I’ll start. I am conservative because....
1. Their platform lines up with my religious values way closer than the lefts platform
2. I believe in less government. Even though we still have too much government even with Republicans in power.
3. Because I don’t hate this country and don’t think that we stole it from anyone.(We conquered it btw) and because I’m tired of the left always apologizing for America.
4. I do not support degeneracy ( sodomites, lesbians, atheists, agnostics, diversity pushers, religion haters) and the left applauds it
5. I believe in freedom and freedom will diminish with the new left in power. This isn’t our dad’s Democrats anymore. This is a new wave of malevolent evil.
1. Their platform lines up with my religious values way closer than the lefts platform
2. I believe in less government. Even though we still have too much government even with Republicans in power.
3. Because I don’t hate this country and don’t think that we stole it from anyone.(We conquered it btw) and because I’m tired of the left always apologizing for America.
4. I do not support degeneracy ( sodomites, lesbians, atheists, agnostics, diversity pushers, religion haters) and the left applauds it
5. I believe in freedom and freedom will diminish with the new left in power. This isn’t our dad’s Democrats anymore. This is a new wave of malevolent evil.