You are unbelievable. I spent all spring until present, writing hundreds of posts trying to warn you and others, telling you that you should NOT be making
definitive statements and guarantees, and hard promises regarding the vaccines and what they would do, because science wasn't perfect, man isn't perfect, and that there were MANY variables were involved that could change, (
i.e. we can't KNOW the future, especially with brand new technology).
Instead of considering if such warnings might contain some truth, you attacked me, called me all kinds of names, (
anti-vaxxer, conspiracy theorist), and acted crazy, simply because I wouldn't turn off my brain and wildly lie, spin, promote, and manipulate people to take the new mRNA vaccine. Now, you have the nerve to use the EXACT THINGS I WAS pointing out to you, as excuses when all of the false promises made to us by the leading authorities and decision makers, didn't come true with the vaccines. It's despicable.
Over and again, I told you that since these vaccines were new, and that COVID was so weird, we couldn't possibly know what was going to happen FOR CERTAIN, and that we might get to down the road with this thing and find out that the previous predictions/expectations were wrong. Now, here we are, with you parroting what I'd said, as an excuse. It's just truly sad, that you, and all of the deceptive, lying "experts", scientists and doctors who did the same thing, are able to now use the very things you eschewed, as excuses.
@TitanTiger (AU),
@gatorz1209 do you guys agree with Stomp?