make you a millionare. It makes you a typical redneck.

Typical redneck?
Roooow Damn Thde Roooow!

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I knew you didn't have a place on Guntersville lake. By the way , do you still have your job since they ran you out of Tennessee.

I can't take you seriously since you don't even know how to spell the name of the place you supposedly "own" a home, you hick.

From now on, you will address me as sir. You will ask me for permission to have the opportunity to ask questions. It is now a privilege. If you don't adhere to these rules, I will ignore you.
I can't take you seriously since you don't even know how to spell the name of the place you supposedly "own" a home, you hick.

From now on, you will address me as sir. You will ask me for permission to have the opportunity to ask questions. It is now a privilege. If you don't adhere to these rules, I will ignore you.
You are really stupid. I could care less of what you post.
I can't take you seriously since you don't even know how to spell the name of the place you supposedly "own" a home, you hick.

From now on, you will address me as sir. You will ask me for permission to have the opportunity to ask questions. It is now a privilege. If you don't adhere to these rules, I will ignore you.
If someone calls you out on a post , you are like a child and runs home to mother.