If it’s Covid, it’s Paxlovid

The taste it leaves in your mouth is IMPOSSIBLE to get rid of
That's what she said

but seriously, most antivirals meds are going to be exponentially more effective the sooner you start taking them. If you start to feel like crap/symptomatic for Flu, COVID etc. then get tested and if positive get on Famiflu or Xofluza (Flu) or Paxlovid (COVID). They interfere with viral replication so the limiting of the amount of virus in your system/ability to replicate and infect other cells will greatly decrease the time you feel sick while your immune response handle the rest. If you wait 48 hours+ the viral load in your system is great enough that the drugs won't do much.

FYA: they now sell at home rapid tests that test for both COVID and Flu A/B. I stumbled across them at Kroger the other today but you can also order from Amazon etc. You'd still need to see a Dr./Nurse Practioner (CVS MinuteClinic) to write you a script for antivirals but if you want to rule those out it's a good thing to keep on hand and let you know whether you need to go to Dr. or if it's just a common rhinovirus.
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I started it within a few hours of my positive test, and only felt really bad for about an hour or so the whole five days. Would that have been the case without it? Hard to say.
My wife tested positive on New Year’s Eve and is still in the bed feeling sick. She didn’t take the Paxlovid.
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I started it within a few hours of my positive test, and only felt really bad for about an hour or so the whole five days. Would that have been the case without it? Hard to say.

It differs for everyone. I had my second stint with Covid, and didn't take any of those new experimental drugs, and I only felt bad for about an 1 or few, and it was basically a typical cold after that, but all symptoms pretty much gone after 5 days or so if I'm recalling correctly.
I haven't had to move stuff to COVID CORNER in a while. Sweet! Hey OP, we have en entire forum for this kind of flame-bait hate b.s. everyone-is-an-epidemiologist blah blah blah.

ps: A friend of mine who works as a nurse in central Alabama has her ER loaded with COVID patients again. You can tell me I'm wrong, but that doesn't make it less true.
"Research has found mixed results for zinc's efficacy against COVID, and official recommendations do not suggest that you should consume more zinc to prevent the illness."

Zinc showed to prevent rhinovirus infection in vitro a while ago and everyone went crazy with it.
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Zinc showed to prevent rhinovirus infection in vitro a while ago and everyone went crazy with it.
It also stops some people up like a MF and they can't poop for three days. Nobody mentions that.

I wish COVID was as benign as the common cold. Then my friend Sekou Smith would still be here!
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It differs for everyone. I had my second stint with Covid, and didn't take any of those new experimental drugs, and I only felt bad for about an 1 or few, and it was basically a typical cold after that, but all symptoms pretty much gone after 5 days or so if I'm recalling correctly.
Experimental drug, huh? Define experimental drug.
"Research has found mixed results for zinc's efficacy against COVID, and official recommendations do not suggest that you should consume more zinc to prevent the illness."

Well aware Commadore, just tossing out my duly qualified/unqualified personal experiences using Zinc lozenges to combat all types of respiratory viruses. Just tryna help folks, and most will undoubtably prioritize medical professionals properly.

I've got my little routines down, and during/close to the pandemic, I had multiple instances where someone in the group called everyone to say they tested positive, and I was the only one that didn't get popped. Must be doing something right. :)

Zinc showed to prevent rhinovirus infection in vitro a while ago and everyone went crazy with it.

I've done ALL kinds of personal experiments, and I'm firmly convinced that the lozenges, (when used properly/effectively), really do help minimize the impact of a cold, or help you avoid one altogether if you get on an EFFECTIVE routine before the virus has replicated a lot and spread.

But that said, man's age old technique of just riding them out with a little dinosaur noodle soup is certainly a choice that some will make.
Experimental drug, huh? Define experimental drug.

LOL! If it's a relatively new drug, that works through relatively new mechanisms, and we don't have a lot of usage data, then I classify it as experimental.

Of course, that's just my personal two cents. But you do you Boo and take all of the electric/battery powered Paxlovid, Remdesivir, or Molnupiravir that you'd like. ;)
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